HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/1968Milt ~TES OF ,'~EETII{G 0~- CO;,~I~ISSiONEES OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. 11952 Nov.29,1968. Presentt0ommlsaloners Anrig, Tuthill,Miska,lhudiak, and Boughton,&nd Treaa. Gil,ie sleeve. .~4e~ting held .t the firehouse,called to order at 7 P..t~., called to order by Ch~i~an nrig. Minutes of the ~otobe~ meeting ~.'e~e ~ead and a?p~oved. n lette~ wam read f~om Seo.-T~ as.Ollde~aleeve,aubmitting hLa ~eslgn~tion to t~e effect at the elo.~e of the year 1968. a motion was made, seoo~ed and cad, led that the ~slgnation be aooepted,wI~h regret s. The following ~esolutlon was adopted,on motion,made, seconded and carried: R~solved,that ~he following bills be paldl L.I.%'ravelo~ $ E.94ISV.9~;7.OO; Sunrise Oil St,** a8.99; Phillips Dept. Store 8.~; J.W.~ryee ~0.~9; Walter L.Do~ ~ tt.L~dromat 1.O0; D I.Travele~ 1,~.29, Jos..~olsa 31S.~5; N.'Y.Tel. Co. 4~.~5; L.I.Li~ti~ Co, bl.30; H~ble 011 & ~f.Co. a~.a~; Wm. Pete~s Z4,00; Ed's Codification Service 180.001 Jack V..n Eye,ok 48.10; Hen~ Tyle~ 88.00; J~es Ooop~ 6.00; asnnett James COop r,',~alt~r courts ,.nd Cla~nce ~e~,~:stt were .?appointed to serve ~s Ins~ectors of election on Dee.Std. Notion was made,aeoo~ed ~d carried that the following-~esolution be adopted; Resolved, that the inmpectors of election on Deo.a~1968 be paid ~6. 0 each fo~ their serVioes. ~ Notion.was made,seconded ~nd carried that the membership in the ~lattituck ~.~e Dep~:.rtment be ~ reopeneu to ~dmit not exceeding ei~t (8) new membere. ' .,Thc,,~sting ~'as t:dJourned at 8 F.~,son motion made, Se°°~ed' and c arrled~ D.R. Oilde rs leeve, Sec. .. :