HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/25/1968 ~I~UTES OF ~EETING OF THE ~)I~'~ISSIONEJ~$ OF T~E ~ ·" '
0et.25~1968. Cha[~an ,~n~iE calla the meeting to oPde~ at 7 P.~. at the
oomtssione~s' ~oom of the firehouse,and a pointe,~ Ma~tin Su~ep aS acting
seo~e~a~ in the absenoe of Donald G~ldcPsleeve.
F .esent were commissiners Anrig,Tuthill,Miska,OhuriAk and
Boughton. Also Chief John Wilcenski and assistant chiefz James Cooper.
· motion was made,seconded and carried that th~ minutes of
the Sept.2? meeting be approve as submitted.
The secretary repOrted that· at the elec'tlon o~ '~ire- commiss-
ioners to be held in December~ax commissioners were to be eleeted in
the place of ArwinTuthlll for a term of five ye~.rS (his te~m~xpires
Dec,51st; and on~ to fill out the unexpired term of Chas.Price (two years}.
The secretary to ~lamm~a~m arrange for the eleotio~'
A discussion mas held with Mr.~crbert Brown, repr~.sentative 6
of the Young~lre Equipment Co. in regard to the contract for,'the 9urchase
of a new truck. Ghanges agreed upon were initialed on the contract.
Motion was made,seconded sno arrried that the ~hief be
authorized to use a fire truck o~ Halloween for pa~de use.
Motion wa~ made,seconded and carried that the following
Resolution be ad&pted; A%solved that the bills ~ the folowing be
approved sn~ paid as per signed vouchers~ ~uff.Oo.Fire Dists Assn.$15.00;
Picoininni Oh~ir &,i~able Co. 846.50; Humble 0il & ,ref. Co. ~28.74 & 28,78~
m. eters t,o0, ,.i. .lephon. Co'l
;59s 26,75 & ~6.75I Riverhead Aut°
Parts 15.50~ ~ohn W.Duryee$ 4,24; Fi~emanic Supply Co' 1~.7~; Littlefield-~
Alger ~ignal 0o, 475,00, ' ~
(See note bolo,)
A motion was made,seconded and carried that the meeting
be adjourned at 8.50 P.M.
Martin ~Uter,
Acting ~ec.
(No~e~ Following items should h~ve been typed
A m~tion was made,seconded and carried that the M~ttituck
Fire District eommlssioners sign a contract with the Young Fire Equipment
Co. for the purchase of a fire truck as per advertised specifications
as publicly bid,for the sum of $~4,692.00,effective ,fret ~ct~26~1968.
The signed c~ntracts were given to Mr.B~own td~oe connter-
signed by his Company'one copy to %eretained to the Mat~ituck~Flre
District. For the descriptive placque to be placed on the truck, names
were given to Mr~Brown as follows~ Otto L.An~ig,0hairman, Oharles Misk~,
I~win A.Tuthill,¥..illiam 0hudiak,Herbert N.BoughtOn,oommissioners,Don~ld
R.~Xldersleeve,Sec.-Treas. John ~.Wilcenski,Chief; 0afl E.Btel~er,
0bier Wilcenski presented Fire Department by-laWs for
the commissioners' discussion and approval. Motion ~asm~.de,seconded
andcarried that the Fire Department By-laws be approved as submittedto
the commissioners.