HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/1968MINUTE3 OF MEETIttG OF COMMIS3IONERS 0F THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11952 3~pt,~9~1968 ~resenttOonmissloners,AnriE~Tu~hill~i~ka,Chudiak, and Boughton, and Treas.Gllde~sleeve. ~eetins was held :~t the firehouse,called to order by chairman Anrig at 7.15 P.~, ~,~inutes of the Aag~st 30 m.~eting were read and approved. ~ motion was made,seconded and carried that the ~ ilowing Hesolut2on be adopted~ Resolved, t~t the £ollowing bills be paiAI (~) F~m the leneral Fund~ Hansen's Garage $ ~35.16] John W.Du~yee 3uff,Oo.Flre Diet.Assn. 15.00; L.I.Traveler ?,~ & 28.75; L.I.Fire Equip. Co. ~ 74?,00; Riverhead Auto Parts ~53.51; ~,Y.Tel.Co. 45.~0. Motion was made,seeon~ed and carried that the bid of The ~oung Fire Equipment Oo~ of $~4~69Z,00 for a new fire truck be aeoepted,~,z~ that t~e following Resolution be adoptedlHesolved,that a sum no~ to exeeed $40,000.00 be expended from the Capital Reserve Fund for Apparatus f~ the purchase of a 7~0 G.P.M. Class A PumpeF~ eubJeet to a pe~aissive ~eferendum. Notice of the foregoing to be published in the L.I.Traveler of September The m~eting was adjourned at 9 P,M.~on motion made~ seconded and carried. D.R.OIXdersieeve,3eo.