HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/31/1968 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
31,1968 Present~Oo~issione~s anrig,Tuth[ll,~tsk~,Oh~[ak~a~
Bo~ton, a~ Treas.Otldersloeve.
Meeting was held vt the firehouse ,cu~led to order by Chairman Anrig ~t
Minutes of tneApril E8 meeting were read and approved.
The mattituck V.F.Association was granted permission to use the firehouse
r nd grounds for its annual bazaar July 1.,-ll-12-15,with the pr~vision that
the as~ociL~ior~ -~am fully covered by insur.~nce.
Th, fo lowing :lesolution ?as adopted,on motion made,seconded End carried:
R~solved,that the fo[lowing bills be puid: (A) From the General ~und;
L.I.Lig~ting Co. ~21.45; Fireman's Supply Co. ~.60; Louis J~,e~er & Son
68.?1; Sunrise Oil Co. ~0.81; ' .V.Duryee 14.11; N.Y. Telephone 0o. 48.30 &
Z6.7§; J.Molsa 51.95; Humble 0~1 .~ asr.Co. 39.47; N.YTelephoneC~. 46.90;
Riverhead Sure Parts 523.00. ~ (B) From Oa~ital aeser~e Fund For Fire-
ho~.ae~ Climatic Mech~nicel Contracting,Inc. ~1477.00 (Final Bill);
~echanical Installation Service Corp. ~t?60.Oo (Final Bill). (Note):
Bill for $760.00 to be psid when tile Job is complete~, the secretary to
notify the corporation to that effect.
~otion was made,seconded ,nd carried that the No.5 pumper be taken to
Rlverhead ~uto Parte~x and h,ve a new generator i~st~,lled.
~otion was made,accoutered and carried that 500 feet of ~ 1/Z inch hose,end
hose washer be ~urehased,cost not to exceed $1000, o0. The chairman
a~pointed ~r.Mlska to ma~e the purchase.
~otion was made,seconded anc arrried that abrown filing b&bt~et be pur-
chased for the commissioner's room, the chairman and secretary to make the
Motion was made,seconded and carried that . l'leotron receiver be purchased.
~otion was made,~econded and carried that ~ two fire wells be ~nstalled.
Advertisements for bids to be placed in the News-~eview and the L.I.Travele~
Specifications to be the same as us,d in 1967. Bids to be received and
opened at the re.~ular monthly meeting in June; work to be completed by
Dec.l,l~68. (Locaations to be selected l~'ter by the commissioners.
The ~ecretary was instr~ctcd to refer to the order for chairs for the
elmmlesioners~ rock,and 1rite the eomp:~ny th~,t one chair received was
blc~k instead of green.
The meeting was adjourned at 8.45 !~.~t.~n motion made,~econded and