HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1968I~J[~U~ES-. OF ~E.ET.I[~0 OF 00J:MI3:;IONI~IREi
April 26,A968: Preser~, :0omm~.sstoners Anrig,Tuthlll,Mlska,Chudlak~and
Bought'On, and Treas.Olldere!eevo.
Meeting held at the firehouse,culled to o~der by ~halFm,
AZ~ig at ? P .t;~.
~inutee o~ the ,~peil 5 meet[n~ were ~ead and app~ved.
A ~tl~ was made,Seconded ~d o a~vted that a Chan~e-
~e~ In the ~ou~t of $65.00 on the 8e~e~e~ oont~aet be app~ov~
~otlon was ~de,ae~o~e~ ~ oa~ted that the ~out~ld
To~ ~olloe be ~tve~ pe~fsslon ~o u~e the upat~l~s
ffo~ poll,s ' ~ool,
Motion was made,seconded an~ carried that the follo~ ng
Resolution be adopted! ResolVed that the following bills be pald! (A)
¥~om the General Fund: L.I.Llghtin~ Co. $ 240.9~; ~unrise Oil 3ts. 99.10~
L.I.T~aveler 76.~0j ~mable Oil ~ ~ef. Co. 15.74; ~.Moisa 71.OOj N.Y, Tel.
00.66035; W.V.Dur~ee 31.41j L.I.Flre Equip. Co. 34.9~J S.B.Woodhull 129.75~
Oeo. L.Penny,Ino. 40.15. (B) From Capital Reserve ~%~nd fo~ Firehouse;
Go,leon Contrasting Co~p. (Final Payment) ~7267.00,. this bill to be paid
after certain wo~k is completed,and the bill approved by ou~ at to~ney.
Motion was made,seconded and serried that a new doo~ b~
installed to the.dining room; also that shelves bp installed in the
JinitorJ8 room.
Th eeoretaz-y was Instructed to write ~ letter of' thanks
to the Southold Town Bo~d for ~he new st~.ee~ light on Pike Street.
Motion was ma~e,seoonded and serried that the Matttuok
Htgh~ohool Junlo~e be given permission to use the f!~ehouse lot for a
wash on the ate~noon of M~y 6.
Motion was maaeoseoonded and oa~ied that an electronic
look bo pu~oh~oed fo~ the radio ~ooea.
The meeting wa8 adjourned at 8.45 ?.~;,,on motion made,
seoonded ~n~ oarrlede
. D.R.O~ld~sleeve,~eo. .