HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/29/1968, MIItlITE8 OF ~:ETINO .'OF (~OMMII~IONEHI~ OP TI~ MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MAT?ITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Karq~ .2~,X968.. Regular monthly meeting held at the ftreho,me,oalled to order by '01~a!rman Anrt~ at '7 P.M. Present~Commlssloners Anrt~,Tuthtll,Uieka,Chudiak ,'~nd Bou~h~t~n and Treas.Oildersleeve. ~,,;Inutes of the March 8th and 15th meetings were read and approved. Motion was made,seconded and carried that the following. ~esolut~on be ~dopt~ ~esolved that the followin~ bills be (~) F~m Capltal ~ese~e F~ for Firehouse: ~ll~tlc ~eohanlc~l ~on- t~aOt~ng, Inc. $~4~8.~; Mee~ic~l Inatsllation Be~ice ~o~. latter b~ll to be pa~ afte~ certified ~d aDp~ved b~ll ls received f~m DonalU 'Den~s ~sSoei~tes. (B) ~'r~ Gener~ ~d~ H~ble 0il ~'alte~ L.Do~ (4 b~lls) 7~.80; Fr~k ~roak~ 15.00; Har~ Oha~kow 9.00; ~otton was made,seconded .amd carried that the chairman axon the blue prints (approval) for plans for plaque for firehouse addition. Chief ~Xlcenski ~vas granted permission to take pu:'upers Mos. 3 and ~ to Yaphan~ on April 29th. and carried. · eetlng was adjourned ~t 8 P.M.,on motion made,seconded D. R. Gi lde role eve, Sec ~.