HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1968M'r~IU,'I~:~ OF ~ ET]r~o OF C.'J~',~t41830NT?R3 OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK LONG 18LAND, N, Y, laroh 4,196~;' Fresent~Co~z~i~elonere Anrig, Tuthill,M[ska,ghudiak, and B0u~hton, and Tr~ aa. Glide releeve. · 3peolal Meeting held ~,t the' firehouse~ealled to order b2 Ch,-irman ~rig at 7 ~¥ Mid, utes of the Feb. 2~ meeting were ~ead ~nd aop~°Ved. ~otion mede,seeoaded ~nct earrie~ ~hat the following- R~solution be adopted~ ~esolved~th~t the bill of 3ehXmeyer ~ Elee. Oonet~uotXon 0. in tho amount of ~1080.00,aated ~'eb.?l~1968~be p, id t'rom t~e O~pit~ Heae~e F~ for Firehouse. A letter fromD~neld ~ehia Aeso01ates stating that the Sehlmeye~ 0mpa~ alked fop permission to do extra eleotrloal work t ~ GOat of $65.00 ~ae reoeived,~nd referred-to .Coamlgalone~ Tuthlll, he to s~e ~ .Sehlmeyer ~bout it. M rtin Suter~see~etax~y of the ~e Department,was authorized to purchase 2000 envelopes,same to be paid b~ the ~re Dtstriet. The meeting was ~,dJourned t 8 ~., on mOtion made, seoonded ~nd oa ~ted.