HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1968MATTITUCK FIRE:' DISTRICT ..'- MATTITU .~K, EONG.ISLAND, N. Y. Jar,',~5~ 196~. Presents Oom~ls~,l~ners Anrl ~uthi[1,;~iska~ Chudiak, and Bou~ton, and T~eas. G[lde~sleeve. ~eeting held a2 the fl~house,oalle t° o~der' by Chair- man ~nrig at 7.15 P.M. ~inutes of tne'~anuary 5 meeting were read and-a[.~,proved, ~iotion-was mad_e~,seconded' and carried: that the fo llo~ing Hesolution be adopted; Hes~ved,that the followin~, bills be paid from the General F. and ; ~ .¥ .Telephone Co. ~ 26.75;..S.P.T~thtll 11~9.41i i~,Y.T.e, lephone Go,-~48.65; L.I.Ltghting Co. 48.53; Ca~rns & Bro.~lnc. 2~ 11.38; Humble 0tl & ~ef.Co. ~4.16; Waiter L.Dohm 8.00; North For~ B~nk T.Go. 7.50; ~.l.Fire Equ~p.Co. 39.00; Edwo~'.Fink Tech. Supply Co. &.lSi and that the bill of Eechanlcal lnst,' llation ~ervtce Corp. ~!'-1881.00 be p~td from the Capital ~ese~ve Fund For Firehouse. . · ~otion was made, seconded and carried' that the t~i~e Dept. be ~iven penuisalon to take a truck to the a~nual drill at ~reenpe~.t on Feb.22. ~;otlon was made,seconded and carried that o~e pair of sash .,be inet~lle.t [n the Gene~ator room. The secretary was i~structed te w~ite n~ch'itedt ~enis to~lea~e the window ln-.th&$ also to phone~,~im:'Of this decis~on, ~otion ~as maUe~ by Mr.miska,secOnded by ~-.Tuthlll, ~m~ that an. Encoder be purchased; estim~ted priee~Fnnoder ~259,50, Extrg Tone ~25.00;lnst..~ll~:tion $100,0~. Total ~$84.50. ~eeting was adjourned at 8.10 P.~.,on motion made, seconded and carried. D,R.Gllde~sleeve, ~e~,,. ~