HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1968' M'ATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
Jan.5,1968. ,~[,:.i: U~L OHG~,-~; IZ,~TION :,,:!I'J~TING.
Present: Commissioners An~ig,Tuthlll,~tska, snd Chudlak, and
Tress .Gildcr~leeve.
The meeting ~;:as ~eld ~t thc firehouse,called to orde~ by T~eas.
Gildersleeve,~ who p~esided fo~ the election of a ehai~an fo~ 1968.
Gtto L.an~ig was nomina~d ~d seconded. The~e bein~ no othe~
nominations ~ vote ~s taken,and ~.An~Ig ~;as ~animously elected~
an~ took the chair.
dn mo~ion made,seoo~ed ~d c ~ried Co~iasione~ Tuthill was
a: ~oinbe:~. to preside an~ time when the chai~ could not b~ prc:~ent.
~otion ?as made,seconded ~:ndc ar~ie~ that Donald ~.Gildersleeve
be ~i. ointe. Fire District secretary for the year 1968 at ~ salary of
~:'4~.00 per year.
J, otion '~as made,aeoo~ed and carried that the following Resolu-
tion be adop~eo: Resolve ~ that the No~th Fork B~nk ?? t~st Comply of
~attimek be the deposito~ fo~ the Fire Diet,itt monies for the yea~
The '~'reasurer'e ~nnual financial reportage his ~epo~t of
~eceipts ~d disbursements were read,~,d motion was ~ade~seconded and
carried that both ~eports be approved.
Robert r~.Conklin was appointed to serve ~s fire house ~ani'to~
fo~ the y'ea~ 1968.
The sec~et~y produced ~ll account books,eheeks,minntes~ete.
as re%ulred b~ law,and same were ae~owledEed by the eo~lssione~a.
(;lobe Inde~.ty Co. public offielal Bond ~901361,effeettve
J ~n.~,1968 to Dee.Sl,1968,principal Don~ ld R.Gildersleeve~t~easu~e~,
was approve b~' the co~umts~ione~s.
~o~ion was m~de,seco~ed and ca,Pied that ~4C730.00 of the
~,~5409~6Z balanoe tn the genemal f~d at the end of the yea~ 1967 be
transfe[?~ed to the C~oital Eese~e F~d fo~ Appg~atus
The ~eei~ati~n of Co~ssione~ Chaa.A.~ice ~d ~date<t Dee..
Z8,1967 ~:~as meceiwed. ~[P.i~lce ex~l~ined that afte~ espying 14 yea~s~
duties whi~ womla keep him a'~ay from t~L tti u~ fo? long periods,made
tt adviSible ~hat someone else be elected.. ~otion was made,seconded
~d carried that the ~esi~tion be accepted with ~egmets~n~! that
the secretary ac info~ h~.
~inmtes of the Dee,Zgth meeting wer~ read ~nd ~p~oved.
~otion ~vae made,seconded a~ qa~ried that the following Res-
olution be adopted:. Resolved~that the following bills be pai~ f~
th Gene~ F~d;S~rise Oil ;~ta. ~95.64; Val W.St~pe Agency 94.00S
%~.V.~ee 9.~?; AssOC.~'i~e Dists,s tate of N.~. ZS.00; D.E.Gilde~-
sleeve ?.00. And from the C pital Rese~e ~nd fo~ Firehouse the
following bill f~om Gerleen ContPaeting Co. ~Z6,98Z.O0.
;~[otion was made ~seconded and ea~ied that Chrism An~tg
si~ a "Ch~ge O~e~" eont~aet with Ge~leen Contracting Corp.
~otion v~as.made,seco~ed and ca~eied Shat H.No~an Boughton
he a?pointe~ Fire Dist~iet Co~tsslone~ in the place of Chas.A.P~ice,
~d,to hold office until Dee.Si,1968.
The meeting wa s adjourned · 8.15 P.~.,on motion made,
seeonde~i a~ ea~ried.
D .~. Gilde~sle eve ~ See.