HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/1967MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. i~ov.24,1967. Present:Commission~rs Anr~g,Tuthlll, Ohudta~, and. ~re~,s Gilders_eeve. *~eeting hel(i ~ the firehouse,c~lled to order by Chair- m~n anr~g ~t ?.2~ The following omission fro~ m~nutes of 0ct.27 meeting ~w~S to be added: r.Tuthill ~as appointed to represent the i~!oard of Co~mis~ oners in c rmectton ~it~ construction work on the firehouse a~d~!ti~n,~ith authority to act. On~otion m~de,secondcd and carried the min~tes of t~e Oct.14tho ~e~tin~ and the O~ .~Tth ~.eetin~ were a-~:~oroved,afte~ be~n~ ~o~.d ~d corr~ction ~otion ~ie,second~d ~ud carried theft the fo~lowin~ ~sol~tion be adopted Eesolve ,t~t t~e following bills be p~id: ~.~eters 43.~.~ *~ 81.25; ~Iverhead Ce~ent ~lock Co 16~.~0; '~:~:Le?hone Go. 44.:~ ~6, Z~, A~ire~tic ~u~:~ly Co ~.80; L.I.LL:~hting ~o~. 18~.00 & ~9.~; L.I.Traveler 9.0~; :~oung Fire ~.~q~ip.uo 1.~5; i~ble ~;il ~=~ Her.Co. Z~.EO; alter L.~i!li~s 1~.00. ~:Qotion was ~.:~.~de,second~d ~nd carried t~mt ~'r.Anrig ~ttend the S~folX do~uuty convention i~.~ .... ~ ~ork on Peb.~-*-5-6-?, l~8,an~'~ t~e fo~.lo i.~g Hesol~tion was : dooted;Resolved that our ~ ~ convention, ~ represent~tive at t~e aoove m~tioned bo allowed t~ necessary expenses, :otion ~vas ~de ~ecOnded ~r~carried that 2 Scott Packs ~ ~d ~ ~xtra · refills be purchased. ~otion was ~made,seconded ~ carried th~t :~.~,~isk the ::~urchases of 8 helmets. The secreta~ was inst~cte~ to w~ite to th ~' ttituck Lions Club pointing o~t that on t~ir meeting nights there h~s I're- q,~ently been ~ auto parked too neap the fire h2dr~nt o t.b~ ~roper~y ~i ~:rs.~r~ ~oung on the ~ Ro~d. ~otion was made,ssco~ed ~nd carrie theft a "Generac~' ~onerator be purchased at a cost not to exceed ~ 0.00 Th.e meeting seco~'i~ed and carrled.