HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1967MATTITUCK, LONG 18LAND, N. Y. zield tt the office of att?t..~tlli~ ~tcich~m, 't C.Ll~'.:i to order by Present: Co~issioners nrig,Tuthill,~ · ~r as.Gil~crsleove; ~lso architee~_~0 n~l~ ~?enis,~nd pros~ective ~'nt~,.~tor nthon~¥ CurPeri. Follo~,in~ a general discuss!on ?~ith ~:r.Curreri, ~ot!on was :~o ON :~r. Oi%u¢~i~,socor~l~d by r.,.~isk ,t~at the fo lo~;in~ ~esol~tion be aGog>tod: Rcso!vod that the contract for gencr~l constum~etion of fir,onouso ~ d,lition with the Gerleen Contracting Corp, of ~ :7port,be signed. (Signe at the t~.me bF Chairmm ~:n~rig). (~lotfon carried; ,~,otion :as i~l~ae by ..r.Tuthlll,se® nd(~d by ~n~ I'o!lo~ving Re~olution be adopted: Resolved that thec~ntract fo~ electrical ~.~or~ on the firehouse a~oition ?,ith Seh~eye~ ~tectrte~l Construction Co. of Fa~ling~ale,~ .i~ be signe by dn~ i~ An~ig, ~ubJeot to the ap~ov~l of .' r.De~'~is ~nd. ~.~io~ of tL, e Pe~fo~ce Bo~ and Insurance Certificate. ~;otion carried. aotlon was maae~ by :r.Tuthill ,seconded by ~ r.F'iska,tnat the followin~ Hesolution be adopted: Hesolved th~,t the .hooting ventilating ~ ntraot ~lth Climatic .~ec anicol Contract~ng, i~o, also the plu~btn~ contract with ech~mical Installation Service ~orp. of O~one Park,N.Y. b~ signed by Chai~an an~Ig, subJeet to the a'prow~l of :':r. Denis ~'nd ~.r.?~io~ of the Perfo~anoe ~ond Jnd InSur'anee CePtif- leate. ~otion carried. · TfhJ meetlng'.~,as ad.~ourned ~.t 8 P.~'.,o~ motion seeo~dod and o~rPied.