HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/1967MINUTES OF MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N, Y. Ray Z6,1967. ?resent: Commlasione~.$ l~riee,Tuth~,ll,t~.[iska, and Chud[ak, and Treas.Glld~rsleeve. ~eeting held ~ the firehouse,esl led to order by ~,Ir.Price i~inutes ef the April ,~e~ting wore r~ad and ap~roved. The follew~g bills were ordered paid, the follow, lng Resolution being adopted en motion made,seconded ~nd carried: Resolved that the bills h,low be ordered pa~d: Eansen'~ ~amage 71Q~.58; ?..Y.Te!ephone Co. ~6.~0 & B6.75; ~'.V.I~ee 4.96; Shell Oil Co. 25.1~; L.!.Lighting Co. 39.7~; V~:~n ~uyl ~: ..,on ~.~; Eiverhea~t :.~.ports Oente~ ~r. Yrice ~:>Dolnted ;~,trtin %%~ter,He~bert ~ougnton and Jo~ ?,ilcenskl to mcpresent the Fire ~)e?a~tment as a committee to work with the hoard of ~mmls~lonera In fo~ula, ting Dlans for t~e oropo~ed firehouse. He also ~no~ced that ~ two arohitect~,i~onal~ Denr~is lares of Rivorhead aud Robert Culvem of best~pcon h~ be~: ~nte~iewed. ~ot!on was made,secora~ed snd c~trrled that ~ gat,d wye be purchased,~ir.~iska being The meeting was adjourned at ?.$6 i'.~.,o~ motion made, seconded and c a~?ricd.