HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/28/1967MEETING OF GO~MISSIONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE: DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N, Y, April Z8,1967. rresent:Commissioners Price,Tuthill,~eka,and Chudiak, end Treas'Gildersleeve. a~:eting was held · the firehouse,called to order by M?.~rice ~t 7.10 P.M. ~inutes of t~e ~arch ~1 meeting ~nd the ~pril 14 meeting were read and approved. The endorsement of the treasurer's bond of the Globe Indemnity Company, increasing the a~mount of pri,eipal from $~000.00 to $~5,O00.O0,was approved. Motion was made,seconded ~nd carried that,commencing with the M..:y 26 meeting,future meetings of the emmissioners be held at ~ P.M. ~ohn Wllcenski and James Cooper,new chief ~nd s~ cond assi~st~nt chief, respectively,were welcomed by the chairmar~,who expressed th~ wish that friendly relationshl~ would prevail. Mr.M!ska reporte~i that the stair paint ~nd tread Jobs were almost ® mpleted The following bills were ordered pai~: ~.Y.Telephone Co. ~AA.~O & 28.75; Sunrise *il St:. ~$.~0; ¥~.V.Duryee ~.~8; Jos.~oisa 7~.805 Reeve Lbr. & ~'~.W.Co. 6.15; Firemanie Supply Co. 12.~0; Harry's Deli 11.885 Shell Oil Co. 2.~.17~ Val ~type agency 60.00; L.i.Lighting Co. 89.~$ V~lter ~hm ~.00, L.i.FXre Equip.C~. 111.60; Louis ~aeger & ~cn ~6.88~ Harry Char- ~eport ,~as made that the floodlights ~re being converted by the addition of new parts. ~ letter was read fromSec.~artin Suter of the Fire Dept. asking ap proval for the depart,~mnt' s noldi~g the a~ual fund raising bazaar on the fire- houee lot on July 1..~-l~-14-15,1987,with parade on the opening ni~t. ~otion was made,seconded and carried that permission be granted,and that the secretary so notify bazaar ch~irman Her~r7 Tyler. Mr. Suter's letter also gave plans for attending several other ~arades scheduled for the s~er months. Motion was made,seconded =nd carried that 1{~0 ~eet of 1 ir.~oh booster hose be purch~sed,~r.Miska being athorized to order same. Motion was m~de,seconded a.~-~d carried that Mt.Price be authorized to engge engage the Otto Van Tuyl firm to survey the firehouse property. The meeting was adjourned at 7.48 ~.~,~.,on mo~"ion made,seconded and c~mried.