HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966For~ Department of Audit and Control Use On] REPORT YEAJ~ COUNTY CODE CLASS CODE TOWN NUMBER DISTRICT NUMBER STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER · ow~ OR TOWNS OF ~-~'0 ~ T ~ 0 ~ ~ cousxY ov ~5' U /= /~ 0 /-- for the YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 196--~ This Report must be filed on or before March first The fiscal year is from January first to December thir~-~ General Municipal Law--Sections 30-31 Town Law -- Section 181(3) DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK 10- 26-664M J AND BEGINNING BALANCES GENERAL FUND (Colunm 18-1)' Real Property Tax~xe.s ~?m each town in which/ire district is located) Town of ~,.P0/t.~:~'~-ff.X_ $ Town of .......... Town of .......... Town of .......... Total Real Property Taxes .................................................................................... (1) $ Other Receipts: State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue ..................... Federal Aid for Civil Defense ........................................... Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Out- side the District: (list each District /rom whom contract payments are received) District .......... District .......... All Other: Interest on Deposits .................................. Rentals ........................................................ Refund of Expenses .................................. o d Total Other Receipts ..................................................................................................... (7) Notes Issued (Budget, Tax ,4nticipation, Revenue ,4nticipation) ............................................ (9) Transfer from Capital Fund .................................................... $ Transfer from .......... Total Transfers ......... ~ ............................................................................................... (12) Total Receipts, General Fund .................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Year, General Fund ........................................................................ (13) Total Receipts and Balance, General Fund ............................................................................ (14) CAPITAL Bonds Issued .............................................................................................................................. (8) Premium and Accrued Interest on Bonds ................................................................................ (8) Capital Notes Issued .................................................................................................................. (9) Bond Anticipation Notes Issued ..............................................................................................(9) Interest and Profit on Deposits and Investments .................................................................. (7) Transfer from General Fund .................................................. $ 7~O O, 00 Transfer from .......... Total Transfers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, Capital Fund .................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Year, Capital Fund .......................................................................... (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Capital Fund ............................................................................ (14) $ IO731,.26 (Insert FUND (Column 18-3) Interest and Profit on Deposits and Investments .................................................................. (7) Tmmsfer from General Fund .................................................. $ Z/O 00 , 0 C) Transfer from Reserve Fund .................................................. Traasfer from .......... Total Transfers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, Reserve Fund ................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Year, Reserve Fund ........................................................................ (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Reserve Fund .......................................................................... ' (14) TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Income Taxes Withheld .................................................................................. United States Income Taxes Withheld Social Security Taxes ................................................................................................................ Foreign and Alien Fire Insurance Taxes Other: (speci/y) Z-~ O 0 0.0 0 .-~ 7. Yo Total Receipts, Trust and Agency Funds ................................................................................ Balance at Beginning of Year, Trust and Agency Funds ...................................................... Total Receipt? and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds ........................................................ NOTE: I! more than one reserve /und has been established, attach a sheet showing the transactions o/each additional reserve. PAYMENTS AND ENDING BAI,ANCES GENERAL FUND (Column 18-4) Current l~xpenses: l~rsonal Services ................................... ~ ...................... Hydrant Rental ................................................................ Payment to Fire Department or Company for Services Provided Outside the District: (specl/y) Payment to Outside Agency for Services Within the District: (specify agency) Other Expenses: /'/8--0 ~ Total Current Expenses ..... ~ .......................... \. .............................................. ~ ..... Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment l~/~..~.~g~....?....~-..~.:..q..~:..o..~.~. ..... (2)(1) Debt Service: Redemption of Bonds .......................................... (3) Redemption of Notes .......................................... (3) Interest on Bonds nnd Notes .............................. (4) Total Debt Service .................................................................................................... Trnnsfer to Capital Fund ~...y.~:~.._ff...~ ............................... $ ~e Fund ..... (.~z.~Ya~.cL~ / / 6"0 o. o O Transfer to Transfer to .......... Total Transfers ........................................................... --&"~ ~'<~ ...........~::~ ......................... (7) Total Payments, General Fund ............................. ,'~..'~--.~....~.v,..Q..~..... ............................. Balance at End of Year, General Fund .............. .~. .......... "~'~'"~""~"~'- ~,~ ,r ................................... (s) Payments and Bhlance, General Fund ......... ..~..~..~b..". ...................................... Total (9) Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) Construction and Purchase of Buildings ....................................................................................... (2) Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................................................................................. (~) Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes .................. ~. ..................................................................... (4) Transfer to General Fund ....................................................... Transfer to .......... Total Transfers .............................................................. i ......................................... (7) Total Payments, Capital Fund .................................................... Total Payments and Balance, Capital F-trod .../.g. ............ (..~ ...... .~....f~ ........... .~.7 ..................... (Insert-T~e) I' // ~--00,00 $ :2'7:z_o.:v.., ~"o $ Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) Construction of Buildings .......................................................................................................... (2) Transfer to Reserve Fund ...................................................... Transfer to .......... Total Transfers ............................. .. .......... L' ................................................................ (7) Other Payments: (specify) Total Payments, Reserve Fund .................................................................................................. Balance at End of Year, Reserve Fund ................................................................................ (8) Total Payments and Balance, Reserve Fund .......................................................................... (9) TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Income Taxes Withheld ................................................................................... United States Income Taxes Withheld ...: ................................................................................. Social Security Taxes Foreign and Alien Fire Insurance Taxes ................................................................................ Other: (specify) Total Payments, Trust and Agency Funds .............................................................................. Balance at End of Year, Trust and Agency Funds ................................................................ Total Payments and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds ........................................................ RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash Balances 'by Fnnd at End of Year: General Fund (from page 3) ...................................................................................................................................... Capital Fund (from page 3) ........................................................................................................................................ Reserve Fund (from page 3) .................................................................................................................................... Trust and Agency Fund (from page 3) .................................................................................................................... Total - All Funds ........................................................................................................................................ Bank Balances at End of Year: Bank Outstanding Name and Location of Bank Balance Checks $ $ $ Net Bank Balance Totals .............................................................. Petty Cash ......................................................................................................................... Cash on Hand .......................................................................................................................................... Total Bank Balances and Cash on Hand ......................................................................................... $ I FUND Description of Investment I Purchase Price DETMLED STA~~ O~ ~EB~D~ Outstanding ' I IsSued Redeemed Outstanding NOTES Beginning During Total During End of Year Year Year of Year Tax or Revenue Anticipation $ $ $ $ I$ Budget [ Capital I _. Bond Anticipation [ Total- Notes $ $ $ $ [$ BONDS Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show each issue separately by of Interest Beginning During During End Title and Purpose) Issue Rate of Year Year Year of Year Total - Bonds XXXX XXXX $ $ $ I $ COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation Tax Rate Amount of Tax TOWN of Fire District per $1,000 (Assessed Valuation within Town of Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tax Rate) District Total NOTE: Amountof tax shown for each town in last column should agree with corresponding tax receipts shown at top of page 2. RECEIVABLES Amount Due District at End of Year THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (_Check or, e) ' I-'~ Town Board ~"~-- OC~ ~ Separate Board of Fire District Comm&sk~'W'' s Name O 770 ~oner Address /'~'1/:1- 7' '7" / 7" (.) ~_.~ [<~/. 0ONALD R. GILD~ CERTIfiCATE OF IqRE DISTRICT TREASIJRER I ·, .... ' '* ~' ~' . do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Fire District ,oc.~ted in the Town or Towns of: ~"~")//5~"~'~2 .... , County of /~;/-'~/i~"~d.~&."[~'~ , and that the foregoing statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year ended Decem~er~l, 196~is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount of Unpaid Claims of District at End of Year CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: RECONOILIATION OF G~:SH ND B~NK BALANCES Cash B~l~nces by F~md bt End of Xear ~eneral Fund (From Page C~p Ital ~eeerve Fund for Apparatus ..... Capital aeserve Fund for Firehouse ........ 5~36.49 31770.2,5 79896.94 Total -- ~1~ Funds Bank B~:,lances at End ~ North Fork BarJ~ Yattituck, N.Y. General F~nd, Cheek ~coount Bank Bs'~lance 10766 Oap.aes.~und for Apparatus Iht.Acct. 6770~28 T~e Deposit 177o Cap.~es.Zund for Firehouse Int,aoct. 14896.94 Time Deposit ~-cct. 65000.00 ........ $ 117203,71 .utst~di~ank $ 31770.2~ ~ ~ 7989e.94~ Casa on Hand PStty Gash Total Bank Balances and Cash on Hand . O0 .00 $-i1'72o3,'?! '