HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-1979,66279 A STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA A NEW YORK CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION Hartford, Connecticut Bond No. 580077 Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038' PUBLIC OFFICIAl. BOND Enow All Ben By hese Iresents, that A~ ~~ ~11 ~e & ~tC~ Ave.,~ttltuck~N.Y~s Princi~ (hereinafter ~lled "Princi~") and ~e, , Globe ~de~uity Comps7 , a co~orati~ having an office ~ the Ci~ of New York - 150 ~illl~ Street as Surety (hereinafter c~led "SUrety") are held ~d fi~y bound ~to ....... ~- ~ttl~U~k Fire District in the penalty of Twenty-Five Thous-nd ~nd 00/100- Dollars' ($ 2~.000.00 ) to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made and done, the said principal binds hi'self, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the saxd Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. J~tgtI~i). sealed and dated this .~lst day of December A.D., Nineteea hundred and Seventy ~he (lIonhltton of the aforegatag..,(~bltgaIlmt ta s~lT, that ~I~£~S. the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed Secretar~r Treasurer for the term beginning Ja.nu r.v 1st: 1970 'nd ending December 31, 1972 or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. ~ll~. '~¥~l~l~Orl~, if the said Principal shall well and faithfully perform all and singular the dutie~ ineumbent upon him by reason of his election or appointment as said for the year Commencing January 1, 1971 and ending December 31, 1971 except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account for all moneys coming into his hands as said .... Secretary-Treasurer- for the year above according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. 0Illta anll is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FIRST--That the ~ right.ti) t~rmLnate this bond by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the said the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond which may have been committed by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the surety shall, as soon as practicable after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable to the said Mattitu~k Fire D~str~et by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to ar acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any Law, Ordinance or Statute of the State of ~e?. _~OPR or any Ordinance of the said lv~ttftuek Fire D~strlc1; to the contrary n6twithstanding. ~Jll ~l~tlltOll~ ~1¥~£1~0~, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said Surety has caused this instrument of writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative at New York , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. Principal Witness: Globe lndenmity Compa~f New York New York On this 21st day of. December , 19 70, before me personally appeared T.R. Craig . · , with whom I am personally acquainted, who, .being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides ~t~ 265 Grove Street_,Eliz&beJ;h,No~lo that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the Globe Indemnity Company (Name of Company) the corporation described in and which executed the toregoing instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Gompany; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Gompany do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter 832 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Ghapter 28 of the Gonsolidated Laws of the State of New York, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has issued to said Gompany a certificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other obligations required or permitted by law; and that such certificate t~as not been revoked. Certificate filed With I'~. y. Co. Clerk Commission Expires March 30, 1921 G,ENERAI.,POW~ER OF ATTORNEY .. · No, 10,489 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the virtue of the Laws of the State of and appoint NEW YORK GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY , Corporation organized and existing by does hereby nominate, constitute WEST,WY C. WAITE or J. R. LEWIS or T. R. CRAIG or MILDRED W. 0EHL of NEW YOlqJ~ , in the state of. NEW YORK its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertaking, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which is in any event to exceed UNLIMITED ~ .)Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Res- olution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on the 5th day of Sep- tember 1968: "RESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of the Company or any person designated by any one of them is hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of the Company, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of suretyship, and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the Company be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the Seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the signature of such officers and the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be thereafter valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to whi.ch it is attached." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GLOBE INDFJ~NITaf COMPANY officershaS causedthis its21corporateday seal to be hereuntOseptemberaffixed, and these presents, 19to b~e0signed by its duly authorized VICE PRESIDENT Attest: STATE OF N~YORK SS.: COUNTY OF NEW YOHK On this 2! day of September A.D. 19 70 before me personally came C. Fred Blackburn to me known, who, being duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is Vice President of the Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforesaid instrument is such corporate seal and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; andthathe executed the said instrument by like order and authority. ~)I'A~Y PUBLIC, State of New lq'o. 24- 7'277~75 (~uoRfied in Kings CountT ~,o~Hicate filed in l~'ew Yo~k Couul~ Tozm F, xp~os Mct~h $0, 197~ SS.: STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK I, ELEANOR CHRISTIANSFAq , Assistant Secretary GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY of the a corporation of the State of. NEW YORK , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and that I have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked, and furthermore that the Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, set forth in the said Power of Attorney is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of. said Company, at the City of New York, this 2].$~lay ofDecenber ,19~0 ASSISTANT SECRETARY CF66683B The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 · CF22169A. STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA A NEW yORK CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION Hartford, Connecticut Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 Bond No. 580077 PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND now Alt life, hese Irese.ts, fha, MILL ~ ~ ~I~ AVE .~TTIT~K,N .Y. as Princi~ (hereinafter ~lled "Princi~") and ~e ~L~E ~~ITY C~Y , a co~orati~ having an office ~ the Ci~ of ~EW Y~_~ ' ~50 ~!~l~ as Surety (hereinafter c~led "Surety") are held ~d fir~y bound ~to ........ in the penalty of ~V-~T~ T~a~i~n i~n ~/1~ _ Dol~s ($~ ~ ~ ) ........................ ~ ~ ~ T" · to the payment whereof, well ~nd tr~y to be made ~d done, the smd princip~ brads ~msel[, h~s heirs, executors ~nd administrators, and thc ~d Surety Binds its~[, its successors and ~si~s, jointly and severally, 2truly By these presents. ~[gttF~, scaled and dated thi~day of Feb~ .A.D., Ninct~ hundred ~nd ~e~a~ She ~onMtton of the aforegotng ~bl~atton ~ s~h. that ~hereas, the said pr~- cipal was elected or appointed ~or the t.m h~innln¢ ~RY t~ L970 ,and endin¢ D~~R or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. ~om. '~herefore. il ta~ ,~id P~i,ci~ sa~a wd~ and i~italuUy p~o~m an a,a sin~lar the dug~ inembent upon him by reason of his election or ap~in~ent as ~id ~~A'~-T~~[~ except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account for all moneys comin~ into his h~ds as according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full {orce and virtue. ~l~ta tttotfil is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FIRST--That the Surety shall have the ril~ht to terminate this bond by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the said ~-AT~I~TH/XK I~IR~ ~T$~I~RT_/~P_ the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond which may have been committed by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the surety shall, as soon as practicable after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECONDgThat the Surety shall not be liable to the said - - ,' - - NATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on genera,,! or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal o{ any interest thereon, any I_aw, Ordinance or Statute of the State of ~ v_OP_E ,~ -- or any Ordinance of the said ~.ATTITUO. K FIRE DIITRIO"P ; to the contrary notwithstanding. ~ 31n ilbsttmon§ Whereof. Surety has caused this instrument of llg'~ YOlk, !~1~ YORI and year first above written. the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative at , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day Witness: - EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE - CF22042~ Principal ~y~ ~ WES~XTE-ATTORIqEY IN FA(IT S?.~o~' New York COUNTY OP' New York. On this 18th day of. February , 1970 , before me personally appeared WESLEY C. WAITE , withwhom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides il~xhe 26&t LINCOLN RD,~RODKLYN, ~., .Y. that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the GLOBF ~NDE~TY COHPANY (N~ of ~mpsay) the co~oration described in and which executed fl~e fore~oin~ instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he si~ned his name thereto as Attomepin-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascert~ned in the manner provided in Chapter ~2 of the Laws of 1939, constitufin~ Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has issued to said Company a ce~ificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or ~uarantor on all bonds, undertakings, ~co~nizances, ~u~anties and other obligations ~ired or pe~it~d by law; and that such cert~ate has not been revoked. (S~) ~n ~. ~on~s / ! NOTARY PU~L!C, S~cit~ of N~ Y~k ilo. , :¢-7:~% 3~.9 CF2~87 C NOTICE OF PREMIUM DUE Bon. d Number VERIFICATION OF BOND COVERAGE COMPANY IS DESIGNATED BY LETTER A STOCK COMPANY THE GLENS FALLS GROUP CHESTER B. MELOT Principal (or Insured on Blanket, Schedule or Forgery Bonds) Hattituck, New York Town or City, State or Province CO~ISSIO~T~I:~ OF ]¥~Lr~'~UCK PA]~ D-TSTRIC~ligee (omit on Blanket, Schedule, or Forgery Bonds) PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND - Treasurer Type of Bond 01-01382 VALENTINE M. STYPE AGENCY 1/1/7o 1/1/71 From (Mo. Day Yr.) To (Mo. Day Yr.) Office and Agent Code Agent, Sub-Agent or Broker Premium Period PREMIUM TOTAL $ 56. oo If Installments; Payable as Follows: $ 1 st Year $ 2nd Year $ 3rd Year If this bond is no longer needed, please have the appropriate release executed on the reverse side of this notice and return it to the company. This is to verify that the bond described above remains in effect, in the amount (s) stated therein, subject to all its agreements, limitations and conditions. PRESIDENT FORM 15001 REV. 3--68 (6 PART) I Fidelity, Federal and Public Official, LicenSe, Permit, Miscellaneous, Etc. Bond .No. , dated on th~ front .side of this form, as surety, on behalf of and in favor, of: the undersigned is hereby terminated on , issued by the company designated Obligee or Insured By: Title Fiduciary .Bonds: Administrator, Executor, Guardian, Testamentary Trustee, Etc. Court, County, State of In the Matter of Docket No. This certifies that on __, as in the above-entitled Matter, filed his final account and this Court approved said account and discharged the said and the company designated on the front side of this form, surety on his official bond, on Dated , Clerk (Seal) Court Bonds: Costs, Appeal, Attachment, Injunction, Replevin, Etc. Court, County, State of vs. t Docket No. This certifies that the above-entitled Matter, in which the company designated on the front side of this form is surety on the bond given by the , is settled, judgment satisfied, or otherwise terminated, and all costs paid. The entry of termination was made and filed on Dated (Seal) , Clerk GLENS FAILS INSURANCE cOMPANY SURETY AcKNOWLEDgMENT ~ State o{ ~el~ YOl"k ) , County o{ ]Jew Yor~ ss.: I OnAprtl 1~, 1970 , before me personaJJy came M. Von Braunsberg , fo me known, who, being duly sworn, did depose ~nd say, that he resides in Maspeth, New York fhef he is the attorney of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, the Corporation described in end which executed the within bond through ifs lawfully appointed ~fforney by virtue of the Power of Attorney issued fo him, end that he signed said bond by reason of the authority grented therein by the Board of Directors of said Corporation: end fhef se;d Corporation has received from the Superintendent of Insurance of the Stele of New York e certificate of qualification of ifs sufficiency es surety under New York State Insurance Law, Section 327, Subparagraph 2, and thai such certificate has not been revoked. ~ MARGARET HESLIN NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW Y~~ ~~ " Form ]5023 "~:~"' QUALIFIED IN KIF;CJ~; COUNTY / V (Rev. 5-52) .... (SEE REVER~I~7~S CITY ACKNOWLED~ENT) Nofary Public ~M EXPIRES MARCH 3g~ 1~7~ KANSAS GITY FIRE & IvlARINE INSURANGE COI~PANY SURETY AC:KNOWLEDGMENT State of Counfy of ss.: On before me personally came , fo me known, who, being duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in that he is the attorney of the Kansas City Fire & Marine Insurance Company, the Corporation described in and which executed the within bond through its lawfully appointed attorney by virtue of the Power of Attorney issued to him, and that he signed said bond by reason of the authority granted therein by the Board of Directors of said Corporation: and that said Corporation has received from the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of Missouri a certificate of qualification of its sufficiency as surety under Missouri Insurance Law, Section 379.020, and that such certificate has not been revoked. Form 15023 (Rev. 5-62) (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR GLENS FALLS ACKNOWLEDGMENT) BOND NO. 74-13-89 (1) THE GLENS FALLS GROUP KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, CHESTER B. MELOT of Main Road, Mattituck, Long Island, New York, as Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York Corporation, having an office and place of business at No. 161 William Street, New York, N. Y., as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CON- MISSIONERS OF NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT, of Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, as Obligee, in the sum of FIFTEEN THOUSAND and 00/lO0 ($15,000.00) DOLLARS, for the payment whereof to the 0bligee, the Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors. administrators, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 13th day of April, 1970. WHEREAS, the above-named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Park District, State of New York, for the term of office beginning January 1st, 1970 and ending December 31st, 1970. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITIONS OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during that part of the said term beginning on the 1st day of January, 1970 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1970, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. chester B. 9~elo~; Iii F'r'1nclpal GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY M. Vo~ Braunsberg, Attorney STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW yORK CORPORATION QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA A NEW YORK CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION Hartford, Connecticut Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 Bond No. 580077 PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND iKnow Alt llle. illy i hese resents, th.t FA NZ G as Principal (hereinafter called "Principal") and the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY , a corporation having an office in the City of NH YORK - 150 WILLIAM STREET as Surety (hereinafter called "Surety") are held and firmly bound unto MATTITU~ FIRE DISTRICT in the penalty of TWF.,NTY--FIVIg THOUSAlhrO AND 00/100 ,- - Dollars ($ 25,000.00 ) to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made and done, the said principal binds himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the said Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~tgttei~, sealed and dated this 4TIt day of JANUAR.¥ A.D., Nineteen hundred and SEVENTY TWO O onlattton Gl[ the aforegotng (Obllgatton ts s h, that here s, the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed SEC~Y-T~~R for the term beginning J~Y ~, [970 and endMff DgC~ 3[~ ~972 . or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. nm, ' errfnre, if the said Princi~ shall well and faithfully perform all and sin~lar the dufi~ in~mbent upon him by reason of his election or ap~inment as ~id · SECR~T~-T~U~R ~ T~ TE~ CO~NCING JA~ lz 1972 ~ E~ING DEC~BER 31~ 1972 except as hereinafter l]m]ted, and honestly ~ccount for a11 moneys coming {nto h{s h~ds as ~id ' ' ' SE~ARY-T~E FOR T~ TE~ ~0~ according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. ~l~[tt ~Otl~l is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FIRST--That the Sl~.$!~ll,.l~ye JJl~l~.~.chl~ir/qitl~tle this bond by giving thirty (30) da~, notie, in writing to the said the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond which may have been committal by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the surety shall, as soon as practicable after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable to the said ' '" ....... MATTITUGK FIRE DISTRIGT by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any Law, Ordinance or Statute of the State of NEW YORK or any Ordinance of the said MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT to the contrary notwithstanding. JJn ~esttnton§ illhereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said Surety has mused this instrument of writing to be signed by its duly anthorized representative at ~ YORK~ NEW YORK , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. Witness: -EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE- By Principal GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY T :-~.CRAIG-ATT~z IN FACT C F2 20 42 A Globe Indemnity Company (Incorporated 1911) A Stock Company, Organized Under the Laws of the State of New York 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Financial Statement, September 30, 1971 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................................................. Bonds ................................................................ Preferred Stocks ........................................................ Common Stocks ........................................................ Real Estate ............................................................ Interest Due and Accrued ................................................ Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due .. Other Admitted Assets .................................................. TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ........................................... LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses ............................ Reserve for Unearned Premiums ......................................... Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other similar charges ................ Reserve for Taxes ...................................................... Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued ..................................... Other Liabilities ........................................................ Contingency Reserve for Excess of Insurance Department Values of Securities over Actual Market Values as at September 30, 1971 ............ CAPITAL ............................................................. SURPLUS ............................................................ SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ........................................ $ 2,350,438.65 96,958,996.10 3,721,980.50 95,844,864.26 2,075,113.23 1,702,777.13 20,871,488.18 3,665,725.12 $227,191,383.17 92,499,169.00 55,927,638.58 458,337.OO 2,937,292.73 314,228.88 4,782,310.70 156,918,976.89 6,710,587.12 2,500,000.00 61,061,819.16 70,272,406.28 $227,191,383.17 Securities carried at $4,689,077.51 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK SS. COUNTY OF NEW YORK F.D. NILSSON, Comptroller and PAUL FILKA, Assistant Comptroller of the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY, being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 30th day of September, 1971 the Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the on the said 30th day of September 1971 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 5th day of November, 1971 ,~~~-'x-,,--~_x Comptroller ,4; Assistant Comptroller said Company G226499 FRANK A. MACARINE Notary Public, State of New York No. 30-7644510 Qualified in Nassau County Certificate filed in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1972 'SrArz o~' NEW YORK Co~z os NEW YORK SS: On this appeared T.R. CRAIG JANUARY who, being by me duly sworn, said: that lie resides in the , 19 72, before we personally , with whom I am personally acquainted, 265 GROVE STREET ,ELIZABETH;,,N oJ. CF22087 C- that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY (N~ of Complan) the corporation described in and w~ich executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New ¥'ork, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has issued to said Company a certificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other obligations required or permitted by law; and that such certificate has not been revoked. (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 41-2351725 Qualified in Queens Count~ Certificate filed with N. Y. Co. Clerk Commission Expires March 30, 1973 GENE~'L POWER OF ATTORNEY No. 14,3,~) ' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY , Corporation organized and existing by virtue of the Laws of the State of NEW YORK __ does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint WESLEY C. WAITE or J, R. LEWIS or T. R. CRAIG or MII,DR~,D W. OEHL of NEW YORK , in the state of NEW YORK its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertaking, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which is in any event to exceed UNLIMITED - ($- )Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Res- olution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on the 5th day of Sep- tember 1968: "RESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of the Company or any person designated by any one of them is hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of the Company, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of suretyship, and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the Company be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the Seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the signature of such officers and the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be thereafter valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY officershas causedthis its21 corporateday seal to be hereuntOseptemberaffixed, and these presents, 19to b./e0signed by its duly authorized Attest: /a/~'~-- / ~ SECnEV^R~ STATE OF N~YORK SS.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this 21 day of C. Fred BIackburn September VICE PRESIDENT A.D. 19 '/0 before me personally came to me known, who, being duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is Vice President of the Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforesaid instrument is such corporate seal and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; andthathe executed the said instrument by like order and authority. ROBERT F. KmCHEITT A~OTARY PUBLIC, State of New Y~tfs No. 2.4-7277375 Oualifled in Kings County Ceflfficate filed in New York Coun~ Tonn F, xpkeo Mamh :JO. 197~ STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK SS.: ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN , Assistant Secretary of the GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY a corporation of the State of NEW YORK , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and that I have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked, and furthermore that the Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, set forth in the said Power of Attorney is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company, at the City of New York, this 4TH day of. JANUARY , 19. 72 . ASSISTANT SECRETARY CF66683B The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A. 66279 B STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORAT,ON ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECT I CUT CORPORAT I ON Hartford, Connecticut 'Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 l)Ot~ la:). ~ PUBLIC OFFICIAL. BOND now All. ilien hese reseuts, that as Principal (hereinafter called "Principal") and the_ ~OIr/~L OLOB~ ~lJ$~J~RCI~ (:)OJ/~I~AIT~ , a corporation having an office in the City of ]~gW ~li - ~.~0 as Surety (hereinafter c~lcd "Surety")are held ~d fir~y bound in the penalty of T~-Frl/I~ TI~US~I~D ~ 00/100 - - Doll=s ($ 25,~.~ ) to the payment whereof, well and tr~y to be made ~d done, the said princip~ binds himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the ~d Surety binds itsdf, its successors and ~si~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~tgn,~, sealed and dated thia ~D day of ~~ A.D., Ninete~ hundred and ~~ ~he ~onMtton o[ the a[oregotng ~bl,;~aIton la a~, that ~r,ag, the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed for the term beginning ff~l~ it 1~ ~nd ending or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. ~m. '~err[nre. if the said Princi~ sMll well and faithfully perform all and sin~lar the dufie~ in~mbent upon hia by reason of his election or ap~in~ent as ~id ~t~-~~ TH~ I&~M ~NCINO J~U~ l, 1973 ~D ~D~O D~~ 31~ 1~3 except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account {or all moneys comin~ into his h~ds as ~id ' ' ' according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. ~l~tlt ~{Oll~l is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FIRST--That the Surety ~~[ri~ll~t~a~bond by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the said the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond which may have been committ~xl by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the snrety shall, as soon as practicable after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable to the said ' ' '" ' '" '" ' ' ' F. qTIITUCF. FLag DIiT~ICT by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any Law, Ordinance or S~tute of the State of or any Ordinance of the said ~T~U~ ~ DX~T~ to the contrary notwithstanding. ~n ~esttmong ~hereof. Surety has caused this instrument of ~W ~, ~w ~ and year first above written. the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative at , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day Witness: Principal -~Y, ECUTED I~ DUPLIC~Tg- CF22042B , STAr, Or N~W ¥0RK COUNT~Or N~/ YORK SS: On this ~D da} ot JANUARY ~' , 19 7], before me personally appeared T ~ R'o OltAIG ' , with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides in tile 26~ {11~0¥1~ flTRRI~T ~I~LIZABI~'TI'I~N.J. that he is Attorney-in-Fact of tile ft0~Al., 6LOBE (Name of Company) the corporation described in and wnictl executed tile foregoing instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of tile said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in tile manner provided in Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New 5ork, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has issued to said Company a certificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other obligations required or permitted by law; and that such certificate has not been revoked. (S~,a.) CF22087 O 'Royal Globe Insurance Company (Incorporated 1891) A Stock Company, Oralnized Under the L&wI of the State of IIlinOtl 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Financial Statement, December 1971 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................................................. Bonds ................................................................ Preferred Stocks ......................................................... Common Stocks ........................................................ Real Estate ............................................................ Interest Due and Accrued ................................................ Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due . · Other Admitted Assets .................................................. TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ....... ., .................................. t LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses ............................ Reserve for Unearned Premiums ................................. ; ....... Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other similar charges ................ Reserve for Taxes ...................................................... Reserve ilar Accounts Due or Accrued ..................................... Other Liabilities ........................................................ Security Valuation Reserve ..................................... . ......... CAPITAL ............................................................. SURPLUS ............................................................ SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ......................................... $1,612,076.99 72,381,487.87 2,580,547.73 76.570,409.65 1,511,453.36 1,330269.51 14,551,447.62 3,273276.36 70,938,576.00 39,871,353.70 4792~6.00 2,549,925-22 178,454.22 3,716229.16 2,687,439.32 5,000,CX30.00 48,389,,735.47 $173,810,96909 117,733,794.30 56,077,174.79 $173,810,969.09 Securities carried at $948,148.3l in the above statement are deposited, as 'required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK l ss. J COUNTY OF NEW YORK F D NILSSON. Comptroller and PAUL FILKA, Assistant Comptroller of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE C0OI~PANY being duly sworn, each for him~lf deposes and says that they are the ~ove descnl~l officers c~ the raid Company and that on the 31st day of Dec~ml~t, 1971 the Coml~ny wa~ ~lly post~-xsed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is'a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31st day of 12k~ml~r, and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 3rd day of February, 1972. FRANK A. MACARINE Notary Publit. State of Ne',.' York No. %()-761 i$1{} Qualified in Nassau County Certificate filed in New York County Commission Expires March .ML 1972 P 26499 19'71 according to the b~t of their information, knowledge *This company is the survivor of a merger as at year-end 1971 with Queen Insurance Company of America made pursuant to the applicable laws of the states of Illinois and New York. The figures herein represent the com- b~in~operations of the two u)mpanies for 1971. Assistant Comptroller 6ENERAL POWER OF ATTORHEY No. 176 KNOW ALL lIEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY , Corporation organized and existing by virtue of the Laws of the State of ILLINOIS does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint WESLEY C. WAITE or J. R. LEWIS or T. R. CRAIG or MILDRED W. 0EHL or PETER J. COLONNA~ JR. of NEW YORK , in the state of NEW YORK its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertaking, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which is in any event to exceed IlNT,TMTTED ....................... ~$ ...... -)Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Res- olution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on the 5th day of Sep- tember 1968: "RESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of the Company or any person designated by any one of them is hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of the Company, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of suretyship, and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the Company be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the Seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the signature of such officers and the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be thereafter valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the has caused its corporate seal officers this 9 (~'ay ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY to be hereuntoaffixed, andthese presentstob%~gnedbyitsdulyauthorized July ,19 . Attest: ~' ~ ~ SECRETARY STATE OF N YORK SS.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK By ..... ~ On this 20 day of July A.D. 19 72 before me personally came C. Fred Blackburn to me known, who, being duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is Vice President of the Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforesaid instrument is such corporate seal and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he executed the said instrument by like order and authority. ROBERT F. NOTAI~Y PUBLIC, State of No. R4- 7RTY975 Qualified in Kings County Ce~iflcate filed in New York County STATE OF NEW YORK Texm Expi,es M¢u:ch SS.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK I, ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN , Assistant Secretary ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY of the a corporation of the State of ILLINOIS , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and that I have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked, and furthermore that the Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, set forth in the said Power of Attorney is now in force. IN WITNESS WI~OF, I have hereunto set mff hand and affixed the seal New York, this .a*-,-- day of ,YANUAi~¥ of said Company, at the City of , 19 73 ASSISTANT SECRETARY CF66683C The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A. STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY · A NEW YORK CORPORATION ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION Hartford, Connecticut Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 ~0,'ID ti0. ~ PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND .ow Alt illen By hese Ireseuts, ,ha, as Princi~ (hereinafter ~lled "Princi~") and ~e ROYAL OLOB~ L~~C~ CO~ , a co~oration having an office in the Civ of ~ YORK - 1~0 ~I~i~ ~R~ as Surety (hereinafter cMled "Surety") are held ~d fir~y bound ~to ........... ~TTITUCK F~E DI~TRI~t ~TTiTUGK~ ~E~ YOR~ in the penalty o[ T~TY-FIVE TBOUS~D ~D ~/l~ - 'Doll.s ($ ~s~'~ ) to the payment whereof, well and tr~y to be made and done, the said princip~ binds himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the aid Surety binds itsdf, its successors and ~si~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~t~tlt~, sealed and dated this lf~a._ day of J~U~ A.D., Ninete~ hundred and ~'~ F0~ ~he ~onhttton o~ the?oregotng ~bl~alton ia a~, that ~hereas, the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed ~R~RRW~-~A~ for the term beginning ~~ 1, 1973 and ending D~C~ ~1~ 1975 or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. ~, ~t~[~r~, if the said Princi~ shall well and faithfully perform all and sin~lar the dutiem in~mbent upon him by reason of his election or ap~in~ent as aid ~EGR~-~Bg~~ ~B ~ Y~ CO~U~O J~U~I ~,.~97k ~D ~D~O DgCg~ 31~ 197V except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account for all moneys coming into his h~ds as ~id ' - ' ~g~ET~Y-TRE~EB FOR TIi8 ~ilD ~ ~OVg according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. ~hh] ~o11~1 is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FIRST--That the ~4~[~ ~ll~v~ig~t,~~e ~(~nl~!~ty~days notice in writing to the said the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond which may have been committed by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the surety shall, as soon as practicable after demand therefor, re£und the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable to the said MATTITU~K FIRE DISTRICT~ ~TTiTUCK~ NE'~ YORi/ by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any Law, Ordinance or Statute of the State of li]~t~i ~ORK or any Oldinance of the said ,MA~["I~ITUCK FIRE DIiiTBiCI~ ltATIIIU¢[~ lig~ IORK to the contrary notwithstanding. JJtt ~I~elimon§ ttllter,of, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said Surety has caused this instrument of writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative at liiE~ ~'ORK, ltl~!d YORK , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. S~*ArE Or' NEW YORK COUNTY Or NEW YORK On this 15TH da> ot appeared T. R. CRAIG JANUARY who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides in the , 19 7bt, be[ore rte personally , with whom I am personally acquainted, 265 GROVE STREET,ELIZABETH;,N. J. ti, at he is Attorney-in-l:act of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY (Nam~ of Company) the corporation described in and wi~ich executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authorit5 of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New ~ork, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New ~ork has issued to said Company a certificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other obligations re~ired or permitted by law; and that such certificate has not been revoked. (S~r.) CF22087C- , 2 a Royal Globe Insurance Company (Incorporated 1891 ) A flock C~ln~ny. O~inttfd Under the l~O WILLIAM S~ET, NEW YO~, N.'Y. 1~ Financial Statement, December 1972 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................................................ Bonds ............................................................... Preferred Stocks ........ ~ .............................................. Common Stocks ....................................................... Real Estate ........................................................... Interest Due and Accrued ............................................... Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due .... Other Admitted Assets ' TOTAI. ADMITTED ASSETS .......................................... $ 1,515,486.94 88,622,954.03 2,621,354.50 86,458,122.51 1,451,799.58 1,685,023.32 17,021,191.07 2,772,997.67 $202,148,929.62 LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expensfl ............................ Reserve for Unearned Premiums .......................................... Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other similar charges ................ Reserve for Taxes ...................................................... Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued ...................................... Other Liabilities ....................................................... Security Valuation Reserve ............................................... CAPITAL ............................................................ SURPLUS ............................................................ SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ....................................... 79,321,972.00 41,641,239.31 502,056.00 3,833,506.42 163,798.06 4,292,204.89 2,453,497.71 5,000,000.00 64,940,655.23 129,754,776.68 72,394,152.94 $20~,148,929.62 Securities carried at $12,717,831.67 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK l ss. COUNTY OF b,;EW YORK J F. D. NILSSON, Comptroller and PAUL FILKA, Assistant Comptroller of thc ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are thc above described o~cers of thc said Company and that on the 31st day of December, t972 the Company was actually possessed of the as~et~ set forth in thc foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the p~yment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its poh, yholders and creditors, except , hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement i~ a corre, t of such as~cts and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31u day of Dcccml~, 1972 according to thc Ix.s~ of ihformation, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 5th day of February, 1973 FR^NK A. MACARINE Notory Public. State of Now York No. S0.76445100 Quolified in Nuf&u County Certiflcn(* filod in NEw York County CommJosion Ezpireo March 30, 1974 Comptroller Assistant Comptroller / POWER OF ATTORNEY ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ROYAL (}LOBE INSURANOE OOl~PAhn/ 0 Corporation orgnnized ancl existing by virtue of the Laws of the State of ~LL~lqOI$ __does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint T. ~. CRAIG or MILDRED W. OEIiL or ~ ~. COLONNA. JR. or THOMAS J. FRE~ of lq~ig ¥ORIC , in the state o£ ]~J~W YOR]~ its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertaking, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which 'is in any event to exceed_ UNLTI~T~D .... ($'_ - )Dol lays. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company aa fully and to the same extent aa if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with itc corporate sea]. Thin Power of Attorney is granted and ia signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Res- olution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on the 5th day of Sep- tember 1968: "RESOLVED, That the President, st any Vies President of the Corapany or any person designated by any one of them is hereby authorized ~o exacute Powers of Attorney qualifying ~he attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in bahai! of t~ C~panys bonds, undertakings and ~ll con?acts of s~ecyshlp, and that any ~cretary ~ any Ailist~t ~cretary of the Company be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest the exe~ution of ~y such Power of Attorney, and es attach thereto the Seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the signature of such officers and the ~al of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Att~ney ~ to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power ~ Attorney ~ certificate bearin~ s~h [aesimile si~e$ or facsimile seal sha~l be thereafter ~a.li~ and binding u~n the C~pany w~th res~ct to any bond, unde~aking or c~trac: or s~etysmp to watch it is attached." IN W~NESS WHEnEOF, the ROYAL OLOB~ lN8~CB COHP~ has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, ~d these presen~ to be signed by its duly euthorized officers this aa , Attest :_ STATE OF Nt~'~ YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK A.D. 19ff_-~--before me p~rsonally came On this ~-JJ~----dav of Na~ p _ C. Fred Blackburn ~ ' to me known, wl~o, being duly sworn, did depose and say: that he ia Vice President st the Corporation described ia and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforesaid inst~'ument is such corporate seal and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Bo~'d of Director$ of said Company; and that he executed the said instrument by like order and authority. J~)TJ~Y PROC, ~ d ~ Y~ STATE OF NEW YORK so.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ~LR~OE C~TI~ Assistant Secretly o{ the ~ ~ ~8~Og ¢O~P~ a corp~ation of the Stat~ of X~O~$' , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing in a full, ~e and co~eet copy of Power of Atrophy issued by snid Compnny, and that I hnve comp~ed same with the originnl nnd that it is n correet ffanncript ~ere[rm and oi the whole o{ the originnl an~ thnt the snid Power o{ Attorn~y is still in full force and df~et and has not b~en r~voked, an~ furtherm~e that the Reaolution of the Executive Committee o{ the Bo~d o[ Directors, set fmh in the said Power of Attorney i$ now in force. se m h m wrrN ss have her.un,o .nd .f.xed the ,cai of .ai Company. the C,ty of New York, this ,~pTn day ofT ' 1 9 7 ~ ' ASSISTANT SirCRKYAWY C1~66683¢ The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A. 66279B STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW ,JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION Hartford, Connecticut Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 BOt~:) NO. ~ PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND Enow Ali fl en hese Iresems, fha, as Principal (hereinafter called "Principal") and the BOY_IL GLOB~ ~I~I!3_AIfICE COl~iI~ .,, a corporation having an office in the City of lt'g,~. YORK - 150 as Surety (hereinafter cMled "Surety") are held ~d fir~y bound ~to M~TITU~ F~ DISTRICT~ ~T~UCK~ ~ YO~ in ~H~ ~na,~ of T~Y-F~ THOUS~D ~ 00/100 - -Doll~ to the payment whereof, well and trMy to be made ~d done, the said principM binds himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the ~td Surety binds itsdf, its successors and ~si~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~[gtte~, sealed and dated thJa 29~ day of O~OB~ A.D., Ninete~ hu,dred and ~~~ FO~ ~he ~onMtton of the aforegotng Obl~atton is s~h. that ~tF~g, the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed ~g~T~Y-TRE~~ for the term beginning J~Y 1~ 197~ ~nd ending DE~~ 31~ 19~5 or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. ~, ~[~r~, if the said Princi~ shall well and faithfully perform all and sin~lar thc du~ in~mbent upon him by reason of his election or ap~in~ent as ~id ~~~Y-T~~ FOB T~ ~ CO~C~G J~Y !,. 1975 ~ m~G DE~~ 31, 1975 except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account ~or all moneys coming into his h~ds as ~id - - - . according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is othc~ise to be and remain in full force and virtue. ~[~ ~B~ is executed by thc Sure~ subj~t to the following conditions: in writing to the said thc said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this ~nd which may have been committ~ by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the snre~y shall, as soon as practi~ble after dc~and therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in fOrCe. SECOND--Tha~ the Surety shall not be liable to thc said ...... M~T~U~ F~ DI~RI~ ~TITUCK, ~ Y0~ by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon d~and any punic moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of she allowance to or acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any ~w, Ordinance or S~tute of the State of ~ Y0~ or any O~d~nance o~ me said ~TI~CK F~ DI~RI~ MA~I~CK~ ~ Y0~ to the contrary notwithsfanding. lin ~estlmon§ Whereof, Surety has caused this instrument of and year first above written. the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative at , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day Witness: -EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE- CF22042B Principal ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY T.I~.CRAIG ATTORNEY IN FACT SrA~ Or NEW YORK Cous~ or NEW YORK On this 29TH da) or. OO'20BI~ , 1971+, before ,re personally appeared T.R. ORAZG , with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides in the 265 GR0'vE STREET ~EL'fZ/kBETHIN. J. that he is Attorney-in-l:act of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPAMY (Name of Company) the corporation described in and wnict~ executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 28 of' the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has issued to said Company a certificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other obligations required or permitted by law; and that such certificate has not been revoked. No..ql-4513642 Qualifie~ in New York Countlr Ceztificate filed wlt'.u N.Y. Co. C!e':k ~F~/C- Commission Expires Morch 30, 1975 Royal Globe 'Insurance (Incorporated 1891 ) A Stock £ompany, Organized Under the Laws of the State of New York 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Company Financial Statement, December 31, 1973 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................................................ Bonds ............................................................... Preferred Stocks ....................................................... Common Stocks ....................................................... Real Estate ........................................................... Interest Due and Accrued ................................................ Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due .... Other Admitted Assets .................................................. TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ........................................... LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses ............................. Reserve for Unearned Premiums .......................................... Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other si~nilar charges .................. Reserve for Taxes ...................................................... Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued ...................................... Other Liabilities Contingency Reserve for Excess of Insurance Department Values of Securities over Actual Market Values as at December 3l, 1973 .............. CAPITAL SURPLUS ............................................................ SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ....................................... Securities carried at 812,399,260 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. $ 1,364,349.85 95,364,497.32 5,266,603.51 72,471,231.13 1,447,350.26 1,851,691.38 17,909,796.16 3,150,951.05 $198,826,470.66 89,454,894.00 42,730,620.28 654,2O8.OO 2,969,233.67 246,237.97 3,784,299.43 6,631,685.59 5,000,000.00 47,355,291.72 139,839,493.35 58,986,977.31 $198,826,470.66 Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK SS. PAUL FILKA, Comptroller and Tax Counsel and R. V. HILl., Assistant Comptroller of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31st day of December, 1973 thc Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31st day of December, 1973 according to thc best of their information, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me ~his 5d~ da~, of Marcia, 19'/'4 FRANK A. MACARINE Notary Public, State of New York No. 30-7644510 Qualified in Nassau County Certificate filed in New York Counly Commission Expires March 30, 1976 Comptroller and Tax Counsel Assistant Comptroller P26499 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY ~,~-.- Ho. 8 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ROYAL OLOBE INSUaA~'CEi.._CqMp~A-~h~ ~.-._--_.--"~. , Corporation .rganized and exi.ting by virtue of the Laws of the State of ILLINOIS does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint .,, T. ~. CRAIG or MILDRED W. OEHL or FETgR J. COLONNA: JR. or THOMAS J. FREM of N~W YORK , in the state of I~W YORK its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertaking, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which 'ia in any event to exceed UNLIMITID - - (~. )Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-faet shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. This Power of Attorney is granted and ia signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Res- olution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Corapany on the gth day of Sep- tember I968: "RESOLVED, That the President, o~ any. Vics President of the Company or any person designated by any one of them is hereby authotlzed ~o execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of the Company, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of s~etyship, and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the Company be, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attsat the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the Seal of the Company. FURTNER RESOLVED, That the signature of such officers and the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney sc to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power o/ Attorney st certificate beating such facsimile signntutes or facsimile seal shall be thereafter valid and bindin~ ui~n the Company w~th respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached." IN W~FNESS WHEREOF, the_ ROYAL OLOBg INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this ~.~ day Nay ,19~3 . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this ~ day of ]~ll~F A.D. '19.--.~- ~-~-be~ore me personally came C. Fred Blackburn. to me known, who, being duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is Vice President o{ the Corporation described in and which ex~cuted the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Co~oration; that the seal affixed to the aforesaid ine~umen~ is such c~r~e seal and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and thatheexecuted the said instrument by like order and authority, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK gLgANOR CHRISTIANSEN ROBgRT F. ~ NOTARY ~C, ~a~a al N~,, Tads No. ~4. ~$ O~'14Jtnat~ ~ed ia N~,v York Count1, Tarm P-xpi~.~, Mo=oh 80. Assistant Secretary of the ' RC}~'~ {]L0]~, ~SO--EANCl~ COMP~ ' · corporation of the State of -~O~S , do hereby certify that tile above and foregoing is a lull, ~e and co~eet copy of Power of Atto~ey issued by enid Company, and t~at I have compared same with the orifinal and that it in a correct ~anactipt therefrom and of the whole of the original and that the said Power o~ Attorney in still in ~ull force and e~fect and has not been revoked, and furtherm~e that the Resolution of the Executive Committee o~ the Bo~d o~ Directors, set f~th in the said Power of Attorney is now in force. ~ W~NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set myhand and affixed the seal of said Company, at the City of New Y~k, this 2~Hday d O~OBER ,197% ,,. Clq4015C The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A. STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NE~/ YORK CORPORATION ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO,, LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD iNSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECT I CUT CORPOR AT I ON Hartford, Connecticut Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 aOlrD II0. 6~906 PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND twm All ilieu i lhese rese , as Princi~ (hereinafter ~lled "PreciS") ~ co~ti~ having an office ~ the Ci~ ~ ~ ~ as Surety (hereinafter cflled "Surety")are hdd ~d fi~y bound ~to in the penalty of ~'~ ~ ~ ~1~ -- - Dol~s ($ 2~[~'~ ) to the payment whereof, well and tr~y to ~ made ~d done, the ~id princip~ binds hlmsd{, his h~ executors and administrators, and the ~d Surety binds itsd[, its successors and msi~s, jointly and se~rally, firmly by these presents. ~tgUth. sealed and &ted this ~ &y of hundred and ~ ~he ~onMtton of the afore~tng ~bl~ton ~ s~h. that ~hereas. the said p~- clpe] was elected-. -..~., ~ .... or until his successor is elect~ or appointed and qualifies. ~om. ~here~ore. il the ~id P~inci~ =~i~ ~n aaa i~ithi~ny perform ell end sin~l~ ~e du~ in~mbent upon him by reason o~ his election or ap~in~ent as except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account for all moneys ~min~ into his h~ds as ~id accordln¢ to law, then this obligation shall be nu~ and void; it virtue. ~hta ~oa~ is executed by the Sure~ subj~t to the ~ollowin¢ conditions: ~IRST--That ~e Sure ~i~ e ~' o~' 's b~~' ' ir ~~ o~ the said surety remainin~ liable ~or all or any act or nas covered by this ~nd which may have ~ commit~ by the principal up to the date o{ such termlna~on, and the snre~ shall, as soon as practi~ble a~ter demand therefor, refund the premium ~ald, less a pro rata ~rt thereof, for the time that this ~nd sh~l have b~ [orca. SECOND--That the 5ure~ shall not be liable to by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, d~ository or depositories to ~y upon d~d any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal ot ~y interest thereon, any ~w, Ordinance or S~tute of the State of ~ ~ or any O:dinance of the said ~~ I~ b~I~l ~~t i ~0~ to the contrary notwithstandmg. ~a ~e~ima~g ~r~ai, the said Prlnclp~ h~ here~to set his baud and seal, and the ~id Surety has ~used this instrument of wrigng to be si~ed by its duly anthorized repres~tive at I ~t I ~ , and its corporate seal to be affixed, the ~y and year first above written, x CF22042B I~l,I NOTARY PUBLIC, Etafo oF By. s.S.; to me known and known to me to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrumemt and ~_thereupon duly acknowledged to me that h.~e. executed the same. CF22513~, ""?' (Cos~or~tion Aeknuwledgment on Reverse Side) S?.r~ov ~ YOltK' "" Co~o~ NL~ YO1U~ On this ~'~ da) or. DEG'EM~ER appeared T. R./JP.A TG who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resides in the I[~ GROF~ that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the. ~0~ ~ ~~ ~0~ the corporation descried in and which executed the foregoiag instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Company; that the scm affixed to said instm~nt is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by osier and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name there~ as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of tbe said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter ~2 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to ~c. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the &ate of New York has issued m said Company a cenificam of ~lvency and of qualification to ~come surety or ~arantor on all bonds, undertaking, recognizances, gu~anties ana other obligations m~ired ~ pe~itmd by law; and taut such certi~b~~ ~ LEYKUM ~ ~Y ~B~C, State of N~ Y~ No. ~-2351725 ~alffied ~ Queens Ce~iff~te f~ed ~ ~. Y- Co. Co--ion Exp~es Mawh 30, , 19 7~, before me personally with whom I am personally acquainted, Royal Globe Insurance Company (Incorporated 1891) A Stock Company, Organized Under the Laws of the State of Illinois 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Financial Statement, December 31, 1974 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ......................................... $ 876,468 Bonds .................................................... 117,500,943 Preferred Stocks .............................................. 4,129,242 Common Stocks .............................................. 35,901,693 Real Estate ................................................. 1,396,221 Interest Due and Accrued ........................................ 2,068,490 Net Agents Balances and Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due ........ 16,768,880 Other Admitted Assets .......................................... 5,802,080 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ...................................... $184,444,017 LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses ........................... $101,734,107 Reserve for Unearned Premiums ..................................... 44,446,035 Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other similar charges ................... 735,528 Reserve for Taxes ............................................. 1,591,482 Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued ................................. 284,994 Other Liabilities .............................................. 4,446,687 153,238,833 CAPITAL .................................................. 5,000,000 SURPLUS. ................................................. 26,205,184 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ................................... .31,205,184 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS ................................ $184,444,017 Securities carried at $12,406,860 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK t SS. COUNTY OF NEW YORK PAUL FILKA, Comptroller and Tax Counsel and R. V. HILL, Assistant Comptroller of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31st day of December, 1974 the Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing state- ment and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31st day of December, 1974 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 20th day of February, 1975 FRANK A. MACAP. INE Notary Public, State of New York No. 30-7644510 Qualified in Nassau County Certificate flied in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1976 P 26499- Comptroller and Tax Counsel Assistant Comptroller KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ]~O~AL (JT.O~K ~f. NSURANCE COMPANY .~- .... , Corporation organized and e~ustt'~f~ virtue of the Laws of the State of TLLTNO~S does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint ?. E. CEAIO or IO:LDflgD ¥. OR~tt or ~It J. COLONNA. JR. or ?IK}MAS J. ~ of ~ Y~lql[ , in the state of NEW ~'OI~K its true and lawful attorney(e)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, aa surety, and aa its act and deed, where re.ired, any and nil bonds, undertaking, recognizances nnd written obligntloan in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which'in in any event to exceed UI(~,I'Iq.TTID ....... = ............ (t - .)Dollars. Such bondaand undertakings, when duly executed by tho aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-faet shall be binding upon the said Company au fully end to the same extent ua if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Cmnpany and sealed with itl corporate saul, This Power of Attorney ia granted and ia signed by facsimile under sad by the authority of the following Res- olution ndoptnd by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on the 5th day of Sep- tember 1068: *'RESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of the Company or any person designated by any one of them is hereby authorized to esuc~a Powers of Attorney quallfyin~ the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in behalf of the Company, bonds, undertakings and all contrncre of suretyship, and that any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the Company be, and that each or any of them hereby ia authorized to attast the execution of any such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the Seal of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the signature of such officers and the Seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attoeany st to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power o~ Attorney or certifleate heorinq such facsimile sinnatures or facsimile seal shall be thereafter valid an~. binding upon the Company wnth respect to any bonds undertaking or c~ttact of suretyship to which it Is attached." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ROY.aL {~LOB~ TN~URANCE COI~ANY has cauand its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to he signed by its duly authorized officers this 22 day ]q&Y ,1973 . Attest: -- STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK aa.: Om thin ~=.~"[~---~lnv of IteL7 A.D. 19 "[~ before me Pereonally came C. grnd ~lck~ ' to me known, who, being duly awo~, did depose ~d nay: ~at be is Vice ~aident of the C~ion dan~d in ~d which execu~d the above instrument; that tht &e meal ~nd to ~e he knoWn the seal of said Co~tion; . ~.aid ins~nt is anch c~e seal and w~ affixed thereto by ~er and an~tY of the B~ of D~ct~ of uaid Core.ny; andtbatheexecuted the ·aid instrument by like o~der and authority. Omlfflmlll flbd in Now ?mt ~umv hm nasmm #arab hQ, 1074 STATE OF NEW YORK aa.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK BLEANOR CliP~8TZANSBH utj-~ the ~ , Assistant Secretary a corpm'·tion of the State of , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and cos'est copy of Power of Attorney ianund by said Company, and that ! have compared same with the oeiginul and that it ia · correct troaneript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that the said Power of Atteruey is still in full fores and effect and has not been revoked, and furthermore that the Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, set forth in the said Power of Attorney in now in force. IN WITNESS.WHFLI~OF, I hive hereunto and the of u~ Comfnny, et , .,ixnd ...i or New Y~k, thto ~day ,19 (/ C1~683C The wlthi~ Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A- ?¸.5 ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NE~'~ORK CORPORATION · NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION £a~;t Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD tN~UR,ANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION H~rt~6rd,' C6n~eCticu~ BOND IlO. 635906 Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND as Princi~ (hereina{ter ~lled "Princi~") a co~oration h~ving an.office in the Ci~ o~ - ~m~ ~ 1~0 ~tllt~m ~~ as Surety (hereinafter cMlcd "Surety") are held ~d fir~y bound unto ...~ .............. ~ttituek ~ Dtnt~et~ ~ttttuok~ ~w Yo~ in thc p(mahy of ~~ ~,,a.~ ~d ~ ~.. Dc, ll~s ($ ~0~.~ ) to the payment whereof, well and trJ~-iff~F~;dW2.Fd JohhSti,J sai~-'principM binds ~imself, hi~ heirm, executors and administrators, and the smd Surety binds itself, its successors and ~signs, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~t~lt~, sealed and dated thi~~.day o(. ~q~mBm~ , A. D., Ninetem hm)dred and ~~~. ~he O~onhltlon of the aforegotug (Obligation ts surh. that Whereas, the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed for the term heginn~-e~ 1 _ 10~ __~nd ending ~nam~o~ ~1~ lq7~ or until his suct3essor i~l~t~ o~pp~i~t%~ and qualifies. - ~nm. g~ere~nr,, if the said Princi~ shall well and faithfully perform all and sin~lar the dufie~ in~mbent upon him by ~eason of his election or ap~in~ent as mid ~~~~n~ the y~r eo~o~ ~~ !, 1~8 ~d e~ ~,~er 31. 1~8 except as bereina[ter Hmked, ~nd honestly account [or all moneys coming into his h~ds ~e~ta~~a~u~r for ~e. ~t4 7ear above accord{ng to law, then thh ob]Jgatiou shall be null and yoM; it ~s otherwise to be and remain in lull [orce and v{rtue. FIRST--That the Sur~I shall have the ~ght.lo ?r~na[~ typhoid byg[~g thi!~ (~0) days notice in writing to the said ~~k ~ DI~~ ~l~ue~. i~ the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this ~nd w[ich may have been committed by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the smetv shall, as soon as practi~ble after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, ~or the time tMt this bond shall have been ~orce. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable to the said ......... ~ttttuak ~ Dtmt~ot~ ~ttltuok~ N~ Yo~ by reason o[ the re[usaL inability or [aUure o{ any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon d~and any public moneys Milch now are or may hcrea[ter be ph~ed on general or spedal deposh by or on beha][ o[ said P~Jndpal, or by ~eason o[ the allowance to or acceptance by smd Pr~ndpal o[ any interest thereon, any ~w, Ord{nance or SMtute o[ the State o[ .. ~ or any O~dinance o[ the said~~t~e~ ~ B~a$~at~ ~ttSt~ek;NeW to the contrary notwithstanding, ~n gealtmang ~,reaL the said Principal has here~to set his hand and seal, and the said Sm'ety has caused this instrument of writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative ~ ~0~ ~ ~0~ , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. Witness: EXECUTED :IN DUPLICATE CF22042B 66279C Principal 'S,A~'OW NeW ¥~rk . Wew da) o! September 77~ , 19__, bel'ore me personally acquainted, On this.. ,19th MILDRED W. OEHL w' aa am ~.e. r_sonally who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he resi~tes~'5"~ Brooklyn,H.Y. that he is Attorney-in-Fact of the ROYAL OLOBE INSURANCE ~OMPAN~ (Name of Compsnf) the corporation descriln~d in a.d which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the car- l)orate seal of the said Company; that the seal al'fixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so afl]xed by order and a.thority of the Uoard of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter ~2 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 2~ of the Consolidated Laws of tile State of New York, and known as the ins0~nce Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of lns.rance of the State of New York has issued to said Company a certificate of solvency and of qualification to ~come s~rety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, ~cognizances, guarnnties and other obligations ~ired ~ pe~itted by law; and that such certificate has not been revoked. (S~c) CF22087C. · - ~,o~, ~Stclt® of Nelw York ^ ...No. 03'4S~Sgl _ ~ual~tied in Bronx Coun~ ue~ificoteCommissionfUed with t,t. y. Co.'C~er Expir~a March ~0, 197~- ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE CO ANY (Incorporated 1891 ) A Stock Company, Organized Under the Laws of the State of Illinois 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Financial Statement, December 31, 1976 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .... , ...................................... Bonds ........................................................ Preferred Stocks ................................................ Common Stocks ................................................ Real Estate .................................................... Interest Due and Accrued ......................................... Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due. Other Admitted Assets ............................................ TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS .................................... 1,491,029 274,660,339 9,017,331 73,521,065 2,618,671 5,219,592 38,818,699 43,624,261 $448,970,987 LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses ...................... Reserve for Unearned Premiums .................................... Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other similar charges ............ Reserve for Taxes ............................................... Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued ............................... Other Liabilities ................................................ CAPITAL ..................................................... SURPLUS ..................................................... SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ................................ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS ............................ $257,639,281 98,524,110 1,090,194 3,450,711 806,637 15,029,191 9,300,000 63,130,863 376,540,124 72,430,863 $448,970,987 Securities carried at $12,462,612 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss. COUNTY OF NEW YORK J PAUL FILKA, Comptroller and Tax Counsel and R. V. HILL, Assistant Comptroller of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31st day of December, 1976 the Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31st day of December, 1976 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 20th day off.February, 1977 FRANK A. MACARINE Notary Public, State of New York No. 30-7644510 Qualified in Nassau County Certificate filed in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1978 Comptroller and ~ Assistant Comptroller P26499-1 NO.' 116% KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ROY/~T, gT,ORR , a Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ILLINOIS , pursuant to Article V, Section 1 of the By- Laws of said Company, an extract from which is hereunto attached, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint bl'TT,DI~'D ~: O~T.-TT. of_._.~ , in the State of , , N~_;,r YOP~ its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which is in any event, to exceed UNLIMITED ..... .($ -.) Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 1ROVAT. gT,ORE T_~,S~__r~AWCE COMP.~_.My has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this 9 day of Feb_w,!&ry , 19 76 Attest: ET.R~lxlC~ C_w~___TST_T_~_M. SEN By G.J. DYE'~OMSV. Assistant Secretary Vice President STATE OF NEW YORK ~[ss.: COUNTY OF NEVt YORK ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN , being duly sworn, deposes and says: That She is an Assistant Secretary of the the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that she knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforementioned instrument is the corporate seal of the said Company and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of the said Company, that She signed h elllame thereto by like order and authority; thatshe is acquainted with G. J. DYI~OUSE and knows him to be the Vice President of the said Company; that the signature subscribed to the said instrument is in the handwriting of the said G. J. DYKHOUSE and was subscribed thereto by order and authority of the said Board of Directors and l~e further states that the following is a true copy of an extract from the By-Laws of said Company, and that the By-Laws are now in full force and effect: "The President, any Vice President, or any other Officer designated by the Board of Directors, shall have power and authority to appoint Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Secretaries, Resident Assistant Secretaries, and Attorneys-in-fact, and to give such appointees full power and authority to sign and to seal with the Company's seal, where required, all policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings, and he may at any time in his judgment remove any such appointees and revoke any authority given to them.' ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN Assistant Secretary Sworn to before me this 9 day of February , ~976 ... Thomas Buckleyi Notary Public~ State of New York No. $1-~%O5615, Qualified in Queens County Cert. filed in New York County Commission Expires March 30~ 1977 STATE OF NEW YORK "~ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK I, ELEANOR CHP, ISTIANSEN , Assistant Secretary of the ROYAL GLODE INSURANCE COMWlN-y a corporation of the State of ILLINOIS . , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and that I have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that. the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN WITNESS II/,HEREOI:, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the _se_al of said Company, at the City of New York, thisl9th day of Septembe~ ~/, 19 '('1. Assistant Secretary CF66683- The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A- ?6279 ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION THE LONDON & LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. A CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN STOCK COMPANIES GLQBE INDEMNITY COMPANY NEW YORK CORPORATION NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECTICUT CORPORATION Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 I~OKD Z~O, 635906 PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND as Principal (hereinafter called "Principal") a corporation having an office in the City of };t~W YOZt~ 150 WiXliam Street as Surety (hereinafter ca.lled "Surety") are held and firmly bound unto in the penalty of T~ar~ey Fiv~ '~'l~ttm~m~ ~ 00/~,00" "Dollaxs ($ 25.000.00 ) to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made and done, the said principal binds himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the smd Surety binds itself, its successors and a~sig~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. j~igtll'~l, sealed and dated thi$~.--~sJLday of Octo~l? &. D., Nineteen hundred and S~%~llty S:[~ i~he ~mtMttou of the aforegoing Obligation is such, that ~[~l~t£tl!lg[, the said prin- cipal was elected or appointed ,~a~at-,~t. nt'~. -'~t'~$~stll'~:r for the term beginning ~m~m~, Z: ~97~ and ending ~~r ~l~ ~978 . or until his successor is elected or appointed ~nd quali~cs. ~. ~~. if the said Pri,ci~ sh~11 well and faithfully perform all and sin~hr the dafi~ in~mbent upon him by reason of his election or Ap~in~ent ~s ~id ~~-~~ ~O~ t~ ~ar ~c~ J~~ l, ~977 ~ ~~ ~~r 31. 1977 except as hereinafter limited, and honestly account for all moneys coming into his hands as said -_~_cx. eta_x~y-Tr~,,surer for ~ said )~m__r above according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. ~ ~0~I~1 is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FIRST--That t u sh 1 the ' ht to er 'nd t i ond giv' th' 0) days notice the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts covered by this bond which may have been committed by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the surety shall, as soon as practicable after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable tothesaid-' ' ' Mattitu~k Fire District, Mattituck. liew York by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any Law, Ordinance or Statute of the State of or any Ordinance of the said _l~ttll:u~le Fix-~ Distx'i~t.. l~t:tieue.le: 1~ York _. to the contrary notwithstanding. tin gestimon§ tllhereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his haud and seal, and the said Surety bas caused this instrument of writing to be signed by its duly anthorized representative at l{aT~ ~ol"'k; 1~I~' Yot"~: , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. Witness: EXEGUTED IN DUPLICATE CF22042B Principal I~YAL GLOBE INSURANCE STATE OP' Cou~T~ o,, llew ¥orl~ SS: t On this_.~._0jlh~da} ot Ocl:O~r , 19.76, before we personally appeared Hildx'ed }~. 0~'1], , with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said: that lie resides in the 7401 Fourth Av~. _. Brooklyn_,. ti,Y, that he is Attorney-in-Fact of tile t~O~ ~O]~E T~tb-'URA~E (~)I"~PA~]Y (Name of Company) the corporation described in and wnicil executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the cor- porate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Attorney-in-Fact by like authority; and that the liabilities of the said Company do not exceed its assets, as ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter 882 of the Laws of 1939, constituting Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and known as the Insurance Law, and that pursuant to Sec. 327 of the Insurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has issued to said Company a certificate of solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other obligations required or permitted by law; and that such certificate }las not been revoked. (SeaL) C F22087 C. Royal, Globe Insurance Company (Incorporated 1891) A Stock Coml~any, Organized Under the Laws of the State of Illinois 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Financial Statement, December S1,1975 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ........................................ $ Bonds .................................................... Preferred Stocks ............................................. Common Stocks ............................................. Real Estate ................................................ Interest Due and Accrued ....................................... Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not lnore than three lnonths due... Other Admitted Assets ........................................ TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS .................................... 2,579,304 234,951,370 7,025,040 78,027,218 2,427,967 4,099,175 29,710,534 8,632~613 $367,453,221 Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses Reserve for Unearned Premiums .................................. Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other sinfilar charges .............. Reserve for Taxes ............................................ Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued .............................. Other Liabilities ............................................. CAPITAL ................................................. SURPLUS ................................................. SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ................................. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS ............................. LIABILITIES ....................... $209,753,924 80,369,722 1,149,744 2,848,782 548,863 8,967,750 9,300,000 54,514,436 303,638,785 63~814~436 $367,453~221 Securities carried at $12,905,177 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK } ss. COUNTY OF NEW YORK PAUL FILKA, Comptroller and Tax Counsel and R. V. HILL, Assistant Comptroller of the ROYAL GLOBE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31st day of December, 1975 the Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31 st day of December, 1975 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 20th day of February, 1976 I:RANK A. MACARINE Notary Public, State of New York No. 30-7644510 Qualified in Nassau County Certificate filed in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1976 P26499-1 Co/nptroller and Tax Counsel Assistant 6bmptroller ower of NO, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the 1:IOYAT, ~T,ORI~. TI~L~Tr~_ ~fl~. fl_.0M~_~__IT~_ , a Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ILLINOIS , pursuant to Article V, Section 1 of the By- Laws of said Company, an extract from which is hereunto attached, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint MTT.hRP..h ~r: 0~..1~1'. of ~ YOM~C , in the State of .~.rL-n_.,.r yOp.~.~ its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no one of which is in any event, to exceed UI~4ITED ............... -($- -,) Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings; when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal. IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, the ROW'iT. has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this .9 day of ~_~_'~2~__~ 19 ' f~,~ Assistant Secretary Vice President STATE O F NEW YORK '~ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ELEANOR CERIST:AN~EN , being duly sworn, deposes and says: That She is an Assistant Secretary of the ~0~'_~_~', O.T.nla~ the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that she knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforementioned instrument is the corporate seal of the said Company and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of the said Company, that She signed h e~ame thereto by like order and authority; that she is acquainted with ~a- ,1'. DYI~OUSE and knows him to be the Vice President of the said Company; that the signature subscribed to the said instrument is in the handwriting of the said G. 0' o D~-IOUSE and was subscribed thereto by order and authority of the said Board of Directors and ~e further states that the following is a true copy of an extract from the By-Laws of said Company, and that the By-Laws are now in full force and effect: 'The president, any Vice President, or any ocher Officer designated by the Board of Directors, shall have power and authority to appoint Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Secretaries, Resident Assistant Secretaries, and Attorneys-in-fact, and to give such appointees full power and authority to sign and to seal with the Company's seal, where required, all policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings, and he may at any time in his judgment remove any such appointees and revoke any authority given to them.' ET,P. AN'OR CHRISTIANSEN Assistant Secretary Sworn to before me this . 9 day of ~eb~Ll~.r~' , 1976 .. Thom~. $ Buckley.~ Notary Public~ State of New York No'. ~1-450~615~ Qualified in Queens County Cert. filed in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1977 STATE O F NEW YO Ri ~ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK I, MT,gA_NOR CHRISTTANSEN , Assistant Secretary of the ROYAL G~,OgE INSURANCE COMPUNet a corporation of the State of ILLINOIS , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and that I have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that. the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN WITNESS ~,HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company, at the City of New York, this ._20X. hiay of Oo_~oS,_~,'v , 19 76 · Assistant Secretary CF66683- The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A. STOCK COMPANIES ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATI ON ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION NEWARK INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION East Orange, New Jersey AMERICAN AND FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANY A NEW YORK CORPORATION SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY A CONNECT I CUT CO R PO R AT I O N Hartford, Connecticut BONU au o 6~06 Executive Office: 150 William Street, New York, New York 10038 PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND hese Irese ts, that ART.U. as Principal (hereinafter called "Principal") and the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE CONPANY , geld YORK' 150 Id ILL I M4 STREET a corporatima having an office in the City of as Surety (hereinafter called "Surety") are held and firmly bound unto NATT I TUCK F I RE D I STR I CT , NATT I TUCK, NEId YORK in the penalty of TtfENTY-FIVE T~USAND AND 00/100 .... Dol~s ($ 25~000.00 ) to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made and done, the said principal binds himself, his heir~, executors and administrators, and the smd Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. :~tgtte~, sealed and dated this , I ST day of OCTOBER 1979 ^. D., Ninetee~ hundred and SEVENTY NINE ~he (~on~ttto. o~ the aforegotng Obligation ts s~h. thst Whereas, the said cipal was elected or appointed SECReCY-TREASURER {or the term beginning JAZZY I, 1979 and ending DECE~ER 31, 198{; or until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies. ~am. ~,rr~nre. if the said Princi~ shall well and faithfully perform all and sin~lar the dufi~ in~mbent upon him by reason of his election or ap~in~ent as ~id $[~g[l~I-lR[l$6g[8 FOR THE YE~ CO~ENCING JANU~Y I~. 1~80 AND ENDING OECE~ER ~1. 1980 cxcc~t ~s ~ci~tcr l~kc~, ~ ~o~cstl~ ~ccou~t ~o~ all mo~cys coming imo his h~ds ~s SE~ETARY TREASURER FOR THE SAID YEAR ABOVE according to law, then this obligation shall be null and void; it is otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. ~ttt ~llll~l is executed by the Surety subject to the following conditions: FiRST--That the Surety shall have the right to terminate this bond by giving thirty (30) days notie~ in writing to the said ~_~.TT!TiJCK F!RE D!ST~rT .ITTITIIt'V .m~ Vn~V the said surety remaining liable for all or any act or acts ~,~r[d' b3; ~'s'l~d'~v[l~~h fi~y"ha;~'[~en committed by the principal up to the date of such termination, and the surety shall, a's soon as practicable after demand therefor, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof, for the time that this bond shall have been in force. SECOND--That the Surety shall not be liable to the said I~TTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT, NATTITUCK~ NBM YORK by reason of the refusal, inability or failure of any bank, depository or depositories to pay upon demand any public moneys which now are or may hereafter be placed on general or special deposit by or on behalf of said Principal, or by reason of the allowance to or acceptance by said Principal of any interest thereon, any Law, Ordinance or Statute of the State of NE~ YORK or any Oldinance of the said NATT[ITUCK FIRE DISTRICT, NATTITUCK~ NEIM YORK to the contrary notwithstanding. JJn i~estlmon§ ttlhereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seat, and the said Sm'ety bas caused this instrument of writing to be signed by its duly authorized representative at NEd YORK~ NEd YORK ., and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. Witness: EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE- CF22042B 5r^rzo~, [tear York ~ou~w or Ney York ., ~79 au lids I tin) al OCTOBER 1:/~, l~l'om ~e personallt- appeared Pet:er_ will, w~omJ ~m ~ersonallv nc uainted ' F -''- . -q , ab 20 ~elderes~ who, being by me duly sworn, said: that he msides~ Parsi~y~ Ne~ ~e~se~ ; thai he is Altorney-in-I:act of Ihe ~O~ O~BE ~~C~ CO~ the cofl,oraHon descril.:d in and wllich executed the I'oregoing inslrument; that he knows the porale seal of the sniJ (:Oml,nny; that tile seal al[ixed to ~aid inslrument is such corporate seal; that it w~s so affixed Gy orJer nnd authoriiy at Ihe Hoard of ~ireclor~ at said Company; and lie signed his name thereto ns Atiorney-iu-Fact by like auihorily; and that Ihe iiaGilities of the said (:onlp8ny do not exceed its assets, ns ascertained in the manner provided in Chapter 882 of tile ~aws at 1939, constiluting ~hapter 20 of tile Consolidated Laws of tile ~lnle of New ~ork, and known as the Insurance Law, mid that ~tlrall811[ [0 ~. 327 of the hlSurance Law the Superintendent of Insurance o[ the ~tale at ~ew ~ork ha~ issued to said Company a certificate at ~[vency anJ qualification [o become ~llre[y or ~uaran[oF on 8][ bonds, undertakings, recognizances, guaranties and other ob]igatious re~lired ~ permitted by law; and that such certificate has not Geen revoked. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of No. 41-2351725 Qualified in Queens Coun~ Certificote filed with N. Y. Co. Clezk Commission Expires M~ch ~0, ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY (Incorporated 1891 ) A Stock Company, Organized Under the Laws of the State of Illinois 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 Financial Statement, December 31, 19 78 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .......................................... Bonds ........................................................ Preferred Stocks ................................................ Common Stocks ................................................ Real Estate .................................................... Interest Due and Accrued ......................................... Net Agents Balances or Uncollected Premiums not more than three months due. Other Admitted Assets ............................................ TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS .................................... $ 477,456 399,224,651 7,815,747 92,264,606 3,152,506 8,641,953 36,425 ~965 27,425,173 $575,428,057 LIABILITIES Reserve for Losses, Claims and Related Expenses ...................... Reserve for Unearned Premiums .................................... Reserve for Contingent Commissions and other similar charges ............ Reserve for Taxes ............................................... Reserve for Accounts Due or Accrued ............................... Other Liabilities ................................................ CAPITAL ..................................................... SURPLUS ..................................................... SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS ................................ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS ............................ $304,264,687 124,708,854 1,737,600 3,822,963 2,126,096 21,513~908 9,300,000 107,953,949 458,174,108 117,253949 $575,428,057 Securities carried at $13,845,380 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. Bonds and Stocks are valued on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss. COUNTY OF NEW YORK PAUL FILKA, Vice President and Comptroller and R. V. HILL, Assistant Comptroller of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that they are the above described officers of the said Company and that on the 31st day of December, 1978 the Company was actually possessed of the assets set forth in the foregoing statement and that such assets were available for the payment of losses and claims and held for the protection of its policyholders and creditors, except as hereinbefore indicated, and that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of such assets and liabilities of the said Company on the said 31st day of December, 1978 according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed to before me this /~r day of ~ 197 ¢/ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Ne~v York L]o. 31-4b13480 Qualified in New Yoxk County Commission Expires Moa:ch 30, ~ P26499B-1 ,4 ssistant Comptroller ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN'£$: That th'e , a Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of TLLINOIS_ , pursuant to Article V, Section 1 of the By- Laws of said Company, an extract from which is hereunto attached, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint PETER J. COLONNA~ JR. of NEW YORK , in the State of NEW YORK its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to make, execute, attest, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, where required, any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances and written obligations in the nature thereof, the penal sum of no o'ne of which is in any event, to exceed UNLIMITED "($- .) Dollars. Such bonds and undertakings, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney(s)-in-fact shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings were signed by the President and Secretary of the Company and sealed with its corpora'te seal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this .. 7 day of ^pti l , 19 77 Attest: ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN By G.J. DYKHOUSE Assistant Secretary Vice President STATE OF NEW YORK '~ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN , being duly sworn, deposes and says: That She is an Assistant Secretary of the ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that Sac knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the aforementioned instrument is the corporate seal of the said Com..,pany and was affixed thereto by order and authority of the Board of Directors of the said Company, that °he signed l~r name thereto by like order and authority; that She is acquain:ed with C-~ ~. D__v~_.OUSE and knows him to be the Vice President of the said Company; that the signature subscribed to the said instrument is in the handwriting of the said G; ;-r; DYKH_OUSE and was subscribed thereto by order and authority of the said Board of Directors and ~e further states that the following is a true copy of an extract from the By-Laws of said Company, and that the By-Laws are now in full force and effect: "The President, any Vice President, or any other Officer designated by the Board of Directors, shall have power and authority to appoint Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Secretaries, Resident Assistant Secretaries, and Attorneys-in-fact, and to give such appointees full power and authority to sign and to seal with the Company's seal, where required, ail policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings, and he may at any time in his judgment remove any such appointees and revoke any authority given to them.' Sworn to before me this . ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN Assistant Secretary 7 day of April , 19 77. Anne Leykum~ Notary Public, State of New York No. $1-2351725, Qualified in Queens County Certificate filed with N. Y. Coo Clerk Commission Expires March 30, 1979 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK SS,: ELEANOR CHRISTIANSEN I, , Assistant ROYAL GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY Secretary ef the a corporation of the State of ILLINOIS , , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and th&t I' have compared same with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original and that the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN WITNESS ~.HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company, at the City of New York, this ! $1' day of O{~TO[llrR ' , 19 Y9 . Assistant Secretary CF66683- 1980 The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficiency of the Surety this day 19 CF22169A-