HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-08/31/2010LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes & Discussion Notes from Meeting held Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Ray Huntington Chris Baiz Monica Harbes Lillian Ball (7:16 p.m.) Maureen Cullinane Members Absent: Eric Keil Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison Dr. Damianos, landowner Andrew Stype, real estate broker for Damianos Patricia C. Moore, attorney for Venetis Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:03 p.m. with five LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? ACCEPTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES FROM JULY 20, 2010 AND AUGUST 3, 2010 MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Maureen Cullinane, to accept the Land Preservation Committee meeting minutes from July 20, 2010, as amended. Motion carried: 4/0/1 (Monica abstained as not present at 7/20/10 LPC meeting) HOLD minutes from August 3, 2010 as quorum of attending members not present to vote. Land Preservation Applications and Inquiries: ?? SCTM #1000-120-3-11.9 (KKP, LLC – Peter Harbes) New PDR application LPC member Monica Harbes was not present for a discussion of this project due to a family relationship. New PDR application was reviewed. Melissa explained that landowner would like to close by the end of the year. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Maureen Cullinane, to direct Melissa Spiro to authorize an appraisal of the KKP, LLC (Peter Harbes) property (SCTM #1000-120-3-11.9) for the purchase of a development rights easement upon this farmland, with a 50’ access along Sound Avenue to the proposed easement area, and a reserve area running along Sound Avenue to the northwest corner boundary line. LPC requests that the property be appraised presenting three values based upon allowable lot coverage for agricultural structures: 1) Lot coverage restrictions as per current Town Code (20%); 2) 10% lot coverage; and 3) 2% lot coverage. Motion carried: 4/0/1 (Monica Harbes absent from discussion and vote; Lillian Ball absent from vote) ?? SCTM #1000-107-10-10.1 (Girards) Updated re: Town Board hearing The public hearing for the Town’s purchase of a development rights easement on this property was th held on Tuesday, August 24. SEQRA and Elect to Purchase Resolutions were tabled by Town Board to allow for further clarification of this project with the Girards family. Melissa was directed by Supervisor Russell to schedule a meeting with Mr. & Mrs. Girards and Town representatives. Melissa will schedule meeting after speaking with the Girards. ?? SCTM #1000-108-4-1.1 (Damianos, Mattituck property) Review landowner’s response to offer letter [executive session] 7:30 p.m. appointment Dr. Damianos and Andy Stype made presentation for the sale of development rights before the committee. Dr. Damianos is interested in selling 20 acres of development rights, leaving a 3 acre reserve area around the existing residential home, on the 23 acre parcel. They both believe that the development rights are worth more than the $59,000-$65,000 per acres referenced in the Committee’s recent letter to Dr. Damianos, and asked that the Committee reconsider request for a new appraisal. LPC pointed out that average appraised values of comparable properties are falling between the $59,000-$65,000 price range and that authorizing a new appraisal for this property at this time is not in the best interest of the Town as the expected outcome would not lie within Dr. Damiano’s expectations for a proposed purchase price. The Chair asked what purchase price would be expected by Dr. Damianos. He responded with a number more than $10,000 over the top number of the range of current appraisals given by the Land Preservation Committee. Dr. Damianos and Andy Stype suggested that they authorize and pay for their own appraisal for Committee review. This offer was accepted by the Committee providing that the appraiser prepares his report comparable to Town standards for the purchase of development rights easements. ?? SCTM #1000-107-5-1.1 (Swain) Review appraisal [executive session] will discuss at next LPC meeting HOLD – ?? SCTM #1000-19-1-8.4 (Fred Terry) Discuss inquiry MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to direct Melissa Spiro to authorize an appraisal of the Terry Farm in Orient (SCTM #1000-19-1-8.4) subject to LPC’s receipt of a formal application. Appraisal shall be valued for the purchase of a development rights easement with a reserve area located at the northerly end of farm, with an appropriate access to the easement area from the Main Road. Values shall also be based upon allowable lot coverage for agricultural structures: 1) Lot coverage restrictions as per current Town Code; 2) 10% lot coverage; and 3) 2% lot coverage. Motion carried: 6/0 ?? SCTM #1000-43-5-23 (County) County inquiry John Sepenoski told Committee that he had brought this proposed purchase to the Town Board over a year ago and it had been rejected. Committee directed Melissa Spiro to send a response letter to the County rejecting offer but suggesting that County transfer parcel to County Parks. If, however, the parcel is put on the market for sale, then it is recommended that a covenant & restriction be placed upon the parcel that the land is “not buildable”. ?? SCTM #1000-121-4-24 (Anshutz) Inquiry re: preservation of lot on Laurel Lake LPC has no interest in this small lot unless landowners are willing to gift the land to the Town or sell to the Town at a significant reduction in price in accordance with the Small Lot Policy. Although located along the shoreline of Laurel Lake, this parcel has residential homes on either side and does not lie adjacent to Town Open Space properties. Its acquisition would not be a remarkable addition to Laurel Lake Preserve since the Town already owns significant lakefront. ?? Fishers Island Parade Grounds HOLD – not discussed due to time constraints. Applications & Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property: ?? SCTM #1000-87-6-4 (Venetis ZBA Application) Venetis is adjacent to Town/County Open Space Blocker. ZBA requested LPC comments. 7:45 p.m. appointment LPC received a request for comments on the Venetis application from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The LPC received notification of this pending application as the Town of Southold is an adjacent property owner having purchased the “Blocker” property, together with the County of Suffolk, for open space purposes. Patricia Moore, Esquire, made presentation to the LPC on behalf of her clients regarding the Venetis Zoning Board application. She noted that the amended application actually reduces the footprint and the non-conformity of the existing residential home by partial dismantling of the existing deck, and requires the installation of a County Health Department approved septic system that would be an improvement to the environmental conditions within this area of Corey Creek. Ray Huntington distributed to LPC his pre-prepared written response that the variance not be granted. This response was not acted upon and further LPC discussion continued. Ray Huntington will draft memo response to ZBA for LPC review for further discussion at its next meeting. ?? SCTM #1000-102-4-6.1 (Ruttura f/k/a Batuello or Kaloski) Request for deer fence Application received from landowners for the placement of deer fencing along the westerly and part of the northerly boundary lines of the easement area. The proposed fencing does not enclose the property. Fencing is allowed under the terms of the recorded easement. The application also requests the construction of farm labor housing within the easement area. LPC will not review this request until applicants provide more detailed information. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Maureen Cullinane, to provide formal LPC approval in a written response to Donna and Samantha Ruttura, landowners, for the construction of deer fencing as sketched on survey attached to application. Motion carried: 6/0 ?? Deer Management on Jennings Road property (Town Open Space) Memo dated 8/24/10 received from Jim McMahon, Director of Public Works, outlines proposed plan and equipment to be used for widening two trails within the Damianos Preserve off Jennings Road to 6-8ft in width to allow for funneling deer into the hunting zones and easier access to the two hunting zones. This suggestion was made to the Town Board by Jeff Standish as part of the Town’s 2011 Deer Management Program. LPC reviewed memo and have offered the following response to DPW proposal: Existing two trails shown on proposal be cleared to no wider than 8 feet at any given location o within said trails. No removal of any living trees that may lie within the designated trail area which may result in o the trails sometimes being less than 8 ft wide. No regrading and no ground disturbance. o Melissa reviewing whether trail widening and maintenance for the Town’s Deer Management Program is an allowable expense charged the Community Preservation Fund. ?? SCTM #1000-58-1-1.1 (Town Open Space: Bittner) Planting Plan from Maureen Cullinane Maureen Cullinane’s planting plan and NYSDEC permit were reviewed. Dunes must be re-graded before planting of beach grass can be done. Recommended time of planting is between Sept 15 and Oct 15 and planting will be done by Boy Scouts. Due to timeline for a successful planting, a Town Board work session appointment is to be made for the 9/7/2010 Town Board meeting to get Town approval for an outside contractor to regrade the dune. Maureen has agreed to attend the work session to present planting plan, and to oversee the planting project. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Lillian Ball, to approve Maureen Cullinane’s planting plan for the Bittner property beach area and to seek Town Board approval to initiate the project. Motion carried: 6/0 Melanie will call to schedule Town Board work session appointment. Stewardship and Management: ?? MONITORING (PROPERTY CONDITION) REPORTS: SCTM #1000-63-2-6.2 Reinckens/Duffy (per John Sepenoski) o SCTM #1000-69-1-9.1 Doroski Family (per John Sepenoski) o SCTM #1000-84-1-3 Demchak (John Sepenoski/Melanie Doroski) o SCTM #1000-84-3-2.2 Lieb Vines (John Sepenoski/Melanie Doroski) o SCTM #1000-95-1-4.3 Schreiber (John Sepenoski/Melanie Droroski) o HOLD – not discussed due to time constraints. ?? DISTRIBUTE UPDATED LPC STEWARDSHIP TASK LIST STATUS REPORT John Sepenoski distributed LPC Stewardship Task List Status, dated as of 8/30/2010. General Land Preservation Items: ?? RUTH OLIVA AT DAM POND SIGN DEDICATION HOLD – not discussed due to time constraints. ?? LAND PRESERVATION 2011 BUDGET HOLD – not discussed due to time constraints. Informational: ?? None Next Regular Meeting: ?? The next regular meeting will be held on September 14, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the Annex Executive Board Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. by the six attending LPC members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary