HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavis, MarkOath Office for Volunteer Fire olicemen ~ew York State Municipal Law, Section~l~9-C.) STATE OF NEW' YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I, . ................ ~Tt. IC.~.&Y~,~. ....................................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm) (Ty~ or .Print Nsme) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Fire Policeman of the: .......................~..?¢.tc..:i:.t..~..q.k. ..................... Fire Department, according to the best of my ability. Signature .~.~.....~ .............. Add tess .......... .0..]..e.....J..R~..e... ~.e. ............................... · ~1~ Post Office ...... ..l~..~.~.~.t..~.9..k.~...N..e~.: .... ~.]-.~.~.~ ............. Sworn' to before~me, this' --],9' ...... ~'' day Original to be filed with ZowFi~)~l~4;l~~,.~,l:lV i:1~. Clerk. · ~ L-,,<;,., ~)~;,~- ,,,/D~4 Copy to be held by Department ,~ecre~ary. · [ \ k,~ To':m C!¢rk