HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984PLEASE MAIL. REPORT TO: State of New York ' Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E, Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 REf/IVE~. NAME OF DISTRICT TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 IN THE  THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (check one) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners or AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section ~, of the Gonend Municipal Low ,41, .e, evet~ ~.4 fha ''' dlshlei ~' th#ii annually make u report of itl financial ~endtlle~ I~ the comptroller. ~ch ~eps~t shutl be mude by ~tm *'* t,eusurer of each fire *'* district ***" "5. ~1 ~epu.t Iholl be certified by the officer making the s~e and shall be flied with the co~troller within sixty doy~ after the clo~e of the fiscal year of such *** district ***" CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER (Please Print of Type) Fire District and that the following report is a true and c~r.~ect statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 19..~.~. Dated , ...... Te~e.~one AC 1962 Print Code YZ Name ~ ........... Address (Rev. t~.184) STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER GENE RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Al0 Reol Property Taxes(sameastax computationonpage4) .... A1001 A20 State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue .................. A3007 A30 Federal Aid for Civil Defense .............................. ........ A4305 A40 Charges for Fire Protection, Other Services A2262 A51 Interest and Earnings .................................................. A2401 A52 Rentals ...................................................................... A2410 A53 Sale of Equipment ...................................................... A2665 AS4 Gifts and Donations .................................................... A2705 A55 Refunds of Expenses .................................................. A2701 A59 Miscellaneous Revenues (specify) .............. A2770 A81 Transfer from Capital Fund ........................................ A5031 A82 Transfer from Reserve Fund ........................................ AS031 Total Revenues .................................................. A64 Budget Notes Issued .................................................. A57S0 A6S Tax Anticipation Notes Issued .................................... A5760 A66 Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued .............................. A5770 Total Notes Issued ............................................ A90 Sole of investments .................................................... A5085 Total Receipts ................................................ Balance at Beginning of Year ...................................... A8501 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE .............. RAL EDP Code FUND .o7 $. f PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE Al00 A200 A400 A60 I A602 A603 A610 A628 A629 A630 A633 A636 A638 A680 A68! A690 Redemption A691 Redemption A801 Transfer to A802 Transfer to A900 Personal Services .................................................. A3410.1 Eq~lpme, t ........................... A3410.2 Contr#ct..I ,raj ¢llher ENpenses ........................... A3410.4 Hyd*,,~ Ji~ ~ A1410 4 Fire P~ote~ l*~,,* Al410.4 Judgmentl m~d CI,hne ................ A1930.4 State Reflreme~t $ytlem ......................... A9010.8 Police and Fi~e Relirement Syltem .................... A9015.8 Workmens Compe,lution Insurance ............................ A9040.8 Social Security .......................................... A9030.8 Medical, Surgical ufld Hu*pital Cure ....................... A9060.8 Blanket Accident Insurance ...................................... A9060.8 Interest on Bonds ...................................................... A9710.7 interest on of Bonds ........................................... A9710.6 of Notes .............................................. A97~. 6 Capital Fund ...................................... A9950.9 Reserve Fund ........................................ A9901.9 Total Expenses .............................................. Purchase of Investments ............................................. A9985.5 Other (specify) Total Payments .............................................. Balance at End of Year (Transfer to page 4) .................. A8507 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ............ o',! au f z.Vs. 't7 NOTE: EDP Codes are lor Office of the Sllsiu Comlmollel use. CAPITAL FUND EDP RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Code HB! Interne! and Earnings .............................................. H240! $ N60 Bando .................................................................. H5710 H6I P~emlum and Accrued Interest on Bonds .................. HZ/10 H62 Capital Nates ........................................................ H5740 t163 Be~d Anticipation Notes ........................................ H5730 / N82 Troecfm from General Fund .................................... N 5031/ Other ~ .................. N27~ Total Receipts .............................................. ~ Balance et Beginning of Year .................................. / H8491 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE .._..../.. PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE ~ H200 Equipment * ........................................ / ............. H3410.2 S HBO0 Reel Properly (incJudelntoroetduringcon/Itruc:tion) .... H3410.2 H693 Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................... H9730.6 HSI0 Transfer to General Fund ........................................ H990L9 Other Total Payments ............................................ Balance at End of Yeor(Trmsfee to page 4) .............. H8497 TOTAL 'PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ............ RESERVE ~cLCEIPTS AND il(IlNNtN~ llALAN¢i t~.')l Interel! end Iemlet~e R2401 Tronefm hem ~...~.l Othe~ . , ............ R2770 Total ~eceipll Balance al Beghmi.g el Yea~ ....................... R8491 TOTAL gECEIPTS AND BALANCE .......... ~ AYMENTS AND ENDINQ BALANCE t,,?O0 Equipment ................................. ~500 Real Property ,~g2 Transfer to Reserve Fund ........................... .~lO Transfer to General Fund .................. R9901.9 Olher · Total Paymenls Balance at End of yea~ ('Transfe~ ~o puge 4) .......... R8497 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE .......... FUND(S) Type (purpose) of Reserve r3dlO. 2 $ ......_/_:~02.70 R3410.2 $ ......... ...... $. ::2-!_47.9, ,8! ......... s ...... z__7...q__7_: &,__. .... TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Cash Balance Beg*.ning of Year Cash g-ceipts Cash Disbursements Cash Balance End of Year 12 New York State Income Taxes .. T21 13 Federal Income Taxes ....... T22 14 Social Security Taxes ...... T26 T5 Foreign Fire Insurance Fund TS0 ~6 Group Insurcmce Deductions T20 Other (specify) 185 TOTALS .............. $ $ S S CAPITAL FUND EDP RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Code H51 Interest and Earnings .............................................. H2401 H60 Bonds .................................................................. H$710 H6] Premium and Accrued Interest on Bonds .................. H2710 N62 Capital Notes ........................................................ N5740 H63 Bond Anticipation Notes ........................................ H5730 H82 Transfer from General Fund .................................... H 5031 Other .................. H277~. H810 Total Receipts ............................................... ... / Balance at Beginning of Year .................................. //~8491 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE .~ PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE ~ H200 Equipment .................... ~ ................ H3410.2 $ HS00 Real Property (include interestduring construction) .... H3410.2 H693 Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................... H9730.6 Transfer to General Fund ........................................ H9901.9 Other Total Payments ............................................ Balance at End of Year(Trc~sfer to page 4) .............. H8497 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ............ RESERVE RECEIPTS AND ItOtNNtNU BALANCE M51 Intereat #fid ~n,~ti,~l~ R2401 M82 Transfer ham U~,t,,nl Fm~d .......... N5031 Other ............ R2770 Total Rece}ple Balance at Beginning of Year .............................. R8491 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE .......... PAYMENTS AND ENDING ~ALANCE M200 Equipment MSO0 Real Property M802 Transfer to Reserve Fund ..................................... M810 Transfer to General Fund Other Total Payments ......................................... Balance af End of Year (Transfer to page 4) ........... R8497 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE R3410.2 R3410. ;z R9901.9 FUND(S) T);p~0(~/urposei of Reserve Type (purpose) of Reserve T2 New York State Income Taxes ' r T21 T3 Federal Income Taxes ...... T22 T4 Social Security Taxes ....... T26 TS Foreign Fire Insurance Fund TSO T6 Group Insurance Deductions T20 Other ( speci fy) TBS .T85 TOTALS ..................... TRUST AND AGENCY Cash Balonce Beginning of Year Cash R*,ceipts $ FUNDS Cash Disbursements $ Cash Balance End of Year RECOHCILIATIOfl OF CASH AHD BAHK BALAHCES ~Benk k!ance OutlMndl.I Clll{ks TOTALS e , $ Petty Cash ................................................................................................................................ Coih on Hand (Dm Deposited ) .............................................................. TOTAL BANK BALANCES AHD CASH OH flAHD ................................................ 1300 ................ INVESTMENTS HELD ),Tr DECEMBER 31, 19 Fund TOTAL INVESTMENTS ...................................................................................... 8531 ......$ COMPUTATIOH OF REAL. PROPERTY TAXES Asleesed VeluMlen ef Fire Dis#Mt Within Tow,, 2 To. ReM per SI.OeO ~ e( Assessed Volilllilt ~..'. ../, ~.L.~: .... DISTRICT TOTAL ISI, Must egree with Reel Pre~leftF Ts,es skew. et tel) ef l)ete 2. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION S DETAILED STATEMENT OF IHDEBTEDHESS Bends Title aMI Purpose ) TOTAL BONDS ' ~7. ox Anticipllbn Note~ ' ~61. ..~Re_vnnue Antic!J)Mton Notes , Budget Notes . ._~_??i re! Hot._e._s 875. Bond Anticipotion Notes TOTAL NOTES 821. : .... Out, tending IiiMMI el Roi ef Yes? · YeM Issue , 1 3 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 Bed Of YeM 7 XXXX '~ Yeei. S xxx ,Ii $ $ $ ' XXX ' . -xXx _-.'_ .,, xxx ---~ix/ ,. . x, xx. ~ ............ ~. ............ S_ ............ ?__ .......... TOIAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 S :..'TOTA"I~ ~(~1~ :D~:~I~): "~):i'-~:~ ...... : ~i:~ xX'xx ~' ~ ................ i~'~ ............ ..................................... l .... I. ................ . ....... RECEIV~LES CLAIMS A~un( D~ District et EM M Yw I~J S A~t ef Un. id Clelm efDli~kl M EMef