HomeMy WebLinkAboutTyler, HenryConl~titutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTH,OLD SS: , ..... L~.~,..,.~.. ..... ~.~!~ ......................... ~oso,~m~,,~weo~'~o,,w,,, Constitution of the Uhited Sftptes end the Constitution of ~e Store of New York, and ~h~ot I will faithfully discborge the duties of the ~f~jce ............................ r!.~.~.~...~.,::~.......u.,~.~:::.~.~ .... : .......................................... occording to the best of my obility; end I do further solemnly sweet thor I hove not di- rectly or indirectly poid, offered or promised to poy, contributed, or off(~red or promiseo to contribute, ony money or other valuoble t:inq os o considerotion or reword for the [living or withholding a vote et the election et w~ich I wes elected to sold office, end hove not mode ~ny promise to influence the givirm, j or withholding ony such vote. ..................... Sworn before me this ................ do,y PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YOI~ m swFot~ co., ~o. ~-6,oa~,.~ ~IJII~iON ~,PmES ~A~, ~0, ,-~0..~ ~/~ATTITUCK FIRE DISTRIC MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11~52 Phone 298-88SS C ONST ITUT IONAL OATH MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK "I, Henry TTler , do solemuly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of NeW York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Commissioner of the Mattituck Fire District to the best of my ability." Swoarn before me on this 3 dayj of January 1985 Peter M. Coleman, Chairman Mattituck Fire District