HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 All Numbers In This Report · MusC Be Rounded to the Nearest · :,'; Dollar ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DIS T ~lC T T REA S U R E R YEAR ENDED DECEMBER MANE OF DISTRICT · ~/O~. ~' ~T I IN TltE TOI~t OR TOW-NS OF · ~OU~"~O IJ THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) Tovm Board Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law :." '1. ***every**afire***district**ashall annually make a report of'.its, financial condition to the Comptroller. ;~;i be made by the*iatreasurer of each fire***district***." li::'i' "5. All reports shall be certified by the °fficer making the same and 'shall be filed wi[h the Comptroller within sixty days ;::. after the close of the fiscal year of such***distric£***." PLEASE E~IL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of'Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal.Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Alba.y, New York 12236 Such report shall GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS Real Property Taxes Charges for Fire Protection Interest and Earnings Rentals Sale of Equipment Insurance Recoveries Gifts and Donations Refund of Expenditures Miscellaneous (Specify) Transfers ~ Budget M~tes Issued Tax Anticipation Notes Issued EDP Code AlO01 A2262 A2401 A2410 A2665 A2680 A2705 A2701 A2770 A5031 A5750 A5760 Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance at Beginning 6f Year TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE A8021 PAYMENTS ~'~---~_ Personal Services Equipment/Capital Outlay !~_~, o.~_. Contrac'tual Expenditures Hydrant Re~tal EDP Code A3410.1 A3410.2 A3410.4 A3410.4 Fire Dept./Company Services Fire Protection .. Judgments and Claims State RetireBent System Police and Fire Retire System A3410.4. A3410.4 A9010.8 A9015.8 workers Compensation Inburance A9040.8 Social ~ecurity A9030.8 Medical/Accident Insurance A9060.8 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 Interest on Notes A97 .7 Redemption of Bonds A9710'6 Redemption of Notes A97__.6 Transfer to Capital Fund A9950.9 Transfer to Reserve Fund A9901.9 Other (Specify) A TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year TOTAL PAYNENTS AND BALANCE A8029 Notes: Total Receipts and Balance must. equal Total. Payments and Balance. EDP Codes are for Office of the State Comptroller use. RECEIPTS Interest and Earnings Bonds Pres. and Accrued Int. on Bq~s Capital Notes ~ Bond AnticipaTion No~ Transfer From Cenep~l Fund Other (speCie/ ~ A/L RECEIPTS BaYance at Besinnins of Year TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE EDP Code CAPITAL FUND EDP Code H3~10.2 ' ~ .PAYHENTS H2401 $ Equipment/Capital O~tlay H57~0 "' ~.~t~gfer tO General Fund H2770 *__~__~~ * . ' , //  TOTAL PAYHEN~ HSO2X Balance aC End of Year H8029 TOTAL PAYHENTS AND BALANCE RECEIPTS EDP Coda Interest and Earnings Sale of Assets Transfers Othar (spec~fy)- '~ ~' R2770 TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance at BeginntnS of Yaar R8021 Total Receipts and Balance PAYHENTS Equipment/Capital Outlay Real Property· Transfers Other (Specify) R2401 R2660' R503I' R 3~,10.2 R 3~,10.2 R9901.9 TOTAL PAYNENTS Balance at End of Year R8029 Total Payments and Balance R E S E R V E P U N O(S) Total of Reserve $ ~ Type (Purpose) of Reserve TyPe (Purposa) ' ~ :. of Reserve · RUST AND AGENCY FUNDS CaSh Balance · 'New York State Income Taxes..T2! $ " __J Federal Xncome ~axes ......... ~22 ~__ · __. Social Security ~axes, ....... ~26 · _/~. Foreign Fire Insurance Fund..~50 . ~ Group'Insurance Deductfons...~20 Other (specify) - $ TOTALS ........ Cash Disbursements Cash Balance End o~ Yesr $ ~ Not Ke_~ RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND ~ANK BALANCES Cash Balances by Fund at End of Year: General Fund Capital Fund ........................................................... Reserve Fund Trust and Asency Funds Total All Funds .............................. ; .................. Bank Balances at End of Year: N ame,~and ~~L°cati°n o fy B ank~,~. ~~ ~ /~. ~ ?_ .... TOTAL S Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Net Bank Balance ~-. .~ .... , Petty Cash ......................... · ................................................ Cash on Hand (Date Deposited ) ................... - .............. TOTAL BANK BALANCES AND CASH ON HAND ........... · ..................... _.._ ............ O Fund INVESTHENTS HELD.AT DECENBER 31, 19 Description of Investment Purchase Price *These totals must agree DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Year Bonds of (Show e~ch issue separately by) Issue ..... EDP Outstanding- Issued .... Redeemed Begi.nning During During 'of Year Year Year Interest Rate ~~f '~ 3 ~ . Code / .- ' . TOTAL BONDS 2~XX I X~ Notes __J ,__~__ ' ~ Revenue Anticipation ~es 2P~862 XXX ~udse~ No~es ~ 2P18~3 C~pi~al No~es 2P~875 Bond An~lcipation No~es 2P~876 XXX · O~AL NO~ES XXX OutstandinE End of Year 7 OF December 31 $ TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES TOTAL NOTES. OUTSTANDING AS OF DECENBER 31 $ COMPUTATION O~ REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation Tax Rate ..... ~.~:V~..i[~. 'i..~'~ ..... "'EDP' ' o~ Fire District~:-~ '~---' ~ ...... .per $1,000 TOt/N Code ~lthin Town of Assessed Valua~ion ....... *Should asree with Rece/pt of Real Property ~axes as shown at top of p~ge 1 ............. COHPUTA~ION OF FU~-L VALUATION OF TAXABL~ REAL"~'PROPER~Y Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Nultiplied by Tax Rate) TO~N Assessed Valuation of Fire Distric~ ~ithin Town Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Equalization divided by · ~ Rate Equaliz4tion Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EXAHPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A $10,000 Town B 5,000 Town C ~0_~00~ AssesSed Val*uation $_~ Full Valuation 2~ = $~0,000 aO~ = 12,500 7. NOTICES. OF TOP~ CLAIHS FOR lltE FISCAL YEAR ENDINC 19 ' TOTAL NUHBER OF CLAIHS :_ IlITAL AIqOUNT OF CLAIHS TOTAL AHOUNT PAID O~ CLAIHS ~DP CODE NIR4BER EDP CODE AHOUNT EDP COOE AHOUNT Claims Pending - Beginning of Year ........ : .................... ,' ~, .~ / ~ Involving Codefendant/~hird Party Defendant! 9ZTRIO .......... ~ ";.................... 9Z~ ~ ................. ; Other Claims ..... 9ZTR15 9Z1~16' ' Notices Flle~ During the Year ........................................... · Involving Codefendant/Third Party Defendant 9ZTR20 9Z~t21 Other Claims · - Claims disposed Of durin8 the ~ear prior to c~encoment 0f court action: o ~y Locality 9Z~R30 .. 9 1 9Z~R32 5 o By Insurance Carrier 9Z~R/~O 9Z~R&2 6 - Claims disposed of during the year ~ /. - i. - after co~encement of court action: // o By Locality ..... 9ZTRSO ...... 9Z~51 ........... 9ZTRS2 7 ~ By Insurance Carrier ......... 9ZTR60 "- /. 9ZTR6I 9ZTR62 o By Judgment 9ZTR70 ' ' / 9Z~R71 9ZTR72" - Other ( ......... )' 9zTRao // ......... 9ZIR81 9ZT~82 ~lual s: - Glaims Pending - End of 'Year Involving Codefendant/Thtrd Party Defendant 9Z~R91 11 Other Claims ./gZTRgS 9Z~R96 12 . AUTHORizATiON Article /,, Section 50-f of the General Hunicipal Law "3. a. Each officer charged with the duty of making and* keepin8 the record of claims shall make an annual report thereof, in sugary, to the $overnin8 board of such municipal corporation or of such authority or com~ission and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the ~.tate comptroller trlthin sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such emnicipal corporation or of such authority or co~tss~on. A municipal Corporation, authority or coa~iss[on required by section thirty of the general municipal law file an annual report of its financial condition with the state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection '~lth such financial report." Note: It is ~ot necessary to furnish any additional information or detailr, on the above clat~as or notices of claims. If there ~ere no notices of Tort Claims filed or disposed of, please state "NONE" and return this report with the Annual Financial Report. 5 NO~ICES OF /ORT CLAIMS FOR /~E FISCAL YEAR ENDING 19 (2) -' ,Muni~ipality's Equitable Shar. e EDPCOD~ C~) AHOUN~ PAID GREA/~R ~HAN ~UITABLE SHARE 11 12 greater than the muntcipality*s equitable share. (column 3), Identify the number (column 1) of claims disposed of during the year where the settlement was determined in accordance with the rel- ative culpability of each party pursuant to an itemized decision or Jury verdict and where the amount paid by the municipality was Enter the nmntcipaltty*s equitable share (column 2) and the excess amount paid Title Addresd ' / Phone Number Dated Name CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER (Please Print or Type) ~._' ' Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 19 ~7' Area Code CHAIRHAN OF THE BOARD "' Address STATE'OF NL~YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COHPTROLLER