HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989A%~ Numbers In This Report Must be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Method of Accounting (Check One) ~ Single Entry Cash __ Double Entry Modified Accrual ANNUAL REPORT 2 Sou~c, ld Tc",'~ ~'~'~ OF THE FIRE D i S i'A I CT TRE A S ORE R TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF IN THE THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners '~ or Town Board ALrlMORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "i. ***eve~ry***fire~district***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the***treasurer of each fire~district***.'' "5, All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such**~,district~.'' PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the-State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany~ New York 12236 Revised 1989 GENERAL FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF ASSETS EDPCODE Cash A200 $ Ti~ Depos i ~s A201 Z~est~t gn R~se Agars AqS1 Total /~es~t Aooo~qts Receivables Due from Other Ft~ds State and Federal Receivables State and Federal, Other Total State and Federal Receivables $ $ Due fro~ Other Governments A~0 $ Inventory l~.5 ~ Res*r-ic:tecI Assets Cash, .~im]' Reserves A2~/ $.. .. Cash ~n T~me De;)osits, Special Reserv~/~2S! $ ' S~ial Reserves $ Znvestment ~n Repurchase Agr.ee,mn~s, r~tal Reserves / AqS3 $ Total Restricted Asse~s $ ./ ~ to Or, mr Governments , (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY L~ITS ONLY I LIABILITIES AND ~ EGU/TY EDPCODE Ac~t s Payable A&O0 $ Ao~rued Liabilities · Accrued Liabilities Hotes Parle Tax ~c~ :::: A63! $ A691 $ $ FUND EGUZTY Fu"~l Balance - Reserved Enctm.br~noes Inventory Repairs ATO0 A72:0 A8,82 Total Reserved Ft~d Bal~nc~ - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget Unappropriated To~al Unreserved AglO A?ll F~ld Equity .TOTAL. ASSETS $ TOTAL LIABILTTZES AND FUND E~JITY GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES-~.~ . Real Property Taxes - -- Charges for Fire Protection Interest and Earnings Rentals Sale of Equipment Insurance Recoveries Refund of Expenditures Gifts and Donations Other Unclassified Revenue EDPCODE PAYHENTS/EXPEND I~ S :"!~i~ AIO01 $ "' :'?~,~,;'[~i~.~-0~- Judgments a~d'-claims A2262 /_~ Personal Services A3410.1. A2401 ~G ~ Equipment/Capital Out]ay A3410.2 A2410 Fire Protection A3410.4 A2665 State Retirement System A9010.8 A2680 Police and }'ire Retire System A9015.8 A2701 ~ ~ Local Pension Funds 'A9025.8 A2705 Social Security A9030.8 A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax Anticipation Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation'Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 Life Insurance A9045.8 Disability insurance A9055 8 Medical/Accident Insurance A9060.8 (3) Redemption of Notes A9 .6 Interest on Notes A97' .7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 lnterest on Bonds A9710.7 Transfer to Other Ftmds A9901.9 Other (Specify) A ___ TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES $ Fund/Cash (1) Balance at ~Q~ Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year A8021 End of Year ~A8029 **TOTAL $ 3 I0, q 33 '?*TOTAL Notes: (1)'Cash ba].ance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments and petty cash. (2) Singl~ Entry Units Only. (3).Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *Fpr Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. **These must be equal. o CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - BALAHCE SHEET - AS OF , (FOR DDUBLE EHTRY UNITS ONLY ) ASSETS . . Tine Oeposits EDPCODE Total Cash $ Deposits ~ith Other governeents H395 $ State and Federal, Receivables HqlO $ Restricted Assets Cash, Special Reserves H230 Investment in Securities, HqSZ lnvesiment in Repurchase Agreements, / ..Special Reserves ~ Total Restrict $ TOTAL ASSETS $ LZABILZTZES AND FUND EGUZTY Accrued Liabilities.; ~ Accrued Liabilities Total Accrued Liabilities Notes Payable Rever. m Anticipation/ Bo~d Anti¢ipati~ _ Total~o~e~s-~Note/Payable R.t.inod per°en~alaOs, Contracts ~k~ to other governments JOther Liabilities Deferred Revenues Total Liabilities Ftnd B,alance - Reserved Enct~brances Capital Reserve Total Reserved Ftr~! Balanoe - Unreserved Unappropriated Total Unreserved F~l~d Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EiKIZTY EDPCODE H600 $ H60i H H6Z1 H6Z6 H605 H630 H631 H H691 HTO0 14878 H911 RECEIPTS/REVENUES ~ Interest' and Earnings Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds H2710 Other (Specify) H2770 CAPITAL FUND pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES ~ EDPCODE H9730.6 H9901.9 Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Otherffamd Other (Spe~ l:n~:fer F~om General Fund ~ ~ (1)Bond Anticipation Notes H5730 ' ~ Capital Notes H5740 J TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ ~'TOTAL ....... PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning ~ Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year H8021 // of Year **TOTAL RECEIPTS ~ $ .J , **TOTAL PAYMENTS (1) Single Entry U~its Only j./ ' *For Double Entry Unigs/Hs029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. **These must be equa~f. H *H8029 $ 4 RECEZPTS Tnkerest and Earnings Sale of Assets T~nsfers TOTAL RECEZP~ Ba~a~ ~m~ of Y~r ~TOTAL RECEZPTS ~D BAL~E PA~E~S Ft~ P~(~t~ T~sfers ~o Ot~r F~ O~r I~ify) TOTAL PAYHEHTS Balar~e ak End of Year *)('-XTOTAL PAYHEHTS AND BALANCE. EDPCODE R2~01 RZ660 R2770 R.60~! RSOZ! R3~O.Z Rg~OZ.~ RSOZ9 RESERVE FUND(S) TYl~ (Purpose) of Reserve FOR SZNGLE EHTRY UHZTS ONLY~, DOLJBLE EKrRY UHZTS I'~ST ZNCLUDE ~L ~'~~~ ZH APPROPRZATE FUll) Do Nok Key Type ( Purpose ) of Reserve o+ Reserve ~-xThese musk be eClUa].. AGENCY FI~S * BALANCE SHEET ~ ~ OF · ! FOR DOUBLE ENTRY Lq~LTTS ONLY Cash Cash TAZO0 Time Deposits TAZO1 Tota! Cash TOTAL ASSETS TA~50 $ TA~51 TA~55 AGENCY FUND L/ABZLZT/E$ Deferred Compensation .. j TA17 . · $ State Retirement // TAI8 Disability l'nsurm~mJ TAI9 Group Insur-~no~J TA20 ~ Yo~ ~ Z~ ~x TAZ~ F~~ ~x TAZ2 ~ ~i~ ~x TAZ6 Foreign Fir~ Insur'anc~ TJ~O O~J~r Agm-~y Fc~s (Specify) TA~ TOTAL AGENCY LIABILITIES GENERAL Fl[XED ASSETS ACCOUNTS ~ BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF ~ (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UI'il[TS ONLY ! La, r~ · ~uildings Impr-ov~m~nt$ Otl'mr than Buildings Constructio~ tiork in Progress TOTAL ASSETS EDPCODE KI01 K102 KIO$ KIO~ Aid ~k~r~l Aid K156 K157 K TOTAL INVEST}tENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG-TERH OBLIGATIONS * BALANCE SHEET # AS OF EDPCODE LZABI LILIES ASSETS ~ . ...... '.:_-: ~ts to be p~ovicled for* Long-Term Obligati~s FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY EDPCOOE Term Bonds Payable. · ~ ~ti¢ipatio~ ~ H&26 Cmpita! ~t~le ~27 ~o E~lo~ Ret~t Sys~ H637 H687 Ccmpens~tecl AJ)senses oi:her Long-Term Debt H689 $ TOTAL AHOUNT AVAZLABLE M4D TO BE PROVIDED TOTAL LZABZLZT/ES DO Not B~l~oes by Ft~d a~ End of Ye~r:llnclude c~sh in che~klng acooc~ts~ time deposits~ investments and petty c~sh} C~pital Ft. ncl ........................................................ : ................ Reserve F~d ......................................................................... Trust and Agency F~ds ............................................................... Other F~ds ......................................................................... Tot.~ - A~ ~s ........................................................................... , g{~, l~f Balances at End of Year: ~ and Loc~tion of ~ Outstm~ding Checks Net Bank Crash on Hmnd IDmte Deposited) ..................................... · .......................... Petty £mmh ................................................................................. Fund INVESTMENTS HELD AT DECEHBER Sl, 19 Description of Investment Purcimse Prioe TOTAL INVESTMENTS .................................................................................... $ Total Bank Balances, Cash o~ Hand, Petty Cash and Investments $ *These totals must agree DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Show each issue separately by) Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed of Interest Be_ginning During During Issue Rate//of--"l~ear Year3 Year5 EDP Code Outstanding End of Year 7 _ ~ $ ~ $ ~ TOTAL BONDS 2P1877 XX~ XXX $ $ $ $ TOTAL BONDS OUT T~INO AS 0 ECEMBER 31 $ Notes [ 1~I Tax Anticipation Notes /~P1861 XXXX !~XXX ~/"' ~ ~ $ $ - Revenue Anticipation Notes Budget Notes 2P1863 17XXX Capital Notes 2P1875 X)QfX /XXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1576 XXXX .j XXX TOTAL NOTES XXXX /' X~X $ ~ $ ~ ,, OTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 TOTAL BONDS m~ NOTES I XXXX [ XXX I * I'* 10 AssesSed Valuation ....... Tax Rat~i~;f[~, A~oUnt of Tax (Assessed ValuatiOn Multiplied by Tax Rate) DISTRICT TOTAL $ lq ~'~.~f" ' , ~ Iff ~%~' $ '~:~., coo · *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as' shown at top of page 1 COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization TOW~ Within Town Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A Town B To~n C Assessed Valuation Full Valuation $10,000 5,000 20,000 $35,000 25% 40% 100% $40,000 12,500 20,000 $7.2,500 11 EDP CODE Claims Pending - Beginning of Year Involving Codefendant/Third Party Def~bnt Other Claims Notices Filed During the Year Involving Codefencbnt/Third Party Defendant Other Claims Less: Claims disposed of during ~ year Prior to commencement of court action: - By Locality - By Insurance Carrier Claims disposed of during the year after cmnenc~ment of court ~ction: - By Locality - By lnsurar~e Carrier - Other ! ) : NOT/C£$ OF TORT CLAIHS : FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 19 14JtBER EDP COOE ...... :~'~: AHOL~ 9ZTRIO 9ZTRll 9ZT*R15 9ZTR21 Equals: Claims Pending - End of Year Involving Codefendant/Thi~d Party Defendant 9ZTR20 9Z'I'RZ5 ,/ 9Z1'R26 9Z~RS0~ F 9Zr~3~ 9ZTR60 ~ 9Z'TR61 9ZTRTO //" 9ZTR71 ~z~80 ../ 9z'rR8~ Other Claims 9ZTR95 9ZTR96 TOTAL AHOLINT PAID ON CLA'rI,{S EDP CODE' ' AHOUNT 9~TRSZ 9Z*1'R42 9ZTR.6Z 9Z'I'Re2 9Z'TR72 9ZTR82 7 8 9 10 :].1 12 Article 4, Section 50-f of the Germral I~icipal LaM "3.a. Each officer chargod with the duty of making and k__-_o~ing the rocord of claim shall make un annual ~'eport thereof, in s~muary to the governing board of such municipal corporation or of suc~ authority or ccmnissiofl md shall file s copy thereof in ~ office of the state comptroller wi~in sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such mcnicipal corporation or of such authority or mission. A m---~icipal corporation, authority or commission required by section thirty of the general municipal lm to file an annual report of its financial cc.-.~gtion with the state comptroller shall file ~he report raquirad by this subsection with such financial report.** Note: It is not necessary to furnish any additioflal information or details on the above claims or notices of claims. If ~ere ~ere not notices of Tort Claims filed or disposed of, please state "NONE" and return this report with the Arrtual Finor~ial Report. 12 NO'I'ZCE$ OF TORT CLAZNS i~ :~i::~;i~'L~ i':--'.:i:~: . . FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR ENDING 19 __ ~=':;~';"-'::; '('-:": EDPCODE '::; *'; --~: NI. JI~ER EDPCODE H~'ti¢ipali'~°i Equii~da, le Share OF CLATHS :, _: · .~ ( 3 ) EDPCCX)E ~ PAID laREATER THAN EqOITAB, LE ~ARE ! 3 4 7 9Z'TR.E4 9ZTR..;6 9Z'TR..E8 8 9Zi'R64 9ZTR66 9ZTR68 9 9Z'I'R74 9Z1'R76 / . 9Z'FR78 lO 9ZT'RS~ 9ZTR86 9ZTR88 11- lcl~tify th~ rubber Ic~ltnn lJ of clsim disposed of clu. ir~ tl~ y~ar ~h~r~ th~ settl~m~t ~as dete~ir~J in ~ooo~iar~c~ with the r~lative t~ ~i¢ipalit¥'s ~quitable sha~. fnte~ th~ ~i¢ipalit¥'s ~tuitable shar~ Ioolts~ 2) a~d t+~ ~xo~ss an~c~t paig IooltJ~ Report Pr~parecl By: AclClr~s.~ Phone Ncmb~P Date 13 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER (Please Print or Type) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, Dated .. , 19 Telephone (-~(~) ~r- Area Code Ns~e CHA!RM/~N OF TP~ BOARD STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER