HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992All Numbers In This Report Hust be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Metho~ of Accounting (Check One) _ C-' Single Entry cash . Double Entry Modified Accrual 'ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RECEIVED FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT ,/~/~TT,' ~Uckf IN ~ THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners ~ or Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. ***every***fire***district***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ***treasurer of each fire;~district***.'' "$. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such***district***." PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics ~overnor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 Revised 1991 ASSETS Cesh Time Deposits Petty Clsh To,il Cash GENERAL FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCODE Inves4ment in Repurchase Agre~.ents A200 $ A201 AZIO $ LI~BILTTZES ~ Ft~lO E~JITY A;.~mt s P~y~ble A~ru~ Lid~ilities Aocrusd Liabilities Due to E~ploy~s' Retirssmt Syst.= Total Ao~ured Lisbilities A~SO A451 $ Notes Psy~ble T~x Anticip~tio~ R~v.ru. A~iicip~ti~ A$80 $ ~yable Du~ fro~ Other F~ds A~91 $ ~ to Other Funds Reoeiv~bles ~' e~ts Inventory Debt Total Reserved Ft~d Balance - Unreserved lppr~prisisd-Ensuing Yesr' s Budget Total Unreserved Tohl R.strictsd Ass. ts E ENTRY UI~TS~) A600 $ A601 A637 $ A6ZO $ A62! A6;2 $ A630 A690 A631 $ A691 $ $ A821 $ A882 A88~ Aglo $ A911 $ $ Fuld Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND E~UITY GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE PAYMENTS/EXPEND ITURES EDPCODE Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 Rentals A2410 Sale of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Refund of Expenditures A2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Unclassified Revenue A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax Anticipation Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Judgments and Claims Personal Services Equipment/Capital Outlay Fire Protection (Contractual) State Retirement System Police and Fire Retire System Local Pension Funds Social Security A1930.4 A3410.1 A3410.2 A3410.4 A9010.8 A9015.8 A9025.8 A9030.8 Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 Life Insurance A9045.8 Disability Insurance A9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance A9060.8 (3) Redemption of Notes A97 __.6 Interest on Notes A97 .7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 Transfer to Other Funds A9901.9 Other (Specify) A __ TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES $ /qo o o /m 7 o o o Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year 103-3-q 6-10 q Fund/Cash (1) Balance at A8021 ~z/~S End of Year *A8029 **TOTAL $ ~--/..g' 0.~--~ **TOTAL Notes: (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments and petty cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. **These must be equal. To+~l InvesMents Invesblmt in Securities TnvesMent in Repur=hlse AgrMments Totll InvM4ments Due fro~ O4J~er Ftn~s CAPZTAL PROJECTS FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCODE H200 H201 LZABZLZ'rZE$ AND FUND E~UITY Ac, c.:~Jnt s P~ylble Accr~Jed Lilbilitiss k~cru~d Liebilities Total Ac~rum:l Liabilities Notes P~lmble Total Restricted Assets $ Capitsl Reserve To'l~l Reserved Ftr~cl [~lsnoe - Unreserved Unappropriated To'L11 tJnre~erved Fu,~d Equity FOR D~)-m-LE ENTRY UN~TS EDPCODE H600 $ H601 $ H $ H6;1 H626 $ H&O5 $ H630 $ H631 $ H $ H69! $ HSZ1 H878 $ Hgll $ $ TOTAL !_~_ ETS TOTAL LIABILITIES ~ FUND EqUZTY CAPITAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE PAYHENTS/EXPENDITURES Interest and Earnings Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds Other (Specify) Transfer From General Fund Bonds (1)Bond Anticipation Notes H2401 H2710 H2770 H5031 H$710 H5730 Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (S/peCify) Capital Notes H5740 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ /// TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning ~ ~d/Cash Balance at End of Year H8021 // £ ~'/of Year **TOTAL ~ ~V**TOTAL *For Double Entry Units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. **These must be equal. EDPCODE H3410.2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 · RECEZPTS O~h~r (Specify) Trmnsfer~ TOTAL RECETPTS ~'~TOTAL RECEZPTS AND BALANCE PAYHENTS Fir~ Prot~ctim Transfers to O~r F~ds O~h~r (specify) TOTAL PAYHENTS B~lm~m et End of Y~r 'x"x~TOTAL PAYHENTSANDBALANCE EDPCODE R2~01 RZ6&O R;770 R5051 R80:~1 P~T~IO. Z R9901.9 RSOZ9 RESERVE To~l , o~9~ F U N D(S! I FOR SI~NGLE ENTRY UNITS GNLY~ DOUBLE ENTRY UN/TS HUST 1'NCLUOE EACH RESERVE IH APPROPRIATE FUND ) Type I Purpose ) Type ( Purpose ) Type ( Purpose ) of Reserve of Reserve of Reserve ~O 060 o'-?~o o lO ooo , ~$ £/~ , ~ ~o , /o ~-~- ,/$5/~¢ , /315 /~ Ooo / / ,3 /.~ .2/ ~0~/ 7 6 ~_~ ~' 1~ 0 ~ ~> AGENCY FUNDS ~ BALAHCE SHEET # AS OF ASSETS EDPCOOE Cash Cash TA~,O0 Tim Deposits TAZO1 To*Iai Cash ~S~rvice Jwmrd P~ogrmm Assets AGENCY FUND LZABILZTZES EDPCODE ~Servioe ~rds TAll Deferred Cm~nsation TA17 S~te ~ti~t TA18 Di~ili~ l~ TA19 G~ l~ TA20 ~ Yo~ S~te ~ T~x TA;1 F~I l~ Tsx TA22 l~ E~ti~ TA2I U.S. ~vi~ ~s TA25 ~ial ~riiy T~ TA~6 ~ ~ Bid ~siis TA~I T~ TOTAL AGENCY LZABZLZTZES ~Progra. ~d. iaistr~tor rsisir~t by district. ~ p~ogrs, is ~d. iaistr~t.g i~ ihs district ihs TE ~ should be used. Accot~iing Program Procedur-.s cb4~md Septe,.b~r 6, 1990. ~NEIMIL FZXED ASSETS ACCOUNTS - BALANCE SHEET # AS OF EDPCO~E ZNVESTMENT ZN GENERAL FZXED AS~,ETS EDPC~OE K101 Bonds X~provmmn~s O~her ~han Buildings Hmc~inery mhd K102 KIO~ KIO~ K106 K153 K1.6~ K1.~7 K K TOTAL ZNVES'TlqENT IN ~ENERAL FIXED ASSETS ~ENERAL Lg~G-TERH OBLZ~ATZONS ~ BALANCE ~HEET . AS OF' EDPC(X)E LZA~TLZTZES EDPC:OOE Am:x~t Available in Deb'i: ~rvic~ Fu'x:J Id120 $ Term Bonds Payable 14623 Amounts ~o be provic~d for Long-Term Obligm~ions ~ Antioip~tion Norm N626 TOTAL AHOI. JNT AVAZLABLE AHI) TO BE PROVZDED $ TOTAL LXABXLZT'ZES 8 RECONCX LXATXON This ~ust be oo~le~. Reserve F~,~d ......................................................................... Trust end Agency F~ls ............................................................... O~r Frs,ds ......................................................................... Total - All F~J~c~ ........................................................................... Bank B~l~:e~ si End of Year: lbs. ~nd Locstion of Bank Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Cash on Hand (D~te Deposited) ............................................................... Petty Cash ................................................................................. PoP3 F~ XNVESTNENTS HELD AT DECEHBER 31, 19 ~scription of lnves'l:.mni: Purchese Price TOTAL ZNVESTFENTS .................................................................................... $ To*Iai ~ Balances. Cash on II,nd. Pe~ty Cash and lnvestmsnts 9 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Sho~ each issue separately by) Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed of Interest BegLrming During During Issue Rate of Year Year Year 1 3 5 EDP Code Outstanding End of Year TOTAL BONDS 2P1877 XXXX ~ ~ _/ ~ ~ ~ TOTAL BONDS OF DECEMBER 31 Notes Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Revenue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 XXXX ~ Budget Notes 2P1863 XXXX ///~ZX~ Capital Notes 2P1875 XXXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 XXXX / XXX TOTAL NOTES XX~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES 10 Assessed Valuation Tax Rate EDP of Fire District per $1,000 TOWN Code Within Town of Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Ta~es as shown at top of page I COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization TOWN Within Town Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION:' Town A Town B Town C Assessed Valuation Full Valuation $10,000 5,000 20,000 $35,000 25% 40% 100% $~0,000 12,500 20,000 ~72,500 11 Claies Pending - I~gimir; of Year Involving Codefendant/Third Party Defendant Other Clmi.s Notices Filed During tt~ Year Involving Codefendant/Third Party Defencbnt Other Claies Less; Cl~iesdispossd of during the year Prior to cosmenc~mnt of court mction: - By Locality - By Insurance Carrier elates disposed of during the year after coeeeencesmnt of court action: -By Locality - By Insurance Carrier -ay~t - O~r I ) Ec~ls: Claim Pending - End of Year Involving Cocbf.ncbni/Third Party Defencbnt NOT/CES OF TORT CI.A[HS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDTN; 19 TOTAL ~R OF CLA~HS EDP COOE NUI~R TOTAL ANOUNTOF CLAZHS TOTAL AHIXINT PAZD ON CLAIHS EDP CODE AHOUNT EDP CODE AHOUNT 9ZTRIO 9ZTRll 9ZTR15 9~1K16 9ZTRZO 9ZTR:~I 9Z'rR~ 9ZTR26 9ZTR~O ~ ~~ - 9ZTR~X 9ZTR~Z 9ZTRBO~~ ~.~ ' 9ZTR~X 9ZTR~ 9ZTR&O 9ZTR61 9ZTR6; 9Z'TRTO 9ZTR71 9El'RTZ 9ZTRSO 9ZTRS1 9ZTRS~' 9ZTRgO 9ZT*R91 Other Claim 9ZTRg5 9ZTRg6 6 AUTHOP. ZZA'I'ZON Article i, Section ;0-f of the ~ensral It~icip~l L~ "3.a. E~ offi~r ~ ~i~ ~i~ ~ of s~ ~ici~l =~ti~ or of s~ =~ri~ or ;issi~ ~ all file a ~ ~f in ~ offi~ of ~ s~ ~t~ller .i~in sixty lye after ~ close of ~rity or ;issi~ ~i~ ~ Note: It is not ~a.r~ to fumis~ any ~tditi~l information or derails on tl~ ~x~e clai.s or noti.s of cl~i.s. If there t,~re not notices of Tort Claies filed or disposed of, please state "NONE" ~nd return this report with ihs Annual £inar~ial Report. 12 NOT/CES OF TORT CLAZHS FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR EI4)ZNG 19 __ I1) (~) EDPCODE NIJ~ER EDPCODE Itm~iQipmliiy'$ Equitable Shere EDPCODE OF CLA~HS AHCXJNT PAID GREATER THAN EGU/T~BLE SHARE $ $ 0 7 9ZTR.~ 9ZTR.66 9ZTR.68 8 9ZTR6~ ~-'; K66 9ZTR08 9 9ZTRT~ 9Z'TR76 9ZTR78 10 9ZTRS~ 9ZTR80 9ZTR88 culpmbility of mmch p~ty pursumnt to mn iimeizmd dmoiSion or jury verdict end .m tim mmo~m~t p~id by the municipality w~s grimier th~n th~ munioip~liiy's ~uii~blm shmm. [nimr th~ mamicip~liiy's ~uitmblm shmr~ (ooltmen ~) mhd the ~cmss mtmount pmid (oolumn 1). Report Prepered By: Address Title Phone N~ber 13 CERTIFICAT]~ OF FIRE DISTRICT TEEASURER (Please Print or Type Name) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, /~ . Signature Address Telephone (~W-/~) Area Code Name CHAIRI~AN OF THE BOARD Telephone (~--/~]) ~?~-- ~/~'~ Area Code STATE OF NEW YO~K OFFICE OF THE STATE C0~PT~OT.r.F.R 14