HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993All Numbers In This Report ~ust be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Method of Account/ng (Check One) ~" S/ngle Entry Cash Double Entry Modified Accrual ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 ~ NAIVE OF DISTRICT ~7'7'/7'~/Ch IN THE Tom oR Toms OF ou #oLd FEB 81994 THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners or Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. ***everF***fire***district***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report sha]] be made by the Z-A-*treasurer of each fire*A'*district***.'' "5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such*'**district~." PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 Revised 1993 C~sh Time Deposits Petty Cash Total Cash GENERAL FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCOOE A200 $ A201 AZ10 $ Investments Investment in Securities Investment in Repurc~iseAgreamnt$ Total Investment A~50 Accounts Rec. ivables A~80 $ Due frmn Other F~ds A391 $ State ar~ Federal Receivibles State and Federal, Other Tots1 State end Fecbrsl Receivibles A~IO Due from Oti~r Governmmlts A~O $ Inventory Restricted Assets Ceeb, Special Reserves AZ$0 Cash in Time D.posits, Speciel Reserves AZ$1 l~estK~ in R~se AD--ts, Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS LZABZLTT/ES AHI) FUr4) EQUITY Aooo~mts Pey~ble ~_.~FOR DOUBLE ENTRY tJH/TS ONL_~ A600 Aoort~d Liibilitie$ ioorusd Liabilities Du~ to Employees' Retiremnt System Totel Accured Liabilities A60! A637 A620 A621 A622 A630 A690 A631 A691 FUND EilL~TY Fu~d Rel~c~ - Reserved Encuab~s Inventory Repairs Debt A821 A8~5 A882 A88~ Total Reserved Fwd Balance - Unreserved Apprcq~risted-Ensuing Y~ar's Budget Urmppropriebd To~sl Unr'ss~rved A910 A911 Fwrl Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND E~RJITY GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 Rentals A2410 Sale of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Refund of Expenditures A2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Unclassified Revenue A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax Anticipation Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES 6;, b33 PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES EDPCODE Judgments and Claims A1930.4 Personal Services A3410.1 Fire Protection Equip/CapOutlay A3410.2 Fire Protection Contractual A3410.4 State Retirement System A9010.8 Police and Fire Retire System A9015.8 Local Pension Funds A9025.8 Social Security A9030.8 Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 i/b. 30°3 //o, Life Insurance A9045.8 Disability Insurance A9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance A9060.8 (3) Redemption of Notes A97 __.6 Interest on Notes A97 .7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 Transfer to Other Funds A9901.9 Other (Specify) A__ TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES $ ,,6-PZ ~3o/ Fund/cash (1) Balance at Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year A8021 ~, 0~3 End of Year *A8029 //~ <~/ *~TOTAL $ 7P3 **TOTAL $ ~P~ 7F3 Notes: (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments and petty cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Units A8029 mUst equal Fund Equity on Page 1. **These must be equal. CAPZTAL PROJECTS FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCOOE Cash Cash H2~O0 Time Deposits H201 Total Cash lnvesb.nts lnvestssnt in Securities I~$0 lnvest.snt in R.pur~h~se Agree.mis Total Investmmts Due from Other F~z~ds H$91 Deposits with O~er ~ovem~nents H395 State er~ Federal, Receivables H~XO Restricted Assets Cash, ~ial Resales H230 ~ in Tim ~sits, ~iel Resale HZ31 ~ial Resales ~2 I~~ in R~se Ag~s, ~ial Rese~es LZJ~B, ZLZTZES AND FLJND EINZTY Payable Aocmsd Liabilities Aoorusd Lisbiliti~s Total Accrued Li.bilitias Notes Palmble R~vm Anticipation aon~ Anticipation Total Notes Pslmble Payable I Due to O~er F~ds Due to O~er Govermmnts O~er Liabilities Deferred Revenues Total Liebilities Ft~D EINITY Total Restricted Assets Fu~f Balance - Reserved Em~.brances Capital Reserve Total Reserved Fu~d Balance - ~e~ F~ E~i~ EDPCOOE H600 $ H601 $ H $ H621 $ H626 $ H605 $ H630 H63X $ H $ H691 $ H82! $ H878 $ H911 $ $ TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL LXABXLXTZES AND FUND E~UZTY CAPITAL FUND KECE IPTS/REVENUES Interest and Earnings H2401 Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds H2710 Other (Specify) H2770 Transfer From General Fund H5031 Bonds H5710 Capital Notes H5740 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning of Year H8021 **TOTAL $ EDPCODE PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year **TOTAL EDPCODE H3410.2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 (1) Single Entry Units Only *For Double Entry Units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on page 3. **These must be equal. 4 RESERVE F U N DIS) FOR SZH~LE ENTRY UN[TS ONLY, DOUBLE ENTRY UN~TS IIJST ZNCLUDE EACH RESERVE ZN APPROPR/ATE FUND ) RECE'rPTS /nterest and Earnings Sale of Assets Other ( Spec~ fy ) Transfers TOTAL RECETPTS Balance Beginning of Year ~-~TOTAL RECEZPTS AND BALANCE PAYHENTS F~re Protect ~on Transfers to O~her F~xJs Oth. r (Spec~ fy) TOTAL PAYIIENTS Ba~i.-.;~ at End of Year .~TOTAL PAYHENTS AND BALANCE EDPCODE R~'~01 RE660 R~'770 R~031 RSOZ! R3~.10.2 R9901.9 R80~'9 T~l:e ( Purpose ) of Reserve , ?6 qo ,/04 Do Hot Key Typ~ ( Purpose of Reserve , iff~,.6-_4'6 Type ( Purpose ) of Reserve 3,_6; / q q AGENCY F;IJNDS # BALANCE SHEET # AS OF 3/ , /?eJ EDPCODE AGEI~Y FUND LZABTLZTZE$ EDPC*GOE C~sh Cash Tine Deposits Total Cash lnvast~nts Investment in Securities Investment in R~lx~r~h~sa Agn~m~nts S~curitias m~J A~ Inte~st m ~riiiss A~i~ C~. Plan wService hrd Program Assets TAgO0 TAIO1 $ TA~50 TA451 TA~5$ TA~55 TA~60 ~rvio~ i.~rds TA13 De,artsci Compen~t ion TA17 Di~ili~ Z~ TAI9 G~ l~ TA~O ~ Yo~ Si~e Z~ Tax TAll F~I Z~ Tax TAZ~ l~ Ex~ims TAil U.S. hvi~ ~ TA25 ~iBl ~ri~ Tax TA26 ~ ~ Bid ~si~s TA$0 Fo~i~ Fi~ Z~ T~ Ohr A~ F~ I~ify) TA~61 /...~./~: ~/0 TA85 TOTAL A~ETS $ /3-~. d°,/~) TOTAL AGENCY LZABZLZTZES $ ~P~gr~m ac~inistr~tor ntain~d by district. ~ progrs~ is ~kinistrtt~d by ihs district th~ 1t f~ncl should b~ usmt. S~e S~rvi~ A~ds i~ting Program P~duns d~t~c] S~pt~r 6, 1990. GENERAL FIXED ILSSETS ACCOUNTS # BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF ASSETS L~nd Buildings Improvements Other than Buildings Cmst=ti~ ~ in P~ss EDpc(x)E KIO1 KIOZ K103 KIO~. K105 EDPCODE ZNVESTHENT ZN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Bonds ~ Notes K1E1 St~t~ Aid Fm:leral Aid K157 TOTAL K K K TOTAL ZHVESTHEHT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS G~NERAL LONG-TERN OBLZGAT/OHS ~ BALAHCE SHEET # AS OF Amx~ts to be provid.d for Long-Term ~blig~tions EDPCOOE $ L'r~BTL'rT/ES Term Bonds Payable EDPCOOE H~26 H627 Bonds P~y~bla .628 Du~ to E~ployees' Retirms~nt System ~S7 ~is ~ Claims Parle N686 C~t~ ~s~s ~87 Other Long-Term Debt H689 TOTAL AHOUNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE PROVIDED TOTAL LZABZLZTZES RECOHCX LXA'r'xoN This must be e~pXmted. B~lames by Fcr~ at End of ¥#r:ilnolude o~sh in dmeKing ~ooat~ts, ti~e deposits, invmst~mnts taxi petty c~sh! Reserve Ft~td ......................................................................... Trust ~nd AI;Wr~.'y Ft~tcls ............................................................... Other Ft~ds ......................................................................... Bar~ Balartc~s mt End of Y~ar: Name ~ Location of Bar~ , / TOTALS Cash on Hand (Date Degosited) ............................................................... Petty Cash ................................................................................. XNI/ESTNENTS HELD AT DECEI~ER ~1, 19 F~d Description of Xnvmsi.mnt Purchase Price TOTAL INVESTNENTS .................................................................................... , Total B~nk Belmnoes, C~sh an Ii.nd, Patty ~sh m~d lnvestmnts #Th~se to~ls must ~gree DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Show each issue separately by) Year Outstanding Issued of Interest Beginning During Issue Rate of Y~ar Year EDP Code Redeemed Outstanding During End Year of Year 5 ? TOTAL BoNDs 2P1877 XXXX ~ . $ $ $ $ TOTAL BONDS OUT~ANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ Notes Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 lO00i j~ ~ ~ $ $ Revenue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 XXXX Budget Notes 2P1863 XX~fX / ~ Capital Notes 2P1875 XXXX/ XXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 xxXX,..... XXX TOTAL NO'I~S ~' XXX ~ ~ ~ ~ TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES 10 Assessed Valuation Tax Rate EDP of Fire District per $1,000 TOWN Code W/thin Town of Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) DISTRICT TOTAL $ ¢J~9, ~_4'/, ~'~-~ ~ JF.~''' ~ ~,~, ~/_4~ *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shown at top of page i COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization TOWN Within Town Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE ~ ,P.3P EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A Town B Town C Assessed Valuation Full Valuation 11 $10,000 25% = 5,000 40% = 20,000 100% = ~35,000 $40,000 12,500 20~000 ~72,$00 Notices Filed During ~he ¥#r ' Znvo~ving Coclefendant/Third Party Defendant Other Claims Less: Claims disposed of during ~he year Prior to commencement of court action: - By Locality - By ZnsurtflcoCarrier CXaims disposed of during ~he year after coeumnc~ment of court action: - By Losality - By Xnsurance Carrier - By Judgmeflt - Offer ! ) Equals: Claims Pending - End of Year Involving Codefencbnt/Third Party Defendant NOT~CES OF TORT CLAXHS FOIl THE FXSCAL YEAR ENBXHG 19 TOTAL I&~IER OF CLAZHS EDP COOE 14J'WER 9Z'I'R~O 9ZTRI~ 9ZI'R~O 9ZT'R~.~ 9ZTR30 9ZTI~0 9ZTRSO 9ZI'R60 9ZTR70 9ZTRSO TOTAL AHOUNT OF CLA[HS TOTAL AH(XJNT PA~D C~ CLAZHS EDP COOE AHI)UHT EDP CODE Nq0UHT 9ZTRll 9ZTRZ6 9ZTR~I 9Z'rRZ6 9ZTR$1 9ZTR~I 9ZTR61 9ZTR71 9ZTR81 9ZTR91 Other Claims 9ZTR95 9ZTR96 9Z'rR3Z 9ZTR42 9ZI'Lq2 9Z1'R6 Z 9Z1'R7~' 9ZI'RSZ 7 8 9 10 11 12 AUTHO~ZATION Article 4, Soction SO-f of ~he brai I~nicipol "3.a. Each officer charged .i~h the duty of .tking ~rd kmping the rocord of claims shell make ~n annual report ~heroof, in s~uuary to the governing board of such ~icipol corporation or of such authority or mission ~nd shall file a c~y ~heroof in the off/ce of ~he state comptroller within sixty days after the close of {he fisca! year of such municipal corporation or of such ~uthority or comuission. A municipal corporation, authority or coeuuission required by section thirty of the general m~icipol lm~ to file mn annu~! report of its financial condition with f~e state comptroller shall file t~e report roquirod by this mJbsaction with such financial report." Note: It is not necessary to furnish any.additional information or details on ~he above claims or notices of claims. If ~hera ~ere not notices of Tort Claims filad or disposed of, please state "NOTE" md ratum this report with tho Annual Financial Report. 12 NOTZCES OF TI)lIT CLAZHS FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR ENDZNG 19 -- EDPCOOE NL~ER EDPCOOE ~icip~lit'y's Equi~ble Sh~re o; C~THS EDPCOOE AHOUNT PAZD ~REATER THAH E~J/TABLE SHARE 7 9ZTR...K~ 9ZTI~6 9ZTP.~ 8 9ZTR6~. 9ZTR66 9ZTR68 9 9ZTR7~. 9ZTR76 9ZTR78 10 9ZTRS~. 9ZTR86 9ZTR88 1Z Report Prepared By: Title Phone N~mb~r Da te 13 (Please Print or Type Name) CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER certify that ~ am the Treasurer o~ the J/}~7~'Tuak Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, Dated Telephone (5/G) ~- ¢700 Area Code Name CHAIP, N~ OF THE BOARD Telephone (~-/~ Area Code STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF ~ STATE COI~I:~rl~OT.T.£R 14