HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibretto, StevenOf~tl]d~f Office for ¥olmlteer Fire Policemen' 11~.~,,k S,o,~ ,~..,,:,.,o, L... s.,:.o4pg-0 STATE OF NEW YORK " ' . SUFFOLK cOuNTY " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ , .. i, S'ceven T.±bz:e'ct, o' ' ' , ....... , ............ do solemnly swear {or affirm). (Type or .~rln~ NMe) Ihai I will support the Constilution of the Uniled Stales, and the Constitution of the .State of. New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties ~l~ the office of Fhe Policeman · 'Mat, tit, uc]c e artmenI' accordln lo the beBt of of the ......., ............ ,,, ............ , .... , ..... . ...... , .... ,.Fire D p , ;g, . - Signature ......................... ' ........... ~ ..... * · . ..... ,~ ~....~.~ .... '.~.~ .......... . . I-'OSt Olllce ,, ....... '. .... ,..., . . " Sworn to~be~fote me, this .., .~... .... day o, ........ ..... A ALLAN C. DICI(ER~ON NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE ~.: ~ ?,'J ';'~ '~ OU,~',. ,:; "} I~l $~JFFOLK CO.,~O.~.~-.~i ~ Original to be filed with Town (Village) Clerk. Copy lo be held by Department Secretory.