HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchuhmann, Kennethi Office For Volunteer Plrlb,~*ollcemefl ' oatlj~if I~ff~lew York Slate Mu#lctpol Law, Sectll~ll)9'C.) STATE OF NEW YORK " ' , .. SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ , , I, Kennef. h $chu~mann. '. ' . ....... ... ........ de solemnly ~wear (or affirrnJ. ('rl~e or ~rlnt thai i will ~upport the Cort~tltutlort of the United Slates, and. the Constltutiorl of the Slate of. New York., and that I will faithfully discharge the duties Lf the office of Fire Pollceman~ o'f the ...... .H..9.~.~.~.~,.9S;~,, .... , ............. , ......... ,,,.Fire Department,' according to the best of a Sworn lo before me, Ihi~ ............. day otaw Public, State of New York No. 4911757 Orlglnal to be filed with Town (Village) Clerk. Copy to be held by Department Secretary. Qualified in Suffolk Cotmtv ~