HomeMy WebLinkAboutMileska, Thomas J Oa t~ et~ ~or Volut~t~r , eme~' (Hew York Stale ~u#lelpel Law, Seellofl 209.G.) STATE O~ NEW' YORK ' ' , SUFFOLK COUN~ ' ToWN o~ SOUTNOL~ , I ~ '. ': . ~m~ . ~ t~-s~ . .... I, ...,.,,...,,,.,,..,,,, .......... , ........... , .......... ,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,..~ do tolemly ~wear' (or affirm). ~'' Ihoi I will tuppott the Contlltullo~ of Ihe UHIlld $1olet, ahd Ihl Conllllullon al the Slate ol. New York, and Ihat I will faithfully dllchotge the dullel ~t tho olflce of Pl~e Pollce~n oJ the ...... ,,~.~.~,~,~,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,~lte bopatlment,, according to the belt of myabllll~.. ' ,~~ ~ · , , Slg,otUt, ,~,..............--~.~ ' ...... ' ' .... . po~t omc, ~~o ~ ~ I l Orlglr~al lo be filed with 'Towh (Village) Clerk. ' Copy Io be held by Deporlmer~t Secretary. ,,