HomeMy WebLinkAboutFoster, Arthur P O~tli of Offteo roi'* Vold.t~e~ ~,Ire Polleemetl STATE OF NEW' YO~K ' . SUFFOLK COUN~ ' ." ~ · TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ~ fi,at I will ~uppmt Ih, Co,~lllulloH Of Ihe U.lled Slale~, a,d Ih, Co~Mllullofl ot the Slolo of. New York, a~d Ihat I will fallhfully dlschmge Ih, dulleJ ~I Ih, olflce ol FEe Pollce~. my abllil~. Sworn Io L~lote me, Ihl~ , .-4:...., day o, ..... ..... Nolaty ... ~~~~~' NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF N~W YORK ~JUALI~:2D Ir.I SUTFCLK C0.,f40.52-602~.~75 [., q swear (or alii,m): .~'. Addre~. · ............. · ' Orlgh,~i Io bd flied with Town (Village) Clerk· Copy Io be held by Depatlmerd 5ecreto~jECElV:ED town Clerk STATG OF NGW' YORK . ' , SUFFOLK COUN~ ': TOWN O~ SOUTHOLb ' ~ I ~ .. Ihai i will tuppott Ina Co,ttltulto~ oJ Ina Uflllld Sletet, ahd Ihe Conllllutlon of the .Slate of. New York, and Ihat I' will faithfully dlJchotge ihe duffel Lf the olllce al Fire Pollce~n ..... ~.,~,G¢~ ~.~ al the ... . .,,,,,i,~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.Flte bepatlment,, according to the belt of my abllll~.. ' ~ ' . ' · Aaa,,, ,,,,.~.~,.~..z,.,~.~ ............. , .............. o,,-,~,...,.~,..~...~..~.~...~,...~.~ Orlglrlal t0 be flied with 'Town (Village) Clerk. Copy Io be held by Deparlmenl Secretory.