HomeMy WebLinkAboutSaunders, Jean AO~th I) STATE OF NEW' YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Off'ice fo.r Voluntoor Piro ~,emen York Slate Municipal Law, Section ) ': Jean Saunders . I, ................... .. ........................................................ , do solemnly swear .(or affirm).,.::~, .... ('r,/pe or ~'lnt, Nme) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of. New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties ,,f the office of Fire Policeman' of the .............. .H..a..~.t..~.~.,u..~.~. ........................ Fire Department, according to the best of my ability. Signature Sworn lo before me, this .... ..~...~.. day Original to be filed with Town (Village) Clerk. o[ //~/~'/( lo ?..~'~ Copy to be held by Department Secretary. I No(B,y ~ State of New Ym'k ~.th ~f Oltlu~ toe.V~l~,te~. ~.lt~ Policemen STATE OF ~EW' YORK ' SUFFOL~ COUH~ ' ." ~ · TOWN oF SOUTI-IOLD ~ ~ I, .... ~.~...~~.~.~,..,.... .......... , d~ ,ol,m. ly ,wear' (or allhm), · · Ihot I will ~uppott Ihe Ko.~tllulloH of Ihe grilled Stale~, o.d Ihe Co.~lllullo. el Ihe Slole of. New York, alld Ihol I will follhlully di~chorge Ihe dulleJ ~f Ihe ollice of Fire Pollcem. my ablllly. SIg~uluro ~ · Addte~ Posl olflce °' ........... '~- 'T'" ........... i ~,~. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE CF?;7'W YORK UAU;=JF:D IN SUFFOLK C0.,I,0.52-6022.;175. co,M~mO, ~'~ m~.a,e-.~J.~' / ~ q ~attment,.:~lng Io Ihe be~t of ~.~.L.LA~..~.... ~~...u ........ ~, '..1 orlghml Io be filed wllh Tow. (Village) Clerk. Copy Io bo held by Detriment Sectela~, ~VED Dole filed ............... ,.., ..................... OCT '~ town Clerk ~uthol¢