HomeMy WebLinkAboutHickey, John T Ot~lll ~t Oltte~ For'Vol~ilt~t' ~'h'~ Polleemefl ' (~eW York Stair ~ufll~lpol Lo~, Seetlofl 209-G.) ' STATE OF NEW' YO~K · ' . SUFFOLK COUN~ ' ." ; · TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD I, ...... ~,.., ........... thai I will ~uppmt the Con~lllutlott of th~ Urlll~d Stol~s, o~ Ih~ Conttltullofl of the Slate ol. New Ym~, ond Ih~l I ~lll follhfull~ dltchmg~ Ih~ dulleJ ', Ad&e~ .................. , .............................................. ' Po~l OIIIc~ .~. .................................... ' ............... Sworn Io jefm.e me, Ihlt ,,.:~, ...... J !1. NOTAnY PUBLIC, STATE 0F r'~EW YORK ~ ag~,L~[;:]g I;~ SUFFOLK C0.. t~0.52-602~75 Original lo be filed wllh Town (Village) Clerk. ' Copy Io be held by Depatlment Secrelarj~ECEPdrED OoZe hied .................. , ........ OCT .... ~ 199;~ : Town Clerk