HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiVello, John A O~th of- Offiee roi; Volt~itteel. ~.Ire Polleemen (~9 Ye,k SJot6 ~u~lelpot La~, Sectlofl STATE, OF HEW' YORK . ' SUFFOLK COUN~ ' ," ~ . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ ~ of. New Yot~, and Ilmt I will lallhlully di~chmge Ih~ dutleJ ~1 Ihe olllce ol Fire Pollce~n S om I~ I)~lgre me, Ihlt ,...~. ...... day o, ....... ~~,, ..... , ........... Orlghml Io bd flied with Towt~ (Village) Clerk. Copy Io be held by Department Secrelary. RECEIVED Dole flied ~ ................. , ...... ~. ............ .. OC.T ~ 199Z l'ow~ Clerk ~uthold