HomeMy WebLinkAboutGriffin, Martin L Sr~qATT'ITUCK FIRE DISTRIC~ PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET fi'IAT-ITITJCK, NEW YORK 1195,~-0666 OFFICE (5 I 6) 2~8-883 7 /vfATTITUCKFD~--~bfAIL. PECONIC. NET FAX (5 I 6) ~..~8-884 ! COMMISSIONERS ,JOHN C. HARRISON, CHAIRI4AN JOHN A. KEOGH, SECRETARY (~. THONIAS WOODHULL, VICE CHAIRMAN BARBARA DICKERSON, TREASURER [V~ARTIN L. (~iRIFFIN SR. WALTER KOSIANOWSKI JAMES D. ROACHE January 4, 2000 Constitutional Oath Town Clerk, Town of SOuthold~ 'Suffolk'CountY, :NEW: :York Mattimck Fire District, MattitUck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County,:~New York "I, Martin L. Griffin:Sr., do solemnly, swear that I Will supp0~t, the ConstitUtion of the United States and the ConstitUtion of the: State of New York and, that I wffi faithfUlly discharge the duties of CommissiOner of the Mattimck Fire Districti to:the;best of my ability:!' Signed:-~ 1~ l~rtih L.- Griffin, "Sworn before meon this. FouR Day.of $anuary 2000." Barbara A. Dickerson, Treasurer MattJtuck Fire Diatrict