HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarrison, John C MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11952 Phone 298-8853 CONSTITUTIONAL OATH MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aOUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Il I,. John C. Harrison , do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States'and the Constitution of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Commissioner of the Mattituck Fire District to the best of m~ ability." Sworn before me on this -~ 6thday of January 1992 Mattituck Fire District MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT P 0 BOX 666 1000 PIKE STREET MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952-0666 office (516) 298-8837 fax (516) 298-8841 CONSTITUTIONAL OATH MATTiTUCK FIRE DISTRICT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK "I, John C. Harrison, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitutuion of the United States and the Constitutuion of the State of New York and that I will faithfully discharge the dutes of Commissioner of the Mattituck Fire District to the best of my ~~ Swo~n he'fore me on this 4th day of January 1994 ~~,~~'/ ~.. ~ ~ Treasurer Mattituck Fire District ~IA"I-FITUCK FIRE DISTRIC-~ PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET MAT'ITfUCK, NEW YORK I 1952-0666 MA 7-1-1TUCKFD~--~NAIL . PECONIC. NET COMMISSIONERS JOHN C. HARRISON, CHAIRMAN G. THOMAS WOODHULL, VICE CHAIRNIAN JOHN JvC. DIVELLO WALTER KOSIANOWS KI JAMES D. ROACHE RECEIVED JAN 1 1F)99 Southold Town Cler~ January 6, 1999 OFFICE (5 ! 6) 298-8837 FAX (5 162 ~C.q)8-884 I JOHN A. KEOGH, SECRETARY BARBARA DICKERSON, TREASURER Constitutional Oath Town Clerk, Town of SOuthold, Suffolk County; New York Mattituck Fire District, Mattimck, Town of ::~Southold, SuffOlk County, New York "I, John C. Harrison, do solemnlY swear that I will support the COnstitution of the United States and the ConStitution of the State:of New York and that I:will faithfully discharge the duties of ComsiOner of the Mattituck Fire. District tOthe :best of my ability." Signed:~i:"~, -:,:.~, ::~ J_~ ~.::::H~rriSOn "Sworn before me on this Sixth Day of January 19991" Barbara A. Dickerson, Treasurer Ma~.ti(uck Fire District