HomeMy WebLinkAboutPollert, William R COUNTY OF SUFFOLK N66.36'40'E MAIN ROAD NYS 25 (NORTH ROAD) PUB Survey No. 07024,011 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY 25.95' DIVISION OF REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT MAP OF PROPERTY_ o- --�, �-.,may,.,-,.,, C -�- � 3524.1'DEE-11 - - MON FN➢ �� �� �� �� __ ^�_ �� __ __ 9' ACTUAL FEN 1.6' W PIPE 02'N M A4' S AND C / 2 g 0.3' S AND ON LINE HON 0.05 W � ONEN LW OF rm E6W N/F �- WILLIAM R. POLLERT \ \\ SUSAN WYLIE I / ^ ;W~i ry 1 FEN 1a• W W \ LANFRAY & N/.G. W 1 NESER A. LOUIS LOEB p ti 1 LANFRAY & VERONICA M LOEB � � � � TO BE ACQUIRED UNDER \ LET 24 \ \ THE SUFFOLK COUNTY MULTIFACETED LAND \ I _ PRESERVATION PROGRAM-OPEN SPACE N 66.36'40" 0 1 LOCATED AT W_- 66.8r -- CURB 6.0'N 4.0' EPIPf I WJ GREENPORTFEN 1.01 l 004'E MU ZO' N TOWN OF SOUTHOLD \ \EN L°"" ROD t CAP PIPJFEN SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1.0' W ROD b CAP.0, SETROD E CAP SEiED N 223.69' W 03y EN a.3• E NOVEMBER 19, 2007 on caP 2389' N 66.36'40" E 1N 60.09'23" f 24,05' Iw,. .iOHN ANcasLILLII\ 13.43' ILj N & SARA CASTELLO ILOT 23 \ N 29229B" wGRAPHIC SCALE 74.18' to 0 0o so 1w 240 FEN 1.0' NLOT 22 FEN l0' N 1\ N 62.36'34' E P77B' 0. OR' N ( IN FEETPIPE 0.4' N I ON LINELOT 21EN LINE Ez1 inch = 60 fE. z p4' NrEN 5850.000FENw / I�b j AREA OF SUBJECT PARCEL = 758,8371 SQ.FT. OR 17.4211 ACRES 1 0.5' N J / n 2 a S 44.4.00, / W LOT 20 \\ a 21.00' MON 0.1 E rEN Ll' N i FENIx N FEN yy� LOT 19 1 1 . ' W N 1 , PROPERTY SUBJECT �p f LOT 18 W F g Y tan a z, £ I " � ��\ 1 xnw w Nrs a1c as \ v3 LOT 17 �NN � - - ❑ pyry5 PL LOT 16 I I I\ 1 _ _ ` 61E E 4 G LOT 15 FEN V¢MrAIN,v nw'lux.. \ ` � IdISEtI R eM \ LOT 14 58' 75, IJ T l 1 \\ 1 LOT 13 LOT 12 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE LET 11 ___-5- ROD b LAP O / I� NOTES \ S- 56.35'20,4 V SET \i J cna _ 58•y925,'4Y Z I / / 1. MEASUREMENTS ARE INACCORDANCE WITH U.S.STANDARDS. MI 2 BEARINGS SHOWNARE REFERENCED TO DEED RECORDED AT THE SUFFOLK COUNTY LOT 10 e N t N 1 CLERKS OFFICE IN LIBER 12424,PAGE294. al / j 1 3. LAND SURVEYOR'S ALTERATION OR VIOLATION ON TO SECTION 20 ,S BEARINGSUBDIVISION Z OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL ISAVIOLATION OF SECTION 7209,SUBDIVISION 2,OFTHE \ LET 9 V, KAMRpWSKL E / NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. N& SUSAN 1 $, KAMROWSKI 1 MON Oa; V 4, THE LANONLYCOPIES SURV70MTHEOR/G/NALOFTHIS SURVEY MARKED WITHANORIGINAL IDEREDTOF RpBERT THE LANG SURVEYOR'S"EMBOSSED"OR'INKED'SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE --- VALID TRUE COPIES -ADEED � 5. CERTIFACCORDANCE WITH TH INDICATED HERESTING C SIGDE OF PRACTIHAT CE FOR RVEYLAND WASSUR PREPARED IN DEED ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LANG SURVEYORS m 691-BB' ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX MAP SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE Y IS EHALF LET 5 LET 6 LET 7 LOT 6 \\ / �y�. �- GOVERNMENTAL AGPAREDANDON HIS INSTITUTION TI 7HLI TITLE HE EONA O THE PPC os' N DISTRICT 1000 ASSIGNEES OFT EL ENDING I LENDING INS TIRTIONLISTEDHEREON ANO TRANSFERABLE 4' W / +�^'�'^ N ASSIGNEES OFTHEINSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE -SB�S� SECTION 034.000 TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. MPLIN PLACE BLOCK 04.00 CHA LOT 019.001 6. RIGHTS-OF-WAY NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. 7. THESURVEYCLOSES MATHEMATICALLY Description of property to be\\\llla_cqui---led by Suffolk County Thence along said division line the following two(2)courses and distances Thence North 66°3640" East, along said southerly boundary line of Main Road, NYS Rte. 25 1 Under the Suffolk County Multifaceted Land Preservation Program-Open Space 1)North 312440"West,a distance of 194.54 feet to a point thence (North Road),a distance of 25.95 feet to a point; From William R.Pollen,repulad owner 2)South 58°35'20" West, a distance of 242.41 feet to a point on the easterly map line of CERTIFIED TO: Map of Buckley Farm" filed September 5, 1914 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as file map Thence through the lands of William R.Pollan the following two(2)courses and distances; 1. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Dead.' Liber 12424 Page 294 no 298; 1)South 23 2320'East, a distance of 150.00 feet to a point, thence 2. TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Tax Map No: 1000-034.00-04.00-019.001 Thence North 44'4940"West,along said easterly map line,a distance of 476.62 feet to a point; 2)NorM 6613640" East, a distance of 24.05 feet to a point an the division IM& between the subject parcel on the west and lands now or formerly of John A. Castello & Of NEW v County to Suffolk,plot,State place or Now York of and sit one al survey prng andepng ared t LKnpoft Town Of Associates, P.C. mance through the lands of William R. Polled the following four(4)courses and distances, Sara Castello on the east 1 he, ifthat this map was made from an actual survey 5~P+p. F ULk. r dated November 19,2007.Said parcel being more par8adanybounded and described as fellows: 1)North 62.36'34"East,a distance of 770 feet to a point, thence comX12 V1212007 nd fi on 6/21201 . 0 4 Thence along said division line the fot/awing five(5)courses and distances .� � yr 2)North 29 2238"West,a distance of 74.18 feet to a point, (hence 1)South 232320"East a distance of 129.00 feet to a point,'thence Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly boundary line of Main Road, NYS Rte. 3 North 60°0923"East,a distanceof 13.43 feet to a point,thence UPDATED BY: TLS DATE: 06/22/2010 25(North Road)and the westerly bounderyline of ManhassetAvenue; ) 2)South44 5'20*Eas, adisance of 150.0 fettto point thence RO R. LK RSON, P.L.S. c, po o� 4)North 28'28'06' West a distance of 23.89 feet to a point on the division line between the 3)Nonh 58°35'20'East a distance of 150.00 feet to a point,•thence of A'o, 040y UPDATED BY: TLS DATE: 02/02/2010 subject parcel on the south and lands now or formerly of Louis G. Loeb & Veronica M Loeb on NYSPL No.49500 4 Thence from said paint of beginning, South 20'1230" East, along the aforementioned westerly boundary the north;thence 4)North 26'10'50°West,a distance of 127.77feet to a point,'thence SBD LANA 5J REVISED BY: FPF DATE: 02/20/2008 tine of Manhasset Avenue, a distance of 764.21 feet (764.17' deed) to a point formed by the intersection 5)NorM 232320" West, a distance of 150.00 feet to a point on the aforementioned MADE BY: JL/PL DATE: 10/12/2007 of said westerly boundaryline of ManhassetAvenue and the northerly boundaryline of Champlin Ptace; southerly boundary line of Main Road, NYS Rte.25(North Road); Thence North 66°3640" East, along said division line a distance of 160.84 feet to a point on Me CHECKED BY: FPF DATE: 11/19/2007Thence South 589520" West, along the aforementioned northerly boundary lure of Champlin Place, a division lure between the subject parcel on the east and said lands now or hmThence along said southerly boundary line of Main Road, NYS Rfe. 25 (North Road), the nedy of Louis G. Loeb L. K. MCLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. TRACED BY: MA DATE: 11/19/2007 distance of 691,42 feet (691.88' deed) to a point formed by the intersection of said northerly boundary & Veronica M. Loeb on the west,' fallowing two(2)courses and distances; CONSULTING ENGINEERS COMPARED BY: RRF DATE: 11/19/2007 line and the division line between the subject parcel on the east and lands now or formerly of Robert S. Thence North 232320" West, along said division line, a distance of 150.00 feet to a point on the 1)North 66°3640"East,adistanceof444.54 feetto apnlnt;thence 437 SO. COUNTRY ROAD Kamrowski&Susan V. Kamrowsk on the west; aforementioned southerly boundary lure of Main Road,NYS Rte.25(North Road); 2)North 65°23'50" East, a distance of 351.99 feet (35244' deed) to the point or place BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK ofbeginning. Jun 25, 2010 - 1038" P,\07024A11 CSterM C1..k)\c1wq\Survey 2010 Finat.dwa La out, SURVEY