HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 IsLxnd Ferry District FISH~ 18L4~D, NEW YORK M.ONTHLY SU~:MARY Rw-~ORT FOR J_A~fA RY 1974 Pretgkt Revenue Special Services Passenger Revenue Passenger Car Revenue T~ck Revenue Uo S. Mail 1/?/74 ~e~ Central Transportation ~p,ns Quanti~ ,.,,RECEIPTS *&-& 3126 $ 879.15 - - l~.ll - 3e95 4301.25 562 18&l.et 1&3.3 48 79&.1l - - 684.94 $8638.34 ACcounts Receivable U. S. Navy May 1973 $49.61 Town Supervisor To~Clerk Boar~ of Co~miss~oners Pile  RICT ~W,~; w. ~. ~1~clalr~ ManAger (5) Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS I$1-AND. NEW YORK WILFRED C. BINCLAIR klONTH~Y SUF~IARY REPORT February 1974 Freight Revenue P~ssenger R~venue Automobila Revenue Truck Revenu- S~ecial Services U. $. Mail 2/~/74 West End Water Com~.~ny ReserYation Fees-Automobiles ?/~-~4/74 ~c{?,~:in Price Ai]ency (theatre) Tons quantity 51.7 31%7 3~35 4& ACCO~{TS RECEIVABLE U. $. NaYy ~973 S 811.55 4311.75 1742.1~ 38.6t 684.94 22.38 ~9.55 $9555.~7 Fis~ezs islan~ Perry District Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Commissioners File (5) W. C. Sinclair, WC$/t~n ~ IM.AND. NEW YORK WlLIrNigD O. IINOt. AIN 64.3 /'L-eight RmremJe P&laeage~- ReIPelme AIJ'GOlOblle Spectral Sez111ctl O. $. NaJ.1 3/1/74 N~btl Oil ~zl~ ~ air D~MI41IIION~III 4099 1222 265 S1161o40 ~! 4~36. S0 2481.00 9?0°50 '~ 684.94 '150 00 44.00 Sl1416o44 ~ Sul)eL'VA~er ~'ovl Cle~tc id. a~ C~IB. (S) rile (1) Aut~bil* Revelue T~ Revelue Spell1 Se~iCls Charter R~Ue ~d Gre~ (~r~rt ~ase 4/1-&/1/~4) U. S. M~il 3/29/?4 Aut~bile Rlle~ati~ Ch~gel 75.7 222.0 (2u~tit¥ 151459 4334 918 70 2 Receipts $ 253.20 5842.50 3284.00 123&.75 258.00 300.00 &25.00 684.94 81.50 $125&5.89 B,y: W. C. $i~cl&irt Ma~&ger To~ Su~ervisor Tow~ Clerk Sd. of Coem. (5) File (2) FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR JULY 1974 Freight Passengers Automobiles Truck Revenue Special Services Theatre Charters Airport - Sale of Fill Lease 7/74-9/74 U. S. Mail Automobile Reser~ations cc: Bd. of Comm. (5) Supervisor (1) File (1) Tons 213.6 534.8 Quantity 14531 10394 1927 156 Receipts $3307.15 25529.75 12525.50 2688.15 633.30 3159.75 694.00 180.00 650.0O 756.38 245.00 $50368.98 FISHER~ ISLAND F~RRY DISTRICT B~. ~, Manager FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR AUGUST 1974 Tons ~uantit¥ Receipts Freight Passenger Revenue Automobiles Truck Revenue Special Services Theatre U. S. Mail Auto~obile Reservations 198.5 13606 11484 2196 334.1 103 s3 i?.5o 27992.75 14274.00 1712.85 646.00 5488.75 790.21 205.00 $5432?.06 FIS~RICT B¥~ W. ~. $1n¢lafr, Manager Supervisor (1) Te~nClerk (1} FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1974 Freight Passengers Automobiles Trucks Special Services Charters Theatre Receipts Airport - Sale of Fill U. S. Mail 9/13/74 Automobile Reservations 'Pons Quantity 81 5231 6684 1438 126.7 59 2 Receipts $1440.20 16760.25 9347.60 997.50 285.50 300.00 1858.00 126.00 790.21 419.00 $32323.66 cc: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Commissioners File (1) (5) FISH~RSI ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT By: W. C. Sinclair, Manager FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1974 Tons Quantity Freight 76.0 4017 Passengers 4735 Automobiles 1079 Trucks 270.0 79 Special Services Charters 6 Airport - Sale of Fill Automobile Reservation Fees U. S. Mail 10/11/74 Receipts $1361.47 9548.75 5659.50 1375.25 115.00 900.00 420.00 221.50 790.21 $20391.68 cc: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (4) File (1) FISHERS ISLAN~ FERRY DISTRICT ~y: ~W. C.-~inclair, Manager FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 1974 FREIGHT PASSENGERS AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS SPECIAL SERVICES CHARTERS U. S. MAIL AUTOMOBILE RESERVATION FEES AIRPORT LEASE FEE Tons 41.2 95.5 Quantity 2303 3600 879 33 2 Receipts $ 796.83 5351.00 3342.00 660.00 65.00 300.00 790.21 122.00 650.00 $12077.04 FISHERS~ ~SbAND FERRY ,DISTRICT B~. W. C. Sinclair~ Manager cc: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Board of Commissioners (5) File (1) Fishers I land Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, SINCLAIR BOARD OF OOMMI~BIONERB MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1974 Freight Passengers Automobiles Trucks Special Services Charters U. S. Mail Automobile Reservations Fees State Social Security Tons 45.5 132.4 Quantity 2741 3545 799 50 2 Receipts $ 893.80 5002.00 2890.00 663.00 47.00 300.00 790.21 87.00 12.45 $10,685.46 CC: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Commissioners File (1) (5) -By: W. C. Sinclair, Manager