HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. BINr~LAIR BOARD OF COMMIBBION£RB MO~HLY SUM~RY REPORT - FEBRTIARY 1971 Special ServJeea Freight Revenue Paasenger Revenue Automobile Revenue Truck Revenue u. s. Ma~I 2/~/?1 U. S: Navy Nov/70 U. S. Navy Dec/70 Tone Quantity Receinta - - $ 17.0o ~6.1 3097 555.85 - 3315 36~5.00 - 591 1648.00 1S3.7 3~ Accounta Receivable U. $. Navy - Feb/71 U. $. Navy - Jan/71 Town Sunerviaor Town Clerk ~. of Comm. (5) File (2) $~6.6o zS . q $2o~.~o / ~ W. C. Sinclair, . ~ 687.39 11.00 16.oq Fishers Ialan~ Ferry D~striet Fishers Islan~ New York Aoril 21, 1971 MONTHLY SUM~HY REPORT - MARCH 1971 T ohs Special Services - Freight Hevenue 119.5 P&ssenger Revenue - Passenger Car Revenue - Truck Revenue 325.2 U. S. Mall 3/5./71 - Charters Accounts Receivable U. S. Navy - March/71 March Charters Feb.~71 Jan./71 Tewn Suoerviaor Town Clerk B~. of Com~. (~) File (2) Quantit~ 11819 38~1 703 92 1 Receipts $ 143.50 555.44 4238.75 1885.oo 1351.9o 640.89 _ 15o.oo $8965.48 SLO4.80 3OO.OO h6.60 1~8.80 FIS~?R.~2 ISI~AND FERRY/~ISTHI CT Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR M0h~HLY SUMMARY R'.~:P ~RT - APRIL 1771 S~eelal Servlcea ~e~ht Hevenue ~aeeen~er Revenue ~aalenger Car Revenue Revenue ~$e~tl receivable U. 8. Navy Awril 1971 e " Mareh 1971 " " Charterl Mar/71 Tewn Clerk Beard ef Cemm~lsiener# File (2) Toni 119.2 75.8 ~2~.80 104.80 ~oo.oo $659.60 Quantit? R. eeeiwts' - $ 9k.oo 6196 18?6.32 5713 6289. O0 1058 2935. O0 2~ 361.10 - . 670o2& ~A'2225.e8 ' crs Island Ferry D/strict FIgHER~ I~,.AND. NE'IN YORK 0~390 i ~'~])eelal 8er~ieea ]~A'eighg Revenue · llll~t~ ReTe~u® Autemebile Revenue (N/V 01inda) ~ M.~U~.~a, Reeeivable ]~, a. ]lav~ - May 1971 · Aide. 1971 ", Ma~.. 1971 ~. ~a~ ~te~ 3~1 Tern ~e~vl le~ · e~ 01e~k ~. ef GeIA. (5) · ile (2) 136.8 187.7 $339.80 25H.80 lO4.8o $999.ko ~ua~tit~ R~eeei~ta - $ 329.50 82~5 18%.29 70o8 i3o37.75 ~aO 5889.50 73 785.80 - S23758.72 Fishexs Island Ferry District ISLAND, NE'~N YORK 06390 MONTHLY SUMMORY REPORT Speetal Semviees Te~s Reeei?~9 Preight ReveRue 27t.0 1~a5 29~0.80 ~alsel~oP Revenue 9573 17871.75 Automobile Revenue 1367 8927.00 Revenue 872.1 181 U.S. Mail 6/25/1971 Charters U.S. Navy 3/1971 10~.30 $35603.89 ~_Aeeeuwt, m ReeeiKable U.S. lavy - Ju~e 1971 May 1971 Apr. 1971 U.S. Navy Cha~te~ 3/71 $ 369.1o 339.80 FIS~EI~S ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Tew~ SuRex. visor Tows Clerk B~. er C---,,. (5) Tile (2) Fishers Island Ferry D/strict FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 MONTHLY SUMMOR¥ REPORT - JULY 1971 Tons ~antity Receipts Special Services - Freight Revenue 328 Passenger Revenue - Automobile Revenue Truck Revenue 617 U.S. Mail 7/23/71 Charters Theat~ Richard Gr~ (qir. r rent Airport) el~t (Airport) ~ $ 345.00 J~ne 1971 369.10 May 1971 339.80 Apr. 1971 254.80 U.S. ~a~y Charter 3/17 ~ Sd. of Comm.(5) File (2) 44715 12218 2023 168 $ 1229.40 4266.77 23224.00 13233.00 2948.90 683.40 '~0.00 ~,~&.20 500.00 51.57 %49383.24 ISLAND F~RRY DOSTROCT Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 ~,NTHLY S ,~LqRY REPORT - AUGUST 1971 Fr~Lght Revenue Spoc~&l Serad_ces Passenger Revenue Passenger Car Revenue ~ Re, venue Uo ~o N&:i. 1 8/20/71 ~l~l~re Receipts Tons (lu~titv 316 11403 - 12102 - 2093 509.9 123 $4128.35 471.50 22256.75 13715.00 1863.30 683.06 2150.00 $49714o16 $341.90 JqlF 1971 345.00 Jun~ 1971 369.10 May 1971 339.80 April 1971 254.80 U. So Navy Charter Mar. 17/71 300.00 $1950.60 cc~JupoL"~tsor, Totmof $outhold $outhold Town Clerk Board of Co~LssiontFs (5) File (2) Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISl.,AND, NIE~V YORK 06390 MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1971 Tons Quantity ~rei~ht Revenue 275.3 21915 Sgeci&l Services - - [~lllen~.~' Revenue - 8314 ~senger Car Revenue - 1430 TL-~k Revenue 344.1 99 O. S. M&il 9/17/71 - - Charters - - U. S. Navy July/71 - - Elisabeth Airport (Lease Payment 10/1-12/31/71) Theatre Receipts - - ~t:s ,~e¢~vable U. S. Navy Sept/71 Aug./71 June/71 May /71 April/71 U.S. N&~ Charter 3/7/71 $183.30 341.90 369.10 339.80 254.80 300.00 Receipts $ 2911.75 537.50 15111.00 9379.50 1278.60 683.06 2550;00 345.00 500.00 2434.25 ~own Supervisor To~n.Clerk Bd. Of Co~nissioners (5) File (2) /By: W. C. Sinclair, Manager Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT ,,-, OCTOBER 1971 TONS QUANTITY RECEIPTS Freight Revenue 144 8 7370 $1946 95 Special Services 282 50 Passenger Revenue 6670 10070 50 ~als~ger Car Revenue - 1149 5163 50 Tr~ck Revenue 446 6 111 1786 30 Charters ........................................................ 1500.00 U. S. Navy April/71 .............................................. 254.80 Uo S. Navy May/71 ............................................... 339.80 ~ ~i~ .... 9.20 o. s. Navy Aug/71 iii:iiiiii:~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. 341.9o ~A~counts Receivable U. $. Navy Oct~71 $258.55 Sept/71 183.30 June/71 369.10 U. S. Navy - Charter Mar/71 300.00 CC,' Town Supervisor Town Clerk B4. of Co~m. (5) File (2) FI~R$ IS~ND F~RY' DISTRICT By: W. C. Sinclair, Manager Fishers Island Ferry D/strict FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WiLIrlI[D r,. SlNr-L,AiR MONTHLY S~ R~:)RT - NOVEMBER 1971 Freight Revenue Spe~l&l Services Passenger Revenue Passenger Car Revenue Truck Revenue U. S. Mail 10/15/71 U. S. Ma£1 11/12/71 Marsh & McLennan Inc. M~bil Oil Company U. S. Navy June/71 A~¢ounts Re~ei~able U. $. Navy Nov/71 Oct/71 Sept/71 U. $. Navy Charter Mar/?1 Town Supervisor T~wn Clerk 'Bd. of Com. (5) · ile (2) $1133.15 258.55 183.30 300.00 $1875.00 Tons , .quantity 104.2 ~20 5615 1040 405.0 124 , Receipts $1528.40 94.00 6324.75 3088.50 1635.60 1650.00 683.06 683.06 476.33 120.00 369.10 $16652.90 · '' B~. W. C. Sinclair, M~ager Fi her laland Ferry Distr/ct FI~HERB Ig~&AND, NEW YORK 06380 S~tal Se~ices ~ 15.00 P~l~ng~ Rev~ue 5521 6090.50 Pass,get Ca~ Rev~ 940 ~517.50 T~ R~e 354.5 100 1418.40 = U. $. Mail 12/10/71 - Charters . U. S. Navy- Sept/71 I~&S. NaVy - Oct./71 Penn Central Transportation Co.' S1455.85 1133.15 U. S. Navy - De~/?l Nov/?1 U. S. Navy - Charter 3/71 Town Supervisor Town Clerk Gd. Of Co~. (5) File (2) CC: 683.06 13 1950.00 183.30 258,55 .. 100~00 S14,777.21 By: W. C. Sinclair, Manager