HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972F/she. Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NI~'I~ YORK 06390 WILFR[O C. SIHCIJ, IR MONTHLY SUmmARY REPORT - JANUAR. Y 1972 Tons Freight Revenue 1~ 6663 Special Services - - Passenger Revenue - 4329 Passenger Car Revenue - 676 Truck Revenue 274.7 92 U. S. Mail 2/7/72 - Charters - 7 BAchaEd R. Grebe (Lease P&~ment Airport 1/1-3/31/72) M&rsh & McLennan Inc. A~:i~ntl Receivable U. S. N&~y - Jan/72 $ 559.30 Dec/71 1455.85 boy/71 1133.15 H4Z/71 300.00 $3448.30 FISHEJ~S ISLAND FER~ DISTRICT By: W. C. Sinclair, Ma~&ger quantity Receipts, $1380.3G 272.50 4923.50 1784.00 1088.20 683.06 1050.00 500.00 1539.00 $13220.62 CC = Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Coamissioaers File (2) (5) Fishers Island Ferry District FISH£R~ ISL.~ND. NEW YORK 06390 M~ONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT - FEBRUARY 1972 LPFILght Revenue Special Sez~tces Pi~oeflger Revenue P&llenge~ C~ R~enue T~ R~ue U. S. ~tl 2/4/7~ U. So Na~ N~/71 ~ons Quantity 67.5 4237 - 4736 - 666 271.4 100 Receipts $1041.75 24.00 5452.25 1800.00 1085.40 683.06 150.00 1133.15 12.00 $11381.61 U. S. N&v'y Feb/72 Jan/72 Drag/71 Maz'/71 $412.70 559.30 1455.85 300.00 $272?.85 To~n Supervisor To~n Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) Pile (2) CT ByT W. C. Sincl&lr, Man~qer Fishers Ishnd Fervv FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 MONTMLY SUMMARY REPORT - MARCH 1977 Freight Revenue Special Services Passenger ~nue Passeng~ Car Revenue Truck Revenue Tons 122.6 415.2 U. $. Mail 3/3/72 U. S. Navy 3/29/71 U. S. Navy 12/71 Ch&trots Dick's Garage (Airport 2nd Orr. Paym't) Quantity ~eceipts 6320 $1111.84 - 224.00 6160 7062.50 938 2572.00 140 1661.08 683.06 300.00 - 1455.85 4 600.00 - 500.00 $16170.33 Accounts Receivable U. S. Navy - Mar/72 Feb/72 Jan/72 $289.30 412.70 559.30 CCI Town Supervisor Town Clerk Board of Commissioners (5) File (2) FISH~/~D FERRY. DISTRICT Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 MONTHLY SUMMARY kEPORT - APRIL 1972 Tons · might Revenue 161.5 S~eci&l Services - P&ft longer Revenue - ~a~mobi le Revenue - TA'~ck Revenue 504.3 U. S. Mail 3/31/72 - N~rsh & McLennan inc. (Storm Damage Bldg. 239) C~xtors - Quantity Receipts 7256 $1992.20 - 230.10 7760 8866.75 1175 3373.00 162 2102.70 - 661.04 639.70 4 600.00 $18465.49 Ac~.aun~, R~ce~vable ~. S. Na~y - April 1972 $327.80 March 1972 289.30 Feb. 1972 412.70 Jan. 1972 559.30 $1589.10 _STRICT /By~.~C. Sinclair,Manager Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5 rile (2 Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED r,, ~=INC~AIR MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT - ,MAY 1972 TONS QUANTITY F=eight Revenue Special Services Paaaeager Revenue Passenger Car Revenue Truck Revenue Ue S. Mail 4/28/72 U. S. Mail 5/26/72 Charters M~rsh & McLennan Inc. U. $. Navy March 1972 ~___~T?~nts Receivable U. $. Navy May 1972 April 1972 Feb. 1972 Jan. 1972 Town Supervisor Tow~ Clerk Bd. of Com~. (5) File (2) 182 381.6 $387.50 327.80 412.70 559.30 $1687.30 10329 8465 1043 142 ~(: ~W. ~ii Sinclair, Manager $2442.15 273.00 15590.45 6940.50 1569.70 683.06 683.06 300.00 3810.38 289.30 $32781.60 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Fish,rs Island, New York --Monthly Summary Report TONS Freight Revenue Special Services Passenger Fevenue Passenger Car Revenue Truck Revenue U.S. Mail 7/24/72 Theatre Receipts A~rport Lease 3rd Qtr. 1972 Pyrofax Gas Charter - July 1.972 191.5 %%520 ..... ~3120 ...... 1973 428.1 %37 A~¢ounts Receivable U.S.Na~y July 1972 $ 362.70 June 1972 4~4.00 May 1972 387.50 Jan.1972 559.30 $%723.50 RECIPTS 3307.25 656.50 ~4580.75 %2824.50 %754.60 684.47 36~.20 500.00 300.00 482%9.27 CC: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File (2) FISHERS IS/~AND FERRY UTSTRICT / By: W.C. Sinclair, Manager Navy June 197~ ~=cm,m~, R~ceiva~le U.S.M&vy Aug,19?2 July, 1972 Jan.,1972 CCs Tow~ Supervisor Town Clerk 8d. of C~. (5) File (2) TONS ~UANT_XTY 272.4 17518 -- 12612 --, 2305 846.6 209 $ 414.40 362.70 55,9.30 $1336.40 R~,X S 3849.26 876.10 23163.50 14958.00 3414.70 684.94 600.00 4534.65 387.50 414.00 $52~82. 65 i RS ISLAND FERRY DISTRIC ~cla~ir, Manager FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Fishers Island~ N.Y. MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1972 Tons 123.2 Freight Revenue Special Services - Passenger Revenue Automobile Revenue Tru~ks 462.0 U.S. Mail 9/15/72 - Charters - Theatre Reeeipts 8/29-9/10/72 - U. S. Navy - Jan/72 - Marsh & McLennan Inc. - Marsh & McLennan Inc. - Richard Grebe (Airport Lease) Quantity 6825 8141 1539 130 Receipts $ 3222.?3 650.75 15207.50 10630.50 1844.40 684.94 450.00 1168.35 559.30 12.50 52.00 5~0.00 $34982.97 Accounts REceivable U. S. Navy Sept. 1972 U. S. Navy Aug. 1972 U. S. Navy July 1972 $543.20 414.40 362.70 $1320.30 cc~ Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File (2) Fishers Island Ferry D/strict FISHER8 I~LAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRE:D C. BINCLAIR I~OARD OF COMMImBIONE:R~ MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT - NOVEMBER 1972 Tons quantity Freight Revenue 153.5 6486 Special Services - - Passenger Revenue - 5076 Automobile Revenue 1020 Truck Revenue 463.4 140 U. S. Mail 11/10/72 - - Charters - 3 U. $. Navy - Sept. 1972 - Receipts $2160.39 86.50 5907.75 3041.00 1853.00 684.94 450.00 543.20 $14726.78 Accounts Receivable U. S. Navy Nov. 1972 Aug. 1972 $504.20 414.40 $918.60 CC: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File B~.--~sl~hclair ~ Manager Iq~HER8 Ira. AND. NEW YORK t. AwIW I. lJld. DV/IN pmi. LY ImMaNOm Nt~3t. lAlID V, MONTHLY SUF~ARY REPORT - DECEMBER 1972 Tons ~reight Revenue 63.1 S~i&l Services - passenger Revenue ' Automobile Revenue - Truck RevenUe 117.7 U. So Mail 12/8/72 ' Charters R. Grebe (Airport Lease) Mobil Oil Corp. - 4232 4526 788 37 1 Receipts $1343.65 79.00 5080.25 2183.50 561.20 684.94 150.00 5O0.O0 48.o $10630.54 ~ccounts Receivabl~ U. S. Navy - Dec. 1972 Nov. 1972 Aug. 1972 $170.05 504.20 414.40 CC: Tow~ Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File (2) FIS~S~ISTRICT B~.~.~.~Sinclair, Manager