HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973Freight Revenue ~pecial Services Passenger Revenue Revenue U. $. Mail C..harter Revenue Pm~nCe~=al Co. A¢cot~,t s · Re, ce~ ~v~b le U. S. N~- Jan. 1973 Dec. 1972 NOv. 1972 Aug, %972 Clerk of Comm. (5) .(2) Tons quantity ~4S 5740 4583 747 62 2 $132.55 %70.05 504~20 1~2%.~5 63.50 5~60.25 1983.00 73~.30 684.'9~ FIS~ICT W. BY C. sincl:air~anager F~l~t ReVenue Special Services Passenger Revenue Passenger Car Revenue T~uck Revenue U. $, MaLl. Charter,~venue ~enn U. $. NaVy - da~. T973 D~C,.2972 Nov,- 1972 Tons %83.7 $04.20 Quantity 5740 4583 747 62 Receipts 1421.~5 63.50 5160.25 %983.00 739.3O 684.94 300.00 100.00 ~0,452.~4 CC: Town SuperVisor .Town Clerk Bd. of, Comm. (5) Pile (2) S~"~ W' ~~,~an ager MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT_ FEBRUARY 1973 Freight Revenue Special Services Passeager Revenue Passenger C&r Revenue Truck Revenue U. S. Mail Red a~d Gun Club Dick's Garage Tons Quantity 9%.2 6753 5%.0 %943 289 2O Receipts $ 89%.75 27.00 478%.75 %752.00 58%.20 684.94 %2.00 %66.00 $8896.64 Acceunts Receivable Uo S. Navy- Feb. %973 J~. %973 Dec. %972 Ney. %972 Aug. %972 %32.55 %70.05 504.20 4%4.40 cc: Tewn Supervisor Tewa Clerk Bd. of C~. (5) File (2) Island Ferry;D/strict FIM4F..R~ I~I. AND. NEW YORK 06390 WII. FI~I;~) G. BINGEAIR ~oN~m,Y suwu~z ~ORT ~o~ t,~RC.., BOARD DF /'~-[2~4MIBBIONE:RB April 17, 1973 freight Revenue Spec:La1 Se~rlcea Passenger ~nue Pass~ ~a~ Revenue T~ Revenue ~. S. Mail 3/1/73 A;COUnt s Receivable U. $. Navy Nar/73 Feb/73 Dec/72 NoY/72 Aug/7 2 cc** Town Supervisor To~m Clerk Bd, of Co~. (5) File (1) Tons ~uantity 104.8 5946 _ 4587 939 405.2 114 $355.60 181~15 132.55. 170.0~ 504.20 Receipts $1185.30 246.80 5374.50 2565.50 $11772.54 T lai hers Island Ferry District ISLAND, NE'~V YORK 06390 F=eight Revenue Special Services Pmger Revenue Pllaenger Car Revenue go I. Il&il 3/30/73 SIBOSARY REPOR~ POR APRIL 1973 Ton~ ~uantity 117 6423 217.7 5088 1011 80 7 ~ , U. $. Navy - April 1973 S239.20 ~ March 1973 355.60 ~-'~'::.i Feb. 1973 181.15 Jam. 1973 132.55 ~' Do~. 1972 170.05 ':~ ~r. 1972 504.20 S~,582.75 ~eCeiptp $1558.80 158.00 6422.00 3167.00 1085.40 684.94 1050.00 500.00 414.40 900.00 $15,940.54 cc: Town Supervisor (1) / Town Clerk (1) Bd. of Commissioners (5) ?ile (1) Fishers Island Perry District W. C. Sinclair, Mgr. Island Ferry District 1118HERS I~iANDo NEW YORK 06390 a* IIINGLAIN 4/2?/73 3/73 N&vY 2/73 Navy 1/73 #&vy 12/72 N~vy 11/72 N~ 10/72 Town Superf~sor ?ovu Cte:tc Bd. o~ Cm. (5) Tons 447.3 6586 1121 133 221.00 12086.25 7049.50 1806.70 684.94 684.94 6900.00 355.60 179.90 132.55 170.05 503.95 380.40 S33027.18 S 49.60 R3,9720 $288.80 ~zspu/~~ rE~x -OXSTaZCT Fishers Island Ferry District FISH£RS I~.AND, NEW YORK 0~390 BOARD OF' COMMIBSIONIrRe MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT - JUNE 1973 $~CIA~ SERVICES PASSENGER ~ P~S~GSR CAR ~E~ U. S. ~ 6/22/73 U. S. NA~ 4/73 ~H & M~;~ I~. ~ G~Z (~rt Lease) ~. ~RGE ~SERVATIONS Tons quantity - 9211 - 457.2 14t Receipts $ 2429.11 379.51 17274.11 11813.5% 1841.4t 684.94 4351.11 239.21 28&3.11 ~t1,11 112.11 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE U.S. NAVY May 1973 cc: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File J: W. C. SINCLAIR~ MANAGER $41475.&4 Fishers Island Fe,vr ¢ District FISHERS ISLAND, N!2W YORK BOARD rlF' COMMISSION£RB MONTHLY SUF~ARY REPORT - JULY 1973 Freight Revenue S~ecial Services Passenger Revenue Passenger Car Revenue Trucks U. S. Mail 7/30 Charters Adm. Charge Reservations Theatre Receipts Marsh & McLennan Inc. Tons 185.12 502.3 (Pier damage Settlement) A~c. ounts Receivable U. S. Navy - May 1973 Town Supervisor T~wn Clerk Bo~d of Com~ssioners File (1) quantity Receipts 11816 ~2962.30 _ 562.00 11546 21351.75 1940 12599.50 132 2014.50 - 684.94 - 1950.00 - 207.00 - 3609.00 - 5350.00 : 4 .~. 50 FIllERS ISLAND F~RRY DISTRICT ~r ,~anager %51290.00 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MONTHLY MONTHLY SUMMARY REPORT FOR AUG. 1973 Tons Quantity Freigh~ Revenue 185.2 11816 Special Services - Passenger Revenue - 11665 Passenger Car Revenue - 2194 Tr~cks 3e2.2 113 Charters - 6 Theatre Rece£ps - - U. S. Mail 8/17/73 - Administrative Charge Automobiles - - A~¢ounts Receivable U. $. Navy - Ma¥/73 cc.* r~wn Su~ervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File (1) Receipts 3337.40 70e.50 21346.25 14261.~0 1224.30 567~.09 684.94 · $48451.39 $49.60 ISTRICT By= W. C. Sinclair, Manager Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NE~¥ YO~;~K 06390 BOARD OF COMMISSIONER~ hO.~PI.q,y SUMF~RY REPORT FOR SEPTEblBi~R 197]; Tons Freight Revenue ll&.4 Special Services _ Passenger Revenue _ Passenger Car Revenue Tz~lcks 519.0 Charters _ Theatre Recei~O~ 9/2~-9/9/73 - U. S. Mail 9/14/73 _ Theatre - Re~uzl~ Prem. W/Comp. - Administrative Charge Automobiles - &ir~ort Lease Payment - Accounts Receivable U. $. Navy May 1973 $49.69 Quantity 6~79 7294 1498 143 ~ceipts $2525.28 433.~3 13531.25 9737.~0 2~42.45 75~.~ 1118.58 684.94 14~eO 472.~ 'I~1~0~o37 CC~ Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Comm. (5) File Fishers Island Ferry D~str/ct MONTHLY SUMMARy RE~ORT October 1973 ~enl ight Revenue cial Services ~'~Asseager Revenue ~i:i ~esse~ger C&r Reve.ue T~ks 4S4.5 ii: ~'A~a~imtr/tive Cherges-Aute. ~¢eu~ts Receivable Navy - May ~973 - ~u&ntit¥ G397 1252 114 S %,T?&.4e / Tewa Su~e~-*isor Tew~ Clerk ~. ef C~. (5) Pile (1) Fishers Iala~ Ferr~ District F/shers Island Ferry District FISHIZR$ ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, 9INCLAIR MONTHLY SL%~V~RY REPORT November ,%973 Tons Freight Revenue 94.9 Special Services Passenger Revenue Passenger C,ir Revenue Trucks 215.4 U. S. Mail 19/9/73 Charters Thames Shipyard and Repair Company Quantit~ 554% 48%6 1984 75 Receipts ~i~ 1,697.45 5,491.25 3,623.99 969.99 684.94 $%2,723.54 Accounts Receivable $49.6t Fishers Island Ferry District by: W. C. Sinclair, Manager cc: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Bd. of Commissioners File (5) WCS/idn F/shers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISl.,AND, NEW YORK 06390 Wi/FRi:-D r,. BINI2LAIR BOARD DF COMMIEBIDhlWRB MONTHLY S%~ARY R~PORT - DECEMBER 1973 F~eight Revenue Special Ser~*ces Passenger Revenue Passeng~ Car ReYenue Truck Revenue U. S. Mail Tons, Quantity 62.1 3874 _ 4%69 - 8&3 191.2 72 Accounts Receiveble. U. S. Navy May 1973 ...... Receipts 52.ie 4981.59 2987.el &84.94 $1%733.&4 cc; Tow~ Supervisor Town Clerk Board of Commissioners (5) File (1)