~J~x~ ~.~ , a; Inspectors of the Election of the
gi,,;Hlhers-Isl~ ?erry//District, ~ HEREBY CERTIFY as follows:
8th day of Au~st 1972, the ~nual Meeting for the Election of
~Ssioner Of the Fishers Island Ferry District was held at the Fishers
Fire House~ Fishers Ieland, New York at 2:00 P.M.. Said Meeting
~ly call~ by Notice, a co~ of whi~ is hereto ann~ed~ stating the
~lace and ~s~ ~f ~ ~E~G. ~pies of said Notice were
~~ly in at least five p~lic laces in sai
~i .............. P d District, at least ten
~ u= =~ =ne dace o~ tne Meeting, to wit, on July 28, 1972 as follows:
~e ~r, ~ion Free School District ~4, Fishers Island, N.Y.
~e Bulletin Bo~d, Fishers Island Civic Associatiion, Fishers Island,
~e d~r FiSh~s Island Fer~ District Theatre~ Fishers Island, N.Y.
~ ~ng~ ~or, Elis~e~h Airart, Fishers Islam, N.Y.
~ ~ %ulletin ~ard of the Fishers. Isled Fer~ District Te~inal
Is~nd, N.Y.
~~of Election canvassed .the vo~e and WE, the aforesaid Inspectors
~e=tion, DO HEREBY CERT~.~ Y that the results were as followsl
votes were cast fo for Co issioner for a
of five years.
were oa~tc-fo=
~ Vo~es were cast for
for Commissioner for a term
of five years.
fo~Co~missioner for a term
of f~veyears.
for C~issioner for a term
~otes were cast for
Votes were cast for
Vo~es were cast for
Votes were cast for
Votes were cast for
of five years
for Commissioner for a term
of five years
for Commissioner for a term
of five years
for Commissioner for a term
of five years :~
for C~mmissioner for a ter~
of five years
for Commissioner for a term
of five years