HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 ~.I~S ?JC~O{S OF ELECTION C:~RTIFICATE 0-.'- '~' ~, m . OF TIIE FISHERS ISLAND FER~{Y DISTRICT WE, 66 the Ffshe~s[and Fe~ Di~t~ict, DO HE~E~ CERTIFY ofthe On the llth day of A~ugust 1964, the Annual }~eting for the Election of 'Commissioner of the ~' share Island Fer~y D~s':rict was held at the Fishers Island High School, Fishers Island, ~ew York at 2:00 P.M~ Said Meeting was duly called by notice, a copy of which is hereto annexed, stating the time, nlace and purpose of the ~etingo Copies of said notice were posted conspicuously im at least five public places in said District, at least ten days prior to the date of the meetin~,, to wit, on July 31, 196h as follows: One on the Bulletin Board at the U. S. Post Office, Fishers Island, N.Yo One on the Fishers Island Civic Association Bulletin Board, Fishers Island, One on the Fishers Island Ferry District Bulletin Board at the village green, Fishers Island, No~:o One on the Bulletin Board at the Fishers Island Community Theatre, Fishers Island, NoY~ One on the Main door of Union Free School District ~/4, Fishers Island, At ~.' ~)~ ?oMo after the polls bad remained open for four hours, said Inspe~s~ Election canvassed the vote and We, the aforesaid Inspectors of Election, DO HE~{EBY Cb~TIFY that the results were as follows: ~$Votes were cast for ~~ ~or Commis~ioner for a term of ~ ' Tive years ~ Votes were cast for~~~2Or Co~issioner for a te~ of .... ~ --~five years Votes were cast for for CoEissioner for a te~ of ~ "~ five years Votes were cast for for Commissioner fo~ a te~ of ...... f~ve years Votes were cast for for Commissioner for a term of ~'ive years Votes were cast for for Commissione~ for a term of 'five years Votes were cast for VOID VOT~ for Commissione~ for a tex-m of ~five years BLANK VOT.~S N~Y~ Dated: Aurust 11, 196~ Fishers Island Suffolk County New York INSPECTORS 0? ELECTION STATE OF NEW YORK) OOUS~Y OF SUFFOLK) SS: On this day of August ~_~, 1964 before me the subscriber, personally me to be the s~e persons described In ~d who executed the a~ove tnst~ent and they severally duly acknowledged to me that they executed the s~e as INSPECTORS O:' ~CTION OF TH .: FISHERS ISLAND FE~Y DISTRICT. ~e of thp/~Fe~c~, Town of Southold Suffolk Count~, New York FISH~S ISLAND FP~RY DISTRICT NOTICE IS H~REBY given as prescribed by Chapter 699 of the Laws of New York, 1947 as amended that the An~al Meeting for the election of Co~mmiss~oner of the F~shers sland Ferry District will be held on the llt? day_of August 1964 at the Fishers Island High School, Fishers Asland, New York at 2:00 P.Mo for the purpose of electing one Commissioner as follows: One Commissioner to succeed ALFRED R. GREBE for a term of five years. The polls shall remain open for four hours, between the hours of 2:00 PoMo and 6:00 PoM. o Electors of the District qualified to vote for Town Officers of the Town of Southold at the preceding Town Election and owners of real property situate within the Fishers Island Ferry District assessed upon the last preceding town assessment roll shall be eligible to vote° FISHERS ISLAND FERHY DIS~RICT Dated: July 31, 1964 Lawrence So Baldwin Polly Edmonds Alfred Ho Grebe ~Ichard Vo Foyle Le~is Oo Lamb Board of Commissioners FISHERS ISLAND F~RY DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK) COb'~TY OF SUFFOLK) SS: Wilfred Co Sinclair. being duly swo~n, deposes and says that he resides at FishersIsland, New York and is over the age of 21 years: That on the 31st day of July 196~, he posted copies of t~ attached notice conspicuously in the following public places in the Fishers Island Ferry District, Fishers Island, New York as follows: One on the Bulletin Board at the U. S. Post Office, Fish, rs Island, New York One on the Fishers Island Civic Association Bulletin Board, Fishers Island, New York One on the Fishers Island Ferry District Bulletin Board at the village gree9 Fishers Island, New York One on the Bulletin Board at the Fishers Island Community Theatre, Fishers Island. New York One on the Main door of Union Free School District #4, Fishers Island, New York Wilfred Co Sinclair Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3]~ ,,,.day of July 196[~o ~ ~u ;[ ~. APIM~N