HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1969Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANABER - SECRETARY MINUTES OF THE ME-']TING OF THE BOARD oF COMMISSIONERS OF ~HE FISHERS ISLgND FERRY DISTRICT A.rtl 2, 1969 A m!~eelal meeting ef the Bear~ ef Cemmissieners ef t]~e Ferry Ulatriet was ealle~ b7 the Chairman an~ hel~ in the efflee ef the Ferry Dietrlct, A.ril 2, 19&9 at 1:$$ ~.M.. ~reae~ were Cemmiasienera Bal~n, Grebe, E~en~a ~ W. C. Simelalr, ~r.-$ee. The minutes ef the meeting hel~ Mareh 12, 1959 were rea~ a~ awwreve~ as rea~. A letter ~ate~ ~reh lk, 1969 frem t~ Ocean ~en~ Cer. eratien was rea~ relative te aeek~n~ a lewer eharter rate. The matter was ~iacusae~ at length a~ was te be leeke~ inte at anether meeting. The ~a~er was ~irecte~ te remin~ the Bear~ that t~e Bi~a will be ewene~ Friday, A~ril ~, 1969. Metion hv Cer~asiener E~en~a ~ $eeen~e~ by Ce~. Grebe that veu~era ~5117~ threug~ ~51197 imelualve in t~e smelt ef $98~5.55 rewreaent~ng the eutstan~ng eh]igatiena ef t~e Dtatr~et fer the menth ef March 19~9 be ~ai$. Meticn umamtmeua]y e~rie~. ~lana were ~iaeusae~ by the Bear~ te ~le the everflew traffie this weekend. Metie~ ma~e te a~Jeurn ~a u~s~y carr%e~ at l:k5 ~.M- _ . ~'~. ~lair, Manager See. Appreved L. S. Bald~m, Chaix~aam Beard ef Cemmissieners