HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1966 MINUTES OF THE MEETING
Feb. 16, 1966
A speelal meetin~ of the Board of Commtssionel's was aalle.d.by.t~h.e.C~h~.i~l~ma- --
and held in the o£fice of the Pe~l-y Distriat, Feb. 16, 1~6 at ~.~
F~esent were C~lss~one~s ~ld~n~ G~ebe~ E~onds, Fo~le, Doyen ~d
Stnelai~, ~.~ec. T~ Ch~-n oalled the meetin~ to o~de~ ~d stated
one of ~e items to be oonstde~ed was oh~tn~ ~e t~ffs. ~e ~a~d of
C~lssione~s ~tmousl~ ohan~d ~e Passen~e~ I.C.C. No. 7 as follows~
tule 8~ ~ 1st md Sept. 30th were c~n~ed ~o ~ead ~ 1~ and Oct.
~d Oct. 1st. ~d April 30th were chan~ed to Oct. 16~h ~d
Rule 9~ cvea~ed a Pound trip ticket to b~ sold on lest tP~p ~Ida~ which
~11 be honored ~ New London on et~e~ Sat~ o~
Rule lb= Sto~a~e eha~e chan~ed to 2~ pe~ da~ Dee each shi~ent.
Item 10= -Ch~e headings to confo~ ~ th Rule 8, and c~e ~o~d
~ate ~ $1,91 to $1.90
Item 20~ Ohsn~ headings to eonfo~ w[~h Rule 8 ~d also create Thuesda~
as a round t~ip da~. for ca~s ~d passenger, also oha~
t~ip Pate f~ to even lites }1.!0 and 70~ f~ the
seeson, elso ch~ed ~ co~o~ ~th hle 9.
Item 30: Ch~e to c~fo~ w~th Rule 8, also chan~e f~e ~o even ~o~ts
Item hO= Chan~e to confo~ ~o Bule 8.
Fvei~t.I.C.C. ~o. 6 was ohan~ed as follows~
Item ~0. Added a ~ate of ~ per ~nning foo~ fo~ St~ofo~
Item 60= Chan~e to confo~ ~ date ch~ges, Ho~d T~ip ~ates fo~
ca~s on ~uvsda~s, and weekend ~o~d t~ip
Tvuc~ and 0ome~clal ~a~s ch~ed to pa~ 16~ pe~ 100 lbs.
Aslo deleted bu~ld~ t~uek loa~ vats.
Item 90~ C~e to include wo~di~t "all shingles o~he~ ~hen wood"
~ate to be ~0~
I~em 120~ Rate eh~ed ~o. $10.00
Item ~0, Rate ~hange
Item1~0: 0h~ge ~ate ~o $5.00 ~d delete side ca~s
Item 1~0: Change ~ate of bicycles ~o
I~em 1~0: Add T~a~o~s ~d add "af~e~ per 100 lbs. and o~ up to 9 ~ons,
mini~ c~ge $%.00~ ~a~e 3~
Item 170: ~ange Mint~ f~ $2~7~ to $3.%0
Item 200~ ~ange ~o Elecb~ic o~ Gasoline Gaits
I~em 210: Delete Sub (c) and also rate cha~ged ~11 include ~etnrn passage
of ~uc~ and or ~ucks ~e~Ing
The follo~ng ~esolu~ion was introduced by the Chairman ~d adopted by the
~tmous affi~ative vote of ~he B~d of Co~issione~s:
E~EAS ~he Board of Oo~issione~s are of the opinion t~t an alienate
should be sou~t fo~ cona~Ectton ~ an 82 foo~ vehicula~ fe~y ~o allow
~o~ a~ p~ice changes
TH~R~0~ ~ IT ~0LVED ~ an addenda should be added ~o ~he p~oposal
~eading as foll~s: In addition ~o asking for a price c~le~e in eve~
~espect as per Note to Bidders, S~cifica~ions, ~d d~a~ngs a ~ice
q~o~ation shall be sub~ed c~plete in every ~espec~ as pe~ No~ice to
Bidders, Specifications and d~awings with the exception that the Bow
Thruster shall be omitted.
Chai~,emn Baldwin then discussed his conversation with Supervisor Albertson
rega~d!ng an increase in pay for the Manager. After general discussion
each member of the Board of Commissioners unanimously re-affi~ned their
action of January 11, 1966 ~.n granting the Manager an increase of $500
per yea~ effective Januar2 15, 1956. The Chalx-man spoke on the bill of
the Cummins Engine people and suggested taking it to the Town Attorney
Mr. Robert Tasker to see ~hat could be done. The Board agreed unanimously
that this should be done.
Motion made to adjourn and unanimously carried at 8:30 P.Mo
W. C. Sinclai~, Mgr.*~eCo
Lo S. Baldwin, Chairman
Board of Co~m~Issioners