HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/18/1966 MINUTES OF THE, MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHEHS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT May 18, 1966 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District, May 18, 1966 at 5:15 P.M. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, R. Doyen and P. Edmonds. W. Sinclair Mgr.-Sec. was also present. Chairman Baldwin stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the airport operation. He stated that Mr. Rokita has done a lot for the District over and above his regular duties ie: painting the entire hangar building, doing all grass mowing cleaning up, etc. General discussion ensued on the duties of the attendant. It was agreed that Mr. Rokita would keep all necessary records as prescribed by the Mahager, that he would not operate any air taxi out of Elizabeth airport and that he would abide by all hours of work. He was to be advised of these conditions. The following resolution was introduced by the Chairman and adopted by the unanimous afSfirmative vote of the Board of Commissioners present as follows: Commissioner Baldwin - Yes Comm~issioner Doyen - Yes Commissioner Edmonds - Yes WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the Fishers Island Ferry District to engage an airport attendant for the summer season of 1966 AND WHEREAS Edward Rokita of 23 Jaffe Terrace, Colchester, Connecticut has applied for this oosition AND WHEREAS Edward Roktta has served ~n bhis capacity for the past two years ir an efficient and qualified manner BE IT RESOLVED that Edward Roktta of 23 Jaffe Terrace, Colch~,ster, Conno be engaged in the capacity of Airport Attendant effective June 7, 1966 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that compensation for this position shall be $125.00 per week payable semi monthly. The Board authorized the Electric Corpo to fix the runway lights, change the wind gauges and to put up the wind socks at the airport. Letter dated May 18, 1966 was read from the Harbor Food Super Market quoting a price of $312o00 for a rubber tired trailer they would sell . Motion by Commo Doyen and seconded by Comm. Edmonds that we accept th~s nriceo Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Comm. Doyen and seconded'by Comm. Edmonds that the quotation of Whaling City D~edge & Dock Corp. in the amount of $1800 for~the removal of 12 fender piles and the installation of 12 new fender piles at the Ferry Terminal Pier at Fishers Island be accepted° Motion unanimousl?~ carried. Regarding the the theatre it was agreed to open this June 26, 1966 Ch. Baldwin suggested that the Manager ask the Fo I. Utility Company for a nrice to install and maintain a light in front of the theatre for June - July and August. General discussion ensued on freight and traffic handling at the Fishers Island Tez~minal. Letter dated May 17, 1966 from the Junior Class requesting a candy concession at the theatr~ was read. The Board approved of this request.. The Mauager reported that the mail contract expires June 30, 1966.It was the feeling of the Board to maintain the same contract ~rice as the expiring Oneo. Motion by Com~o Doyen and seconded by Comm. Edmonds that we renew the mall contract at the exciting rate. Motion ~man!mouslv carri~do Chairman Baldwin stated that the Supervisor and the Board would like to be present at the laying of the keel of the new ferry. The Manager will advise when this will be done. Motion made to adJour~ and unanimously carried at 6:40 P.M. ipDroved~~.~ ~~/__~__ W. ~o Sinclair,Mgr.-Sec. MINUTES 0F THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FI~S ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT June 2, 1966 A special meeting of the Board of Cozmntssioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District June 2, 1966 at 5:15 P.M. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, Grebe, Foyle, Doyen, Edmonds and Wo C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. The Minutes of the meeting of May 5, 1966 were read and approved as read. Motion by Comm. Grebe and seconded by Comm. Edmonds that we acdeDt the quotation of Langley Fence Company on the installation of two gates in Mosquito Hollow for the sum of $320. Motion unanimously carried. ~otion by Comm. Doyen and Comm. Edmonds that vouchers ~10228 through#lO251 inclusive in the amount of $11,102.21 representing the outstanding obligations of the Ferry District for the month of May 1966 be paid. Motion unanimously carried. The follow- ing resolution wes introd.~ced by Chairman Baldwin and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of bhe Board of ~ommissione~s present as follows: Comm. Baldwin Yes Com~. Doyen Yes Comm. Grebe Yes Com~. Edmonds Yes Com.m Foyle Yes WHEREAS IT is in the best interests of the Fishers Island Ferry District to engage employees for the stuumer operation of the theatre, Airport and an employee to act as porter at the New London Dock BE IT R}ESOLVED that the following people be engaged as follows: Theatre Edwin Homing, Fishers Island, N.Y. - S~pervisor, Cashier @ $~.00 per week Richard So Baker, Fishers Island, N.Y. Receeatton Leader @ $~50 per show Ernest Middleton, Fishers Island, NoY. Recreation Leader ~ $8.50 per show Jo B. Hartsfield, Fishers Island, NoYo Recreation Leader @ $8°50 per show Edmund White, Fishers Island, N.Y. - Clerical aid @ $5.00 per show George K~ag, Fishers Island, NoY. - Labor @ $5.00 per show Airport Lawrence Horn, Fishers Island, N.Yo - Labor @ $1o75 hour, 36 hrs. per week New London Dock Thomas ~.~rphy, 20 Cedar Grove Ave., New London, Conn. -Watchman ~ $60.00 per week. BE IT FURTH~R RESOLVED that subject appointments be effective June 7, 1966 and that compensation be payable on a semi monthly basis. Co~m. Doyen suggested that we get a figure on filling the area in New Lonodn. Ch. Baldwin suggested waiting to get the soundings first then we can get a mo~e intelligBBt price. General discussion en~ued on the Sunday schedule° Motion Made to adjourn and unanimously carried at 7:30 P~M. ipprove~~ ~~ W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Seco L. S. Baldwin, Chairman