HomeMy WebLinkAboutFranchise Resolution and Consent 1935XeIend ~Leo~r~o ~orporat~on ~.o plmom and uatnta:Ln muir- ~e T~n of ~out~o~d. ,%t~te on FIa~m lea.nd. ~ of ~foLks ~tste of ~ York, ~ ~I~R~, an applio, Lton hem been duly mede to ~he To~n Bo~f said Town for peruimelon to lay, ereoC, Core, ~t~her with the neoemm~ ~lea~ A~ maid ~a~ hflv%n~ ap~Aioation, a q~r~be~n~ preuen~, ~e.~ ~heF~f w~ld be ad~nta~a ~ NOV, ~Z, ~tlon~dly made R~OLV~D, ~het The Fishers Island BleetFl~ Corpor- ation (hereinafter mailed ~o Oompe~y) ira muooeM'~a sad I aeal~a, ia ho~eby ~Lsant~od ~he r%~h~ a~d privilege''~° lq, e~oot,.~onatruoC, maintain and ~epa%~ suitable vires and other oonduotoram to~o~Ao~ with the necessary pOles, pipes oondu~te, a~d o~her f~gCttrem in, onm swot, end uflder o&~a, avenues, ~blio ~rko a~ pleoes &n said ~a S~d w%~b~n %~m p~een~ or ~u~u~ ~%u%~s on Fishers IslaM, tn the Co~ of suffolk, a~ sta~e of Mew f~ ~ ~oe of truna~t~ end dia~r%~t%~ eleo~%~ %~ ~ ~ %~ab%~%0 of maid %o~ o~ a~ tim, ~- therein, for light, heat and/or power, ~nd for lighting the !~eets, highways, parks and publio plaees of tew~ an~ t~ ~blie a~ ~ivate bulldl~l t~t at all ~lme. a~er the acquiring, ~ng of a~ Bush wires, oo~uotor~, ~lee, pipe~, esquire or otA~ fizzles, 8a~d C~pa~ o~ll be a~ the same a~ to k~p ~he same In proof sledge,on a~ repa~ a~ to do all neoessa~ work pro~rl2 ~o mis- tale t~ SaUl. ~ This ~ant nad privlle~ la ~de ~n the followin~ terms: l. That said polos, pipes, oonduits, or other fixtures, zhall be loosted under the dlraotion of said Town Board or its duly authorized a~ent. 2. That all of said poles, pipes, aonduXts, or other fixtures, shell be pissed, ereoted, and uaintaiz in a p~oper and worbllanlike manner so that the same in no way endanger the publ%o, a~d the said ooupa~r shall at all tiuos %ndeunify and lave Jmniless the said Town az the me.rs of said Town Bo~rd fx.~m and a~ainst a~y aaa all actions, suite, claussen, soots, ehar~es end expenses b7 reason of the looation and uaintenanae of said poxes, pipes, oon~u%ts, and other fixtures in a~r of the streets avenues, and oYJler pubJ. lo pisses, or by reason of al~y or om~ttad to bo done, in tho premises by enid done 3. ~henever said Compan~ shall have ooeasion to make an opening Xn tho attTfaoe of an~ street :r~ othe~ ~bllo plaoe for ~he p~poee of layi~ or re~Xrl~ a~ first p~o~e ~ pe~its neoeooa~ ~dor the law ~ o~ ~l~nHa of said T~n~ will oon~uo~ o~oh ~rk In a o~re. ~ and ~r~Xke ~nnerj eauae aa l~le dtot~banoe rd off trafflo as reasonably possible, sad will ~ea$~ surfaoe of suoh street or o~he~ publio plaoe possible to rte former send,ties, lnoludt~ of ~v~ents wh~e It has been neoes~a~ to ~Xe~ 4. Th~o ~ant a~ petit 18 ~e ~n oo~l- ~lon ~t pe~sslon be secured from such ~bllo a~ co~8olono as lo requ~ed by law, 8~ ~ho oo~ldora- ties hereof 18 ~he expen~l~e by said Com~ of ~he f~o neoeooa~ for the put. se of ~rano~egion d~8~ribu~lon l~es a~ ~Ae proper MlnM~n~ ~ho~f. Town has sauced ~hese preson~s to be subo~i~d by members ~h~n~/~day off ~ , ¢~TIFICATE OY TO,~lq ~L~I~K. I, the undersigned, T~wn Clerk of said T~wn of Southhold, Suffolk Coumty, State of New York, do hereby ce~Xf~ tha~ the foregoing is a eoux~erpart original of a resolution and oonsen~ duly passed at a meeting of the Town Board of said Town, duly oalled and hel~ on ~he .~J~ day of ~ , 1~, I further oer~lfy that said re,simPLon and eon- sent were both duly filed Xn ~he ClerM's offioe of oeXd To~ a~ ~hat the off%oerl 8&~1~ the ammo le~ members of the T~n Boa~ e~ a ~Jorl~y thereof. IN WXTNE~S w~m~w0F, I h~ve hereunto pla,ed u~ hand and the official seal of said Town, this .~/~day of