HomeMy WebLinkAboutPettition to form Lighting DistrictRADFORD C. SHANKLIN ur. J. N. ]~,-tlook, Town Olerk, 8Outhol ~1, N.Y. Dee, r Ur. IIm,llook: Inclose~ fin~ petition for a lighting ~lstrlct on FlsheraIslan~l. We have the West En~ of the lslan~ pretty well llghte~ now so far as the streets are concerned, an~ in otter to the Lighting Department of most of the erpense of furnisl~tng these lights, we h~ve secure~ the slgnm~ures of a ~ortty of the property o~ers affec~ ~o ~his petition fo~ a lighting ~strict. If this is in or,er, will you kindly submit same to the Town BOar4 for approval, an~ oblige. ~ lo ~ure, Yours very truly, RADFORD C. SHANKI.IN FISHSRS ISLAND. N.Y. ~a~eh ~7~ 1~23 Dem. Mr, ;~,llook: Replying to your favor of the The petition for a lighting ~lstrict contains a majority of the property owners in the ~istrict aa well .as a ~majority of the ~a~able p~o~erty, so that It is all right to go ahea~ with same. Yours very truly, We the undersigned property owners of Fishers Island Town of Sonthold, Oounty of Suffolk desire to establish a district for the purpose of lighting the streets and highways on Fishers Island, and respeotffully petition the Town Board to establish same within the following described bou~darie~ ~11 that portion of Fishers Island west of ~he ~e the unde~signed p~ope~ty swne~,~ of Fishe~. o~ Southold~ Oounty dist~iet fo~ ~he purpose o~ lighting She s~tm ~ h~way~ on ~she~s Isled, ~d ~eepee~lly petition the To~ Bo~ to es~abllah a~e