HomeMy WebLinkAboutFort HG WrightAt a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held on the 26th day of May, 1959 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold by resolution duly adopted on the 7th day of April, 1959, did agree to lease to the United States Department of Navy, certain property located in the For~ H. G. Wright area of Fishers Island, said property being described in said resolution, and WHEREAS, the property proposed to be leased was not properly described in said resolution, and it is now desired to amend said resolution to properly describe the property to be leased NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby leases to the United States Department of Navy the following described property: Ail that tract of land on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known as Battery 215, more particl~larly beunded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe marker which is N 61° 21' W a dis- tance of 199.7' from the Coast and Geodetic marker "Battery 215, 1o~" locatedin the Southwest corner of Fishers Island, New Y~;'thence N 76° 35' E, a distance of 273.3' to an iron pipe marker, which is 4.6,.northeasterly from a manhole~.thence S 13° 25' E, a distance of 287', more or less, to ~ae mean ~ow water line of the South shore of Fishers Island; thence meander~n along said shore line in a southwesterly direction a distance 282,. more or less; thence N 13° 25' W, a distance of 361.5', ~ore or l~ss, to the point of beginning; all bearmngs being true~ana the parcel containing a calculated area of 2.035 acres, said par- cel being bounded on the North, East and West by land now or formerly owned by the U. S. Government, and bounded on the South by the waters of Block Island Sound. Together with that certain strip of land, subject to the aforementioned easement, the center line of which is described as follows: BezinninE at an iron pipe marker, whSRh is on the No~t~ nroner~v lin~ of Battery 215, and is N 76~ 35' E and a dms~ance ~ ~.A ~, from the northwest corner of Battery 215; thence . N 10~57~ W, a distance of 523.1' to an iron pxpe marker, whmc is 10.0' .We~t of the Southwest corner of the NW-SE air strip; thence N 11~ 02' E, a distance of 160.5' to an iron pipe marker; thence N 63~ 18~ E, a distance of 50.O'to an iron pmpe marker; thence N 88~ 30~ E, a distance of 755.4' to an iron pxpe marker, which is southwesterly 58.5' from an elegtric .manhole~ N ~o 07, E. a distance of 374.9' to an ~ron p~pe marker, ~ence ~ ~$o ~, E~ a distance of 223.2' to an iron pmpe marker; ~n~e N ~o 5'$' E~ a distance of 608.2' to an iron pipe marksrA wnmcn i~ 26.4, Southerl~ from a concrete platform, thence.N 81 54 E, ~-dist~nce of 336~7' to an iron pipe marker, which ms 151.O'.from the southeast corner of Building 21, which is on the East side of Schmidt Drive; thence N 89° 42' E, a distance of 130~.1' to an iron pipe marker, which is Eas~ of Parkhurst Road and North of the culvert running under the read; thence N 77° 08' E a distance of 826.7' to an iron pipe marker; thence N 76° 02' E, ma distance of 229.3' to an iron pipe marker; thence N 60e Ol' E, a distance of 116.3 to an iron pipe marker; thence S ~9° 04' E, a dis tance ef 157.6' to an iron pipe marker; thence N 42v 53' E, a dis- tance of 220.3~ to an iron pipe ~marker, which is en the North side of South BeachPond; thence S 89v 7' E, a distance of 4~5', more er less~ to a turnin§ point which is on the East side of South Beach Pond! then?e N 75 53' E. ~ distance o~ 283', more or less, tea turning point; thence ~ 66° 47' E, a d~stance of 134.5' to a turn- ing point; thence S 829 57' E, a distance of lll.6' to.a turning point; thence S 39° 45'.E,.a distance of 141.1' tea turning point; thence N 88° ll' E, a dmstance of 12.7' to the~intersection of the westerly bo.und~ry line of land~ owned by the Hay Harbor Club; thence contznumng alone said lmne a distance of 194.1' to a turn- ins. point; thence ~ 80° 26, E, a distance of 300.1' to a turning point; thence N 73~ ll' E, .and ~ calculated distance 9f 265,8' ~to the U. S. Government property lmne, at a point which ms S 3~ ~$~ E and a distance of 27.7' from a mere stone on the proper~y.line;, said line being the center of a permanent eas?ment extending lO feet on either side of the line for a total wmdth of 20 feet. Together with the rights of ingress and egress to said ~ro- perties over existing roads or other means and the right to ~n- stall, maintain, o~erate, repair, replace or remove a cable in said right-of-way described in the preceding paragraph. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the term of said lease shall be for a complete term of 99 years, and that the United States Depart- ment of Navy pay to the Town of Southold a total rent of $1.00 for said term, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute any and all leases and other documents required to effect such purpose. The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: AYES: Justice Ralph W. NOS :~ None Supervisor Norman E. Klipp Councilman Lester M. Albertson Councilman Louis M. Demarest Justice Henry A. Clark Tuthill The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.