HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991~11 Numbers In This Report Must be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Method of Accounting (Check One) Single Entry Cash ~ Double Entry Modified Accrual ,ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER ~ E~ED DECE~ER 31, 1991 N~ OFDISTRICT SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT IN TKE TOWN 0RTOWNS OF SOUTNOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners X or Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. ~every***fire*~*districtXXxshall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ~treasurer of each fire~AdistrictAAA.'' "5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such&&Xdistrict~A.'' PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State 0omptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 Revised 1991 Tot~l Ca.h GENERAL FLI4) - BALANCE S~EET - AS OF EDPC~OE A~O0 A~01 $ A451 $ A~91 December 31, 93804 104379 I~R~Rq · 1991 LZABZI.Z11:ES AND FUND E~UZTY State end Fedmll Rameivebl~ Sbte end Fecierel, O~her Total State Inci Fedm~l A410 Total Restricted Assets ~ to Other Goverrv.m~%s I~ferr~ Revenues FLee EGuI"rY F~ld B~l~,ce - Reserved Debt To~lR~ervecl Appropria*ed-Ensu~flg Year's Buc~Bt (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UN[TS ONLY ) EDPCOOE A600 A601 ~ " A637 A6~1 A6~2 A63o $ A690 . $ A631 A691 $ A8:~1 A8'1.5 A88~ Aglo A911 $ ,198283 Fm'KI Equi {'y TOTAL I./ABZI. I'~ES AHD FUI4) E~IZTY lqR?83 198283 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDP¢ODE Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection 12262 Interest and Earnings 12401 Rentals 12410 Sale of Equipment 12665' Insurance Recoveries 12680 Refund of Expenditures 12701 gifts and Donations ' 12705 Other UnclasSified Revenue CD. of Suffolk Federal Aid for Civil Defense Transfers (2)Budget Notes Issued (2)Tax Anticipation Notes Issued (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ 506448 Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year Notes: 12536 351 1761 283 70 12770 14305 15031 57830 15750 15760 A.5770 $ 579279 A8021 pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES EDPCODE Judsments and Claims Personal Services Equipment/Capital Outlay Fire Protection (Contractual) State Retirement System Police and Fire Retire System Local Pension Funds Social Security Workers-Compensation Insurance Life InsuranCe Disability Insurance Medical/Accident Insurance (3) Redemption of Notes Interest on Notes -Redemption of Bonds Interest on Bonds Transfer to Other Funds Other (SpecifY~ontractural TOTAL pAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES 11930.4 $ 13410.1 54104 13410.2 84684 13410.4 19010.8 : 19015.8 19025.8 19030.8 4169 19040.8 21826 19045.8 19055.8 1924 19060.8 908 197 .6 197 .7 19710.6 20000 19710.7 12825 19901.9 164000 A __ 154749 $ 5191a~ Fund/CaSh (1) Balance at ! 38 ! 87 End of Year *18029 198283 $ 717466 **TOTAL $ 717466 (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments' and petty cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. *~These must be equal. CAPZTAL PROJECT~ ~ - BALANCE S~EET - ~ OF December 31 ,1991 Total Cash ~ Inv~iamnt in P~.~h~se Agr~.snts I~gl ? To~I Xnv~simmts Du~ frcx. Othe~ FEJ~ds H391 Total Restricted Assets EDPCODE , 107793 209806 · ITABXLXTXE$ AND ~ E~JITY A~rusg Li~bilili-s A~rued Liabilities To%~1 Li~biXities Fta'~ B~I,anc~ - Reserved C~piisl ~r~ To%~I R-s~r'ved Fu'~d B~lm'~:m - Total F~d Equity 317599 TOTAL LX~BXLXTXES AND FUND E~UITY (FOR DOL~LE ENTRY UNXTS ONLY ) EDPCOOE H600 #601 H H6~'1 H6Z6 H605 $ H630 H63X $ H H69X H8~1 H911 3175qq 317599 3 CAPITAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES Interest and Earnings Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds Other (Specify) Transfer From General Fund Bonds (1)Bond Anticipation Notes Capital Notes TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning of Year *'~i'OTAL ? EDPCODE H2~01 H2710 H2770 H5031 H5710 H5730 H57~0 14814 164000 $ 178814 H8021 196615 $ 375429 pAyMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYHENTS/EXPEND ITURE S Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year (1) Single Entry Units Only *For Double EntrY units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. **These must be equal. EDPCODE H3~lO. 2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 57830 $ 57830 317599 375429 RECEIPTS Zn'l:er,e~'l: mYI EarnJ. ngs ~-"Sm].e of Assets O~h~r (Specify) Transfers TOTAL RECEZPTS Bilm'Y:e Begimil~g of YMr lmTOTAL RECETPTS AND BALANCE PAYHENTS Fire Protection Transfers to Other F~ds O~h~r (Specify) TOTAL PAYIENTS B~l~nce mt End of Year m~TOI'AL PAYHENTS AND BALANCE EDPCOOE R2660 RE770 RSOE1 R3410.2 Rgo01.9 RSO:P9 RESERVE F U N DIS) (FOR SZNGLE ENTRY UNITS 0NLY, DOI~LE ENTRY UNZTS I~JST ZNCLUOE EACH RESERVE /N APPROPRZATE ~ ) To'MI Type of Re.er'ye Type IPurIx)ee) Type (Purlcxme) of Reserve of Reserve e $ $ $ $ e t $ AGENCY Ft,~DS . BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF EDPCOOE Cash ~ash TA~O0 $ Ti"- Deposits TAZ01 Tota! Cash $ A~/NCY flAiD LIABZLITIES EDPCOI)E TAI$ TA17 TA18 TA19 TA20 ~TAZI TA~2 TA?3 TA24 TA~5 TAZ& TA$O TASO TABS TOTAL A..~E'r~ $ TOTAL A~EI~Y LZABI'LZT~ES $ -Pro,fa ~cbinistr~tor rstair, d by district. ~ pr~r~: is ~cbinistr~tsd by ihs district ihs 1t hrg should be used. S~ Servioe A~rds AGar, rating Progra. Procedures dated Septeeber &, 1~90. GENERAL FI'X~D /~ETS ACCI3UHT~ ~ BAL.A/4~E SHEET # AS OF (FG~ Dr~l~_m*_~.E ENTRY ~4XTS GNLY ) Zmprovmmn*s O~h~r ~an Buildings Construction Hork i. Progress EDPCCX)E K101 K10~ KIO3 K10~ KIOS K ZNVESTHENT XN GENERAL FXX~D ,ISSETS Currant Appropri~ion~ Gifts Sta~m A~d Fecbrl! Aid EDPC~OE K1.61 K155 K K TOTAL ZNVESTIf. HT TN GENERAL FZ'XED AS:SETS ~IdERAL LONG-TERH GBLZGAI'ZGNS & BAI.AHCE SHEET ~ AS OF Am~m~s to be provided ~or Long-Tm1 Oblig~ti~r,s EDPCOOE $ FOIl DOLBLE ENTRY UNI'TS ONLY ) EDPCOOE, N6~3 N626 H637 M687 M689 TOTAL AHOI,~T AVAZI.AB, LE AND TO BE PROVZDED TOTAL LZ~BXLXTZES OoNot K~ Trtm~ and Agarmy Funds ............................................................... Tot~l - A11 Fm~l~ ................................................................ ..... A ..... * 198283 ..... H ..... t 317599 ltenkhlmncmsatEndofY~r: Nnm~ndLoc~t~m of B4nk B~nkhlm~e ~mndi~C~sa~ ~tB~nkhlnnce North Fork Bank Southold~ NY $ Q7557 $ 1122 $ 96435 Norstar Bank ~euthe!~. NY 105162 105162 SuffolkCounty National .... Cutchogue, NY 209806 209806 104379 'r~A~ Brldgehampton National Total $ 515782 Southold, NY ~ ~Hend(~teDeposi~ed! ............................................................... $ 1,00 /NVESTMENTS fiELD AT DECEIVER 31, 19 DeKription of Znv~b.nt Purctmse Prioe TOTAL DJ~ESTtLrNI~ .................................................................................... Total B~nk BI~, Cash on H~nd, Pe~%y Cash and Znvestm.nts 9 DETAILED STATENENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Show each issue separately by) EDP Year Outstandin& Issued Redeemed of Interest Beginniug During During Issue Rate of Year Year Year 1 3 5 Outstanding End of Year 7 rial Bond l OR~ a 75% $ 199000 $ $ ?0aaa $ 170000 TOTAL BONDS 2P1877 ~ Xxx ~ 190000 $ $ 20000 ~ 170000 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 1995 170000 NO~eS Tax AnticiPation Notes 2P1861 yy~f X~Uf ~ ~ ~ ~ Revenue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 ~ ~ Budget Notes 2P1863 ~ ~ Capital Notes, 2P1875 ~ ~ Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 ~ X~ TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES I 20000 ?oooo 10 Assessed Valuation Tax Rate EDP o~ Fire District per $1,000 TO~N Code WithinTovn of Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) an,,ehnld $ ?6762661 $ 18.887 $ 5Q5466 - DISTRICT TOTAL ~ 26762661 $ 18.887 ~ 505466 *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shorn at top of page 1 COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District . Equalization WithinTovn Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation -Dividedby Equalization Rate) Southo!d Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE $ ~706z~766 27064766 10613634 EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A To~n B To.nC Assessed Valuation Full Valuation $10,000 5,000 20,000 $35,000 25% 4O% 100% $40,000 12,500 20,000 $72,500 11 Claim Pending - Beginning of Y~r T.r~o].¥ir~ r.~d~fendant/l~ird Party O~r C~i~ O~r - C~i~ di~ of ~ ~ ~r prior to - By I~ ~rrier ~L~li~ - By Judgmnt - O~her ( ~ ) Equils: ' CXaJ~s Pending - End of Year Involving Codefencbnt/Third IMr~y Oefencbnt NOI~CES OF TORT CLA~HS FO~ THE FISCAL YEAR EI4)]~16 19 TOTAL NL~BER OF C~ EDP COOE . NL~ER 9~TR10 9ZTR~S 9ZTR30 9ZTR40 9ZTREO c~ I K&O 9ZTR70 9ZTRSO 9ZTRgQ TOTAL MII~NTOF CL&ZHS EDP C~OE AH~J4T 9ZTRll 9ZTR].& 9ZTR21 9ZTR26 9ZTR~I 9~'R61 9ZTR71 9ZTR81 O~her CXaim 9,,'i a95 9ZTRgl 9ZTR96 TOTAL ~ PAZD ON CI. JL~16 9ZTR3~' 9ZT'R42 9ZTR&2 9Zlli7Z Article 4, Section 50-f of ~h~ ~r~ral H~icip~l L~ of ~ ~ri~ ~ ~ZSSZ~ ~ ~Z~ TZ~e I ~ ~f in ~ offi~ of ~ s~to ~llor ~iii~l info~ti~ or ~ils m ~ ~e claim or ~ti~ of claim. If ~ ~ ~t ~ti~ of 12 NOTZCES OF TO~T CLAZHS FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR EI4)ZN~ 19 -- EDPCODE NLI~ER EDPCOOE ftmlcipeli~'s Ecluit~ble Sh~re EDP~OOE OF CLAZI~ (3) ANKXIHT PAZD GREATER THAH EGUZTABLE SHARE $ 7 9ZTII~ 9ZTRS& 9ZTRS8 8 9ZTR&~ 9ZTR&& 9ZTRG8 9 9ZTRT~ ~ 9ZTRT& 9ZTR78 10 9ZTRS~ 9ZTR86 9ZTR88 11# PJport Pr~q~red By: Title Addt~s D~te 13 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, War~n a- w~l~n~W~ certify that I am the Treasurer of the Southold (Please Print or Type Name) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 1991 Signature Address P.O. Box 908, Southold, NY Telephone (516) 765-3385 Dated February 17 , 19 91 Area Code 11971 CHAIRI~N OF THE BOARD Name Albert A. Salmon Address Youngs Ave., Southold, NY Telephone (516 ~ 765-3385 Area Code STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF TIlE STATE COMPTROLL£R 14