HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992All Numbers In This Report Hust be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar ANNUAL REPORT Method of Accountin& (Check One) ......,. Si~le Entry Cash . Doubi~ Entry MOdified AdCrual OF THE FEB lq 1993 FIRE I) I ST[tCT TREASURER NA~E OF DISTRICT TO~ OR TOtfNS OF COUNTY OF IN TIlE THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Coe~issioners ~/ or Tmm Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law "1. ~eve~fire~districtaa;shall Annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the *~treasurer of each fireaaadistrict~*.'' "5. All reports shall be' certified by the officer makin~ the sase and shall be filed with the Coe~trolhr within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of suchaaadtstrtct~.' PLEASE NAIL REPORT TO: Revised 1991 State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Hunicipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Buildins Albany, New York 12236 Tilw~ Deq~ei~s Pe~ CMh To, il C~ gENERAL ~ - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF EDPCODE A200 , A201 A210 TohX ~tmnt Ow rrm. OMI~r F~b A391 SM~e ~nd Fedm~l Rlmeivlbles S~ ~nd Feclm~l, 04h~r To~l S~e ~nd Fedm~l boeivd)les A410 Znvlntory A4~5 To~i R~rict~d Ameers Aoort~d Li.biliti~ Aoort~d Li.bilitie~ Ik~ to Employees' I~tir~.snt To~l Aooured Li~bilitie~ ~t~ Pey,blo T~x' ~ntioipetion To4~l I~t.~ Ps~mble Du~ t~ Other 8ov~nlants De~erred Ravanu~ Tobl Liabilities FUND E~UZTY Fuld &B]~e - Reserved Enouubflnces Debt To~:BI ~ Apprc~ie~ Yeer's Budgo~ To~I Urlreee~.ved F~d Equity TOTAL LXABXLXTZES N4) FLI4) E~UZTY ( FOIt DOUBLE ENTRY UNZTS ONLY) EDPCODE A600 * A~OX A637 $ A620 * A6~l A630 , A690 , A63! A691 A~IO A911 $ GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCoDE Real Property Taxes A1001 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 Rentals A2410 Sale of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Refund of Expenditures A2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Unclassified Revenue A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax AnticipattonNotes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginnins of Year A8021 Notes: PAYHENTS/EXPEND ITURES EDPCODE Judsments and Claims Personal Services Equipment/Capital Outlay Fire Protection (Contractual) State Retirement System Police and Fire Retire System Local Pension Funds Social Security Workers Compensation Insurance Life Insurance Disability Insurance Hospital/Medical Insurance (3) Redemption of Notes Interest on Notes Redemption of Bonds Interest on Bonds Transfer to Other Funds Other (Specify) A1930.4 A3410.1 A3410.2 A3410.4 Ag010 8 Ag0L5 8 A9025 8 A9030 8 A9040 8 A9045 8 A9055.8 A9060.8 A97 ~. 6 A97 .7 A9710.6 A9710.7 A9901.9 A TOTAL PAYI'IENTS/EXPEND I TURES ~ Fund/Cash (1) Balance at End of Year *A8029 (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. investments and petty ~These must be equal. 2 CAPZTAL PROJECTS FIJqD -BA~ ~HErr -,l S OF CHh H~O0 To~liZ Ceeb Totll Znw~hlm~:s Due fr~ll OthM' F~cb H391 To~l ~ea~rio~d &~e~ ~x~ued Liabilities kx~ued Liabilities TotmX Liabilities Fu,~d Bullncm - Riser,red c~i~l bserv. To~al ~ Fu~cl Balmnoe -~ To~al ~ Fu~d 6qoi~ TOTAL LZ~XLXTXES NE) FUND EGUZTY (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY ~ ONLY ) H601 H H626 $ H60S H630 H631 H H69X * H8~1 * H911 $ CAPITAL FUND R~CE IPTS/REVEgtlES Interest and Earnings Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds Other (Specify) Transfer From General Fund Bonds (1)Bond Anticipation Notes Capital Notes TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash Balance at Beg~-~ing of Year EDPCODE H2~01 H2710 H2770 H5031 H5710 H5730 I'L5740 H8021 PA~qENTS/EXPEND ITURE S Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund .Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYNENTS/EXPEND ITURE S Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year EDPCODE H3410.2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 (1) Single Entry Units Only *For Double Entry Units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. **These must be equal. gutAL PAYHENTS hl~e it End of Yet mgrOTAL PAY~ENI~ ~ND BAIJ~ICE EDPC~E R~01 IL~770 RSO$1 RBO~I R.q4,10. ~' R9901.9 RESERVE F U'N DIS) (FOR SZNGLE ENTRY LDIZTS ONI. Y) DOUBLE EHTRY UNZTS HUST ZNCLUOE EACH RESERVE ZN APPROPRZA~ FUND) of Remove of ~ of Rmm~e . , 0 mm'l: be mi. AGEN~ FUI4)S # BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF ASSETS Time Deposits TAR01 To~I Cash I~tsent in Securiti# TA4BO kcu~iti# ~ It~tll~i-- TAqBS Aor. rt~d Xn~orost on Securitie~ TA4BB C~h end Securitis Nith Deferred Ccmp. P~n Pr~vicbr TA460 ~Servioe ~rd Program Assets TA4~I EOPCODE TA~$ TA~7 TA~ TAI9 TA~I TA~ TA~ TA~q TA~5 TA~& TA~O TASO TA&5 TOTAL A~,~mtinl] Progrlm Prooedures cb'Ir, ed Sep4~ber 6, 1990. Corm~r~ion ~ in ~ TOTAL 4SSLrTS K101 KIO~: lC K ~JVESltlENT 1N GENERAL FI~D ASSETS Fedmll Aid K1~1 K1.6~ K1~$ KI.~, Klg7 K TOTAL ~WESllqEMF ~ G~IERAL F/X~D ~ EI~IERAL L01~-TERH OBI.TGAI'Z0NS # BALANCE SHEET # AS OF E~ $ N12S LTABZLZTZES Bonds Pe,y.b.l.e ~tioip~ti~n C~pi~al No,es I~y~ble t~ E.pZoy~s' ~*ir~nt system .637 C..p.n~ted ~ ~7 TOTAL ~ AVA.TI.ABLE AHI) TO BE PROVZDED TOTAL LZABZLZTZES 8 BeZenoes by F~d et End of V~r:(Znolude ~ in checking ~ooounts, tim- dnposits, inv~stBmts ~nd petty =~) ,...., ,.., ................................................ , .................. , .......... , ..... , ~ ~,'-/-/,,. Cipitll Trust ~nd To4~1 - 43.1 FtBde. ........................................................................... 4~ / ~IP~) / ¢4~) / q. b~ m.endth~Oepo~i~) ............................................................... Petty Cash ................................................................................. FLIld ZNVESTILq4TS HELD AT DECEI'BER 31, 19 Purohl~e Pri°e iu,AL ZI¢~STHENTS .................................................................................... Total ~ Beinnom, C~Bh on Hencl, Petty Ciah end 'rnvewlmm'Tts DETAILED STATENENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Sho~ each issue separately by) Year Outstandius Issued Redeemed Outstand~ of Interest Beg~nn/ng During Durin& End ~ Issue Rate of Year Year Year of Year 1 3 5 7' EDP Code TOTAL BONDS 2PlS77 XXXX XXX 9 ~ ~ ~ TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECENBER Notes Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 XXXX Revenue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 XXXX Budget Notes 2P1863 XXXX Capital Notes 2P1875 Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 XXXX xxX TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEHBER 31 · ~)TAL BONDS AND NOTES Ixxxx I ~ 19 19 19 19 10 Assessed Valuation EDP of Fire District TO~ Code With~nTo~n Tax Rate Amount of Tax per $1,000 (Assessed Valuation of'Assessed Valuation Nultiplied by Tax Rate) *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as sho~n at top of page 1 COHPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABI~ REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equal/zation TO~ With/nTo~n Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EXAHP~P. OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION:' To~nA To. nB To~n C Assessed Valuation Full Valuation 910,000 5,000 20~000 935,000 25~ ~0~ 100~ 940,000 12,500 20~000 ~72~500 11 NO17CE$ OF TORT CLA]]qS FOIl THE FTSCAL YE~ ENBXNB 19 , TOTAL NU~ER OF CLADIS EDP COOE NU~ER TOTAL N~NT OF CLA~HS TOTAL Jt#01JNT PAZD ON CLAZHS EDP CGOE W ~' EOP C:OO~ AHOUNT 9ZTRll 9ZTRX6 9ZTR~X 9~FR26 9ZTIt42 9ZT'R51 9ZTRS2' 9ZT'R61 9ZT'R6~' 9ZIllTX .. 9ZTRT~ Eq~ls: Cbims Pending - Er~ of Y~r Xmmlving .Codefencbn~Third Par~y Oefencbnt 9ZTRgO 9ZTRgl Other C]~ims 9ZTRg.q 9ZTR96 Article 4; S~tion EO-f of h ~n~ral "3.e. EKh officer dmrged .i~h ~he du~y of mk/ng ~nd Keeping tho rooord of claim *h~ll gov~rnin8 Ix~d of such. m~icipel corporation or of such au~hori~ or ooamiision and shull file · oopy thereof in b offioo .of.b sbb mmptroll~r .ithin ~ix~y d~ys afar ~he clo~ of ~he fim~l y~r of such .u~icilml m~r, tion or cf such authority or ~o.miisi~n. A ~amzcqml corporation, mJthorit7 or ocmmission ~quirod b~ saction thirt7 of ihs 9smr*l mmioipml lan to file ~n ~t~l~ ~11 {ils ~ ~t ~i~ ~ ~is ati~ ~i~ ~ fi~i.l ~t." Tort C~im fi~ or di~ of, p~ .~ ~" ~ ~m ~i$ ~rt ~i~ ~ ~ F~i&l 6 7 8 9 10 12 (1) NUI, BER EDIq~DE Hr~ic:~peli~y's Equi't:Bb].e hre C:I. AZHS l$) AHOI,,INT PAZD GREATER THAN EGUi'TABLE SIIARE 7 gZTItS4 g~I'RS6 9ZTRS8 tbqx~t Prmmred By: Titl~ Phon~ Nddmr 13 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER (Please Print or Type Na~e) Fire District and that the following report is a true~n_d,orrect statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, Sisnature CHAI~AN OF THE BOARD AddresJ~ ~6 ~'~ Telephone ~7~~ Area Code STATE OF NEt/ YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COHI~ROLLER 14