HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997ALL, Numbers In This Report Nu~t be Nounded to the Nearest DoLLar HethodofAccountin~ (Check One) SingLe Entry Cash DoubLe Entry HodifJed Accrual ANNUAL REPORT RECZIVm FEB 2 0 1998 OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEHBER 31, 1997 NAI4E OF DISTRICT __~"---~'~ /~ ~ THE PLease check here if the treasurer's ~, address end/or telephone number is different from Last year. THE DISTRICT iS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Coamissioners .~or ToNn Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General #.nicilmL La. -1. ***every***fire***district***shall annually make s report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ***treasurer of each fire**edistrJct***." "5. ALL reports shaLL be certified by the officer making the s~ and shalL be filed ,ith the Comptroller ,ithin sixty days after the close of the fiscal yesr of such***distrfct***.' PLEASE HAIL REPORT TO: State of Neff York Office of the State Comptroller Division of NunicipaL Affairs Bureau of llunicipaL Research and Statistics Governor ALfred E. Smith State Office Building ALbany, Ne, York 12~6 Revised 1996 Tim GENERAL FUND - BAU~CE ~ET - AS OF A~O0 A~O1 A~IO $ lnv~t.m~ in RapuPch.~ Ag~Nmanta To~l Xnv~tmant Due from Other Fu~cls A391 ·nd F~d~r~l Rm~ivables State .nd FmJ~ll, Other Total S~l~ ~nd F~r~l R~ceiv~bles A~IO fro. Other lnvantory A44S Total RestrlotsdA~aet~ LZAB1'LZI'ZES AHD FUHD EilUZTY Aoommta P~y. ble (FOR IKXI3LE ENTRY LFIZTS ONLY ) EDPCODE A600 Aooru~d Liabiliti~ Ao~ruad Liabilities Bm to E~ploy~e~' Retirement Total A~urmJ Liabilities A60~ A6~7 A620 $ A6~l $ A630 $ A690 A691 $ $ A821 AS~S A882 ASS~ Tot~l Rmmrved Appraprimted-EnmJing Y--r*$ Budget LIn~pproprimted Total Unreserved Aglo A911 Fu~d Equity TOTAL L.T,~BI'LTT~ES ,4/4) FLI4) E~U/TY CAPZ. TAL PRO3EC~ ~ - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY IJNXT~ ONLY ) EDPCOOE ~ H~OO TiBe I)eoO~i'ts H201 Tot~! Total Rsstrioted Assets LZ~BZL.TTIES N4) FUHD EQUITY A,~G~t$ Pm~ble Ac~r~md Lisbililies AcmnJod tid)ililios Deferred Rmmnu~s To~l Liabilities FLed B~llnm - Iba~ervod C.lpit~l ~ Toiml Jtmmrvod Find hllno~ - Um-eserv~l To~l Urv'eS~rv~ FtmcI Equii~ TOTAL LZABZLZ'rZES N4) FUHD Ei~JZTY EDPCO~E H600 H601 H H621 H626 H605 H630 H631 fl H691 $ H821 H878 H91! TOTAL PAYHENTS Be]~oe Bt End of Yemr m~TOTAL PAYHENTS NID BALAHCE R~&&O R:~770 R50~1 R80~1 R3410. ~ R99el. 9 RESERVE FUNDIS) I FOR SINGLE EHTRY UNZTS ONLY, D43UBLE ENTRY UNZTS HUST ZNCLUDE EACH RESERVE ZN APPROPRZATE FUND ) of Reserve of Reserve of Reserve $ $ $ ~IERAL FZXED ;ISSETS ACCOUNT'S # BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF EDPCODE Lm'K! K101 Buildings KIO~ Xnproveeents Other ~ ){ld~ir, er~ I,nd EqUil:,mln't K].04 Comtr~tion Nor~ in Pr~,. K'~O5 K K ~N~ESTt~NT I'N GENERAL FZXED ASSETS Bonds ~ld Notes KIE1 ;if ts K~3 S~tl A~d K~ F~I Aid K~7 TOTAL ZIWESTI~NT TN GENERAL F/XED ASSETS K K RECOII::'r LZA'rZON ealmnoes by F~nd et and of Yeer~tlr~lude rash in t~loking ee~o~nts, ~i~e deposits, ir~esbue~ts ar~ petty cash) o.,.,.,.~. ,,M .............................................................................. ,, ..... ,,, t~¢, ~":'. To'tel - AIl Fce~ls Ou~l~ing ChocAs Ca~mHer~lh~Deposi~) ............................................................. Fm"KI ZNVE~I~NTS H~LO AT DECF. I~ER 31, 19 Price Tobl Be~ hbwmes, Ceth on Hand, Pe'l:~y Ceeb and lnvesbmnts 9 Assessed Valuation Tax Rate EDP of Fire District per $1,000 TOI~N Code Within Town of Assessed Valuation *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as sho~n at top-of p-~~ CONPUTATiON OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY- A~ount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Hultiplied by Tax Rate) ASsessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization TOI/N ¥ith/nTo~n Rate Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code EXAHPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) 71, 7 To~nA To~n B To~n C Assessed Valuation Full Valuation 11 $10,000 5,000 20~000 $35,000 25% 40% 100% ShO,O00 12,500 _20,000 ~72~500 14~T/CE$ OF TORT CLAIMS THE FISCAL YEAR EI4)ZNG 19 ~ EDPC~DE NUI~ER EDPCODE Hrmic:ipelity's Equihd)l. hr*-, OF CI.AZHS EDPCOOE (3) ~ P~D (aP. EATER ~ EGUZT~BLE Sli_ADK 7 8 10 9ZTRS~ 9ZTRS~ 9ZTR.~ 9ZTR~ 9ZTR&& ~ 9ZTR68 9ZTRT~ 9ZTR7& 9ZTR78 9ETR~ 9ZTRB& 9ZTR88 Name Address TiUe Ptmne Hudmr 13