Fishers Island, N. Y.
Jan. 4, 1940·
Toen Clerk,
Southold, N. Y.
Dear Sir:
At the first Annual Election of the ~ishers
Island ~'ire District, held at the Fire House, Fishers
Island, N. Y. on December 5, 19~9, the following offic-
ers were elected:
Henry L. Ferguson, ~'ire Commissioner 5 years
Alexander G. Pendleton, " 4
~eorge H. Cameron, "
Mary Y. Edmonds, " 2 "
Ser~e J. Doyen, " 1 "
Ha~s Co Ha~sen,
~reasurer ~ "
On January 1, 1940 the officers elected at
Annual Meeting held Dec. 5, 1939 me~ and organized.
George H. Cameron was elected Chairman.
Hans C. Hansen resigned a ~¥easurer because
of conditions that have arisen since Annual Meeting
and making it impossible for him to serve, l~esign~-
tion was accepted.
Serge J. Doyen resigned as a Fire Conmissioner.
Resignatien was accepted. Albert Romania was elected
a Fire Commissioner to fill vacancy caused by resigna-
tion of Mr. Doyen.
Serge J. Doyen was elected Treasurer- SeC-
retary to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mr.
The officers of the Fishers Island Fire
District now are:
Henry L. Ferguson, Fire Con~issioner
Alexander. G. Pendleton "
~eorge H. Cazneron,
~ry Y. Edmonds,
Albert Romania,
Fire Commissioner
Serge J. Doyen,
~.-e&surer-Secre tary.
Please send the necessary qualification forms to the
Secretary, Serge J. Doyen, ffishers Island, N. Y.
H. C. Bansen,
Former Treasurer- Secy.