HomeMy WebLinkAboutThompson Signal Devices, INC THIS AGREEMENT made this ~--day of March, 1972, between THOMPSON SIGNAL DEVICES, INC., a domestic corporation having its office at Watersedge Road, Southampton, New York, hereinafter called "Thompson", and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York having its office at 16 South Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the "Town". WHEREAS, Thompson is engaged in the business of the installation, maintenance and operation of alarm systems and equipment in residential, business and industrial premises in the Town of Southold and in connection therewith desires to install an alarm control center in the police headquarters, building of the Town of Southold at Peconic, New York for the purpose of monitoring alarms of burglar systems installed and operated by Thompson as well as any and all burglar alarm systems which may be installed by other persons or firms in the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, the Town believes that it is in the public interest that a central alarm control center be installed in the communication center of the Southold Town Police Department and monitored by the personnel of the Southold Town Police Department, subject to the terms and conditions here- inafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town does hereby give permission to Thompson to furnish, install and maintain in the communications control center of the Town police headquarters building at Peconic, New York, a forty-eight zone remote enunciator together with all necessary control equipment at the sole cost and expense of Thompson subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (a) Control· Inc. · Thompson does hereby agree as follows: To furnisl% install and maintain a model~J~-/~ - O~/o~ Design forty-eight zone remote enunciator including any and all equipment for the proper operation thereof. (b) When authorized by the Town Police Chief· to connect and/or disconnect all burglar alarm systems installed by Thompson or others.~ Notwithstanding the foregoingj with respect to any alarm system not owned by Thompsor~ Thompson shall only'be responsible for the work required to connect such system from the telephone control panel in the police building basement to the communications console. (c) To make all repairs to such equipment within twelve hours of notification by the Town. (d) To connect or disconnect any alarm system within forty- eight hours of notification by the Town. (e) To charge a fee of not more than $45.00 for the connection of any burglar alarm system in the town alarm control center nor a monthly service fee of more than $5.00 to any person or firm whose alarm system is connected to said alarm control center without prior written approval of the Southold Town Board. (f) To hold the Town of Southold free and harmless of and from any claims which may be asserted by others by reason of any acts or omis- sions of Thompson in its performance of this agreement. 3. It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the Town will not permit any other persons or firms to connect alarm systems into its communication center under terms and conditions more favorable than those imposed upon Thompson for the connection of its alarm systems into the To~ffs Communication center. 4. Upon the expiration of the term of this agreement or any exten- sions or renewals thereof· it is agreed by the parties hereto that equipment installed by Thompson shall remain in police headquarters building for a term of sixty days after such termination. It is further agreed by the parties hereto that if Thompson at any time discontinues its present business operations in the Town of Southold or goes out of business that the Town shall have the option to purchase the equipment installed by Thompson at the price of $ ~0'g) less depreciation at the rate of 10% per year. The Town shall exercise such option by giving written notice thereof to Thompson within 60 days of receiving written notice from Thompson that it has discontinued its business operations in the Town or that it is going out of business, as the case may be, whereupon such pur- chase shall be consummated within thirty days of the giving of such notice. 5. It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the Town assumes no responsibility or liability for the operation of such system and Thompson does hereby release and discharge the Town of and from any and all claims, demands and causes of action for damages with respect to any act and/or omission of the Town or its agents and employees in the opera- tion of any alarm system installed at the Southold Town police headquarters. 6. This agreement shall take effect on the ~---day of March, 1972, and shall terminate on the 7~day of March, 1975. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, the term of this agreement shall be automatically extended for successive one year terms, upon the same terms and conditions as herein provided, unless either party hereto gives written notice to the other party not less than sixty days prior to the expiration of the then existing term that the term of this agreement shall not be so extended. 7. Thompson shall not assign this agreement or any of the provisions hereof to any other person or firm without prior written consent of the Town, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. THOMPSON SIGNAL DEVICES, INC. No. TOWN OF~SOU~PI-IOLD ~d in Ki,~. ~ - · ]~[i~r'Supervisor - ~-~ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: On the ~/ day of March, 1972, before me personally came /~ ~;c~c--t~_~ , to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ~c~Z~'- of THOMPSON SIGNAL DEVICES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregging instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by lil~. e order. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the / I day of ~v~-~' 1972, before me personally came ~, t6 me known, whoj being by me duly sworn, did depose and say thai he resides at ' - New York; that he is the ~Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the municipal corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said Town; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, and he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public / ~DN.~/R. ANGELII